Topic: Why doesn't 'God' follow the rules? | |
isaac: This is a very common line of reason... seems reasonable even, I suppose. Perhaps though there is another way to place value into the suggestion, from another type of mathematical perspective... We must first establish a frame of value assessment... with each variable given a value of +1 or -1, in order to establish the mathematical sum of the proposition... Belief in a biblical 'God' for a believer would be +1... For a non-believer it would be a -1, because a non-believer would have to disregard their true feelings on the matter. This would be considered a negative thing for someone who had no desire to change their belief system. So, for a believer your statement would make sense... A) To believe in this biblical 'God' = +1 B) To live according to this biblical 'God' = +1 C) To live as one truly believes = +1 D) To find out that the biblical 'God' was true = +1 E) To find out the biblical 'God' is false = -1 Simple math for one who tends to believe... Best case a value of 4... worst case a value of 3... Nothing to lose right? However, let us look at the non-believer's perspective, who has their life choices and personal beliefs to lose, should the biblical 'God' prove false... A) To believe in this biblical 'God' = -1 B) To live according to this biblical 'God' = -1 C) To live as one truly believes = +1 D) To find out that the biblical 'God' was true = -1 or +1 E) To find out the biblical 'God' is false = +1 or -1 If a non-believer chose A and B that value would begin as a -2... Now then, the only other variables which could change this beginning value are D and E, and then the sum would still total a -1... or a -3... However, should the non-believer choose C it starts out as a +1... then should D be the case the sum would be 0. Yet, if E was the case then the sum would be +2... Replace the term 'God' with the term 'hell'... and follow it again, my friend... Hey i'd just like to point out one of your previous posts.... I am not so sure you truly want to use negative numbers to equate a relationship between 'God' and Jesus... Negative numbers do not exist. Show me, physically what constitutes a value of negative one. Negative numbers equate to an equal measure of non-existance. Logical premises are indeed selected beforehand, and all must follow. I have given the premise(with the irrefutable logic to support) that a creator 'God' must be indivisible, to which you had agreed. Indivisible cannot be divided into separate. Just based on your own words how are you using negative numbers to prove something? Remember you said they don't exist... So the math equals +1 +1 +1 all the way |
I somehow knew that one would mention this...
Easy enough... If one would have read a little more judiciously, one would gained another perspective, instead of considering only half of the possibilities... I am not comparing 'Gods' existence to Jesus' by using negative numbers... the example was by using a -1 and a +1 to equate value between the two, which they are not of equal value, as I already explained. Negative numbers do not exist. Show me, physically what constitutes a value of negative one. Negative numbers equate to an equal measure of non-existance.
My suggestion was not to place a value of non-existance to a creator 'God'. However, a non-believer has no problem with placing a value of non-existance to a 'God', therefore... What is your point again? |
Negative numbers do not exist. Show me, physically what constitutes a value of negative one. Negative numbers equate to an equal measure of non-existance.
My suggestion was not to place a value of non-existance to a creator 'God'. However, a non-believer has no problem with placing a value of non-existance to a 'God', therefore... What is your point again? Sounds like a rationalization. Based on your beleifs negative number can or cannot exist. But if you don't think they exist that is your opinion. They are in math for a reason...just like God is in all living things for a reason. And although you can't see them or Him physically they do in fact exist. That is my point. Sure you can say that because you don't beleive that God is a negative value in your opinion because you see him as non-existent so therefore you can assign a negative value based on your opinions. But in order for you to be able to assign a negative value to something that would mean that you would have to beleive in negative numbers....making them exist again. It would be like having someone telling a remote tribe somewhere about an airplane that carries people through the sky...they have never seen it and would laugh at you and say that it didn't exist...just because they have never seen one. But than later having that same guy compare something to an airplane as if he understood everyworking aspect of it. My point? in order to equate something to something else you have to have two things that you know do exist. In your case negative number and positive numbers. But you already said that negative numbers are a non-existance...So because of that you can only use positive numbers. That was my point. |
Ok, isaac...
I see what you mean. Perhaps I should not have written that negative numbers do not exist. Although they truly do not, because they are a measure of non-existance, the notion does exist to be able to consider an equal measure of that non-existance. I will clarify this further, for whomever is interested. You have still missed my point with Eljay. For one who supports the notion of a biblical 'God' to use a negative in support of their claim, may not be the wisest comparison. Eljay said: ... To be one in essense does not follow that they must be one in existance. Just as one squared is equal to negative one squared, both, as multiplyers are equal in essence, but are different numbers....
This comparison equates either 'God' or Jesus to one squared, and the other to negative one squared. What is required to equate those two mathematical values is multiplication, which is a manmade concept of measure, that actually may not be accurate anyway. None-the-less... Leave out the multiplication and you are left with this... 'God' = -1 Jesus = +1 or vice-versa... Either way one of the two has a value of non-existance placed upon it, which, I myself, would not place onto a 'God'... unless, of course, I were to not believe in a 'Gods' existence... Not to mention the fact of equating a divine entity to a number, whether it be a negative or a positive... In the counter-example proposed by myself, against your reasoning for believing the Bible, the numbers represented the value placement by one onto how one believes, and thereby lives accordingly, not equating a numeric value to a 'God' or Jesus. That does make it a little different, would you not say? That's all I was saying in that regard... |