Topic: Licenses.
thatonegirl05's photo
Sun 02/03/08 03:57 PM
I don't understand how some people have their license.
Driving home from work today, some guy turning left, when I had the green light, decided to try and turn before I got to the corner, and the ba$tard nearly slammed into me. Then from then on, he decided to tailgate me, until I had to go a separate way,
and took the time to flip me off. Like, honestly.. After a long day, I wanna go home and relax, not end up in the hospital.

kayak69's photo
Sun 02/03/08 03:59 PM
Sounds like an average day here in Phoenix.

DrX's photo
Sun 02/03/08 03:59 PM
carry a gun just for show, flip it in the air, they will back off

Sassier2u's photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:00 PM
Sorry but some people drive with there @%$ instead of ther heads

cplichristmd's photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:00 PM
hopefully he will drive into a river and drown

kayak69's photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:01 PM

carry a gun just for show, flip it in the air, they will back off

Or Shoot first, BANG, YOUR DEAD.

no photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:02 PM

I don't understand how some people have their license.
Driving home from work today, some guy turning left, when I had the green light, decided to try and turn before I got to the corner, and the ba$tard nearly slammed into me. Then from then on, he decided to tailgate me, until I had to go a separate way,
and took the time to flip me off. Like, honestly.. After a long day, I wanna go home and relax, not end up in the hospital.

I know what you mean. I was making a left turn at an intersection when the idiot in the right lane decides to want to make a left. So what does said idiot do? Simple- he CUTS in front of me and almost broadsides two other drivers in on-coming traffic while making his turn.

Seems like more and more driver's licenses are coming from Cracker Jack boxes as of late. noway

thatonegirl05's photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:06 PM

hopefully he will drive into a river and drown
I'd feel bad if that happened, but at least the roads would be a bit safer ;]

I know what you mean. I was making a left turn at an intersection when the idiot in the right lane decides to want to make a left. So what does said idiot do? Simple- he CUTS in front of me and almost broadsides two other drivers in on-coming traffic while making his turn.

Seems like more and more driver's licenses are coming from Cracker Jack boxes as of late. noway

Most certainly. I don't know, lately I've been noticing a lot of bad driving, and it's really starting to get on my nerves.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:07 PM
They will give any fool a drivers lisense!!! explode

Driving is a privilage! Many have forgotton that!
Wish more people would get their headds out of their azzes while driving. In one split second it can change a life forever...

crackerjack123's photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:09 PM
only yesterday i had some idiot decide, after sitting in the left turn lane coming out of a parking lot forever, that she wanted to turn right...nearly slammed into me as *I* am in the right turn lane taking my turn appropriately!

no photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:10 PM

hopefully he will drive into a river and drown
I'd feel bad if that happened, but at least the roads would be a bit safer ;]

I know what you mean. I was making a left turn at an intersection when the idiot in the right lane decides to want to make a left. So what does said idiot do? Simple- he CUTS in front of me and almost broadsides two other drivers in on-coming traffic while making his turn.

Seems like more and more driver's licenses are coming from Cracker Jack boxes as of late. noway

Most certainly. I don't know, lately I've been noticing a lot of bad driving, and it's really starting to get on my nerves.

Which wouldn't be a problem (the bad driving... not the "getting on the nerves" thing) if the cops would crack down on those idiots who have to screw things up for everybody else. It's almost like they're on perpetual break or something- I've seen a number of incidents where some fool almost caused some vehicular mayhem in front of the police, only to have nothing happen.

I bet those idiot drivers are also the ones sprouting idiot kids, too. noway

curios789's photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:11 PM
I don't have my license.

thatonegirl05's photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:11 PM
Edited by thatonegirl05 on Sun 02/03/08 04:12 PM
People with their damn turning.

Coming out of my work the other week,
this honking van was in front of me pulling out of the parking lot, and if he would have even have been courteous enough to signal, tell me what way he was going, so I could either go around him, or stay behind him, then as he's about to go, he signals, and turns the opposite way of what he signaled and the opposite way of what I was going, so I sat there for a good 5-7 unnecessary minutes.

no photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:16 PM
OMG!!!! I could tell you stories ALL NIGHT, about crazy drivers in my path, or what I have seen,,,lol
And then the BAD ones where they are laying DEAD on the road, when I drove by the scene..

PLEASE, everyone, before ya ever leave a stop,,,left-right-left.
with YOUR eyes, before pulling forwards, and SLOW-DOWN, life is to damm short as it is, the life you save WILL ALWAYS thank you..:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :cry:

no photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:17 PM

People with their damn turning.

Coming out of my work the other week,
this honking van was in front of me pulling out of the parking lot, and if we would have even have been courteous enough to signal, tell me what way he was going, so I could either go around him, or stay behind him, then as he's about to go, he signals, and turns the opposite way of what he signaled and the opposite way of what I was going, so I sat there for a good 5-7 unnecessary minutes.

It gets worse when the idiot decides to get "macho" and get in your face about THEIR poor driving.

There was this one time where I was parking at a pizza joint (picking up a take-out order) when some bloated asshole comes up to me- he claims I cut him off somewhere in the immediate past (the fool couldn't even get his story straight- he was well ahead of me and cut off a couple of other motorists) and said he was gonna drag me out of my car and beat me to death.

But then I got up out of my car.

To make a long story short, I've never seen a paunchy, no-neck slob run away as fast as he did. It was funny. laugh

thatonegirl05's photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:24 PM
Hah. That's awesome. I'm not very intimidating and if I tried to stand up to someone, I can guarantee you'd I'd end up apologizing.

curios789's photo
Sun 02/03/08 04:25 PM
My brother, who lives in Indiana, had never driven in his life before. He's now 19. He just went into the DMV, and he said, "I've never driven a car in my life." They asked how old he was, and when he told them, they gave him the written test and just gave him his license. This just shows why this stuff happens.