Topic: GOD | |
whats the point of and opinion if you share it with no one? whats the point of a voice if you never speak to anyone with it?
God Always Was and Always Will Be.. He is The Great I am ,,, if you ever once , just once experience his presence , then you too will know .. pray and you will then see the answer you need.. i was lead guitarist in the church. i prayed everyday for 5 years. and i still felt a hole. i tried my hardest to feel this jesus everyone spoke of. but i never seriously can say i felt him in that 5 years. and i tried oh so hard too. but never. so dont tell me to try. i held christianity there only as a security blanket. |
first i believe in a god just not one that is personally involved with us second i dont believe in faith. i believe in reason and logic. faith is a placeholder for something thats not real you cant say "i believe in reason and logic." and say you dont believe in faith. thats illogical in and of itself. you put your FAITH in reason and logic. faith is anything you belive to be true and value as right. faith is not bound to a religion. if you are an atheist you have FAITH that god does not exsist. people have a complete misunderstanding of the word for some crazy and unexplainable reason. where is ther any kind of logic in christianity? theres not yet millions believe in it i cannot believe in something just because so many others do this makes much more sense then saying you dont believe in faith. christianity is a joke. i belive in god but i can not advocate for a system that only pursues status and social acceptence rather then truth and real practice of its so called faith. how can one worship a homeless man on sunday and then reject another on monday? americans, not just christians have their values in all the wrong places. |
whats the point of and opinion if you share it with no one? whats the point of a voice if you never speak to anyone with it? |
whats the point of and opinion if you share it with no one? whats the point of a voice if you never speak to anyone with it? i agree. sorry if you misunderstand me i dont want to seem like i think im right and your wrong i just striking up thought that goes beyond surface leve. on a side note that reply was direct towads adelines comment on how frivalous it was to argue over such things |
whats the point of and opinion if you share it with no one? whats the point of a voice if you never speak to anyone with it? i agree. sorry if you misunderstand me i dont want to seem like i think im right and your wrong i just striking up thought that goes beyond surface leve. on a side note that reply was direct towads adelines comment on how frivalous it was to argue over such things |
Everyone always says, "If there is a God, prove it"
Well I say, "If there isn't a God prove that" As far as all the different religions out there, I believe they all point to the same God, however there are still some polytheism religions still out there. I however believe in god, but in a Deism way. Thats just my humble opinion! |
Everyone always says, "If there is a God, prove it" Well I say, "If there isn't a God prove that" As far as all the different religions out there, I believe they all point to the same God, however there are still some polytheism religions still out there. I however believe in god, but in a Deism way. Thats just my humble opinion! |
Man made God As soon as man could read and write then God Always existed. |
The problem with believing in reason and logic is, it too is flawed.
One would have to assume that every single society follows the SAME reasoning and logic that you do. In order for that to happen they must all have the same ideals that you have. Let me give an example if I may. In North America primarily, we have a voracious appetite for fast food burgers. Logic and reasoning to these fast food operations dictate that to meet the demand, they need to whack down MORE rainforest in South America and elsewhere for cattle farms. I imagine that the peoples of the area where the rainforest once stood are wondering why the hell did someone come and destroy their means of providing for their families?? Never mind the fact that the act of whacking down huge tracts of rainforest is the equivalent of ripping out the lungs of our world.Great logic there. Rip out hundreds of thousands of hectares of oxygen producers and replace them with a factory to keep supplying high fat foods to a lazy and/or overburdened population in another hemisphere. I'm not knocking anyones "faith" in logic and reasoning, I'm just saying it's as flawed as every other belief system simply because man plays the integral role in it. If you don't believe it's flawed than read the news, we have gone and F***ED this planet of ours up, maybe past the point of no return all in the name of progress. Well I guess it works cuz we sure are progressing pretty damn fast towards our own self-extinction. |
The problem with believing in reason and logic is, it too is flawed. One would have to assume that every single society follows the SAME reasoning and logic that you do. In order for that to happen they must all have the same ideals that you have. Let me give an example if I may. In North America primarily, we have a voracious appetite for fast food burgers. Logic and reasoning to these fast food operations dictate that to meet the demand, they need to whack down MORE rainforest in South America and elsewhere for cattle farms. I imagine that the peoples of the area where the rainforest once stood are wondering why the hell did someone come and destroy their means of providing for their families?? Never mind the fact that the act of whacking down huge tracts of rainforest is the equivalent of ripping out the lungs of our world.Great logic there. Rip out hundreds of thousands of hectares of oxygen producers and replace them with a factory to keep supplying high fat foods to a lazy and/or overburdened population in another hemisphere. I'm not knocking anyones "faith" in logic and reasoning, I'm just saying it's as flawed as every other belief system simply because man plays the integral role in it. If you don't believe it's flawed than read the news, we have gone and F***ED this planet of ours up, maybe past the point of no return all in the name of progress. Well I guess it works cuz we sure are progressing pretty damn fast towards our own self-extinction. Your mixing capitalism up with logic. I think the arguments you use against the people whacking down our lungs ![]() |
lol well I'm not exactly the one that mixed up capitalism with logic, someone did that loooong before me I just pointed it out.
As far as my using logic in my argument, I never said there was no use for logic, just that I don't and can't put my faith in it. |
Amen to the capitalism and logic point. |
Edited by
Fri 02/01/08 11:03 AM
lol I was just re-reading your earlier post and it seems that you helped to prove my point about logic and reasoning.
The mention about confusing capitalism with logic helps define the problem with having logic as one's faith, or religion if you will. This is not a rant against what you believe because this also applies to the theistic faiths as well. The problem stems from the fact that man is imperfect, therefore, any system of belief he devises will be imperfect. And to be honest, from a logical standpoint, to ME at least, the whole idea that we are just a cosmic accident seems rather doubtful. Factor in the people that believe we are not alone in this galaxy and soon it looks like cosmic"accidents" have been occurring elsewhwere. The odds of it happening once at this complexity are astronomical. In this kind of debate tho it gets pointless because once you whittle it down to the bare nubbins, all arguments for or against fall apart at some level and faith is born. All faith is, is a coping mechanism for daily living. We all need something to believe in, so in closing, I believe I'll smoke another joint ![]() |
Man made God As soon as man could read and write then God Always existed. Prove it! |
first of all, there shouldnt be a forum thing for religion. secondly, if you believe something dont put other people down for what they believe in. religion should be something somebody has completely to themselves, no body can take that away from them. AND THIRD. yea they have the right to share it. if you dont like it, dont reply to it. i doesnt matter if that person believes that there is a God, we evolved from monkies or w/e or we were created from blobs of crap. it doesnt matter because whatever you believe should not affect other people. and other people shouldnt be bothered. because if your bothered by something someone belives in, what does that say about you? maybe your not strong in your own beliefs. even if it could be nothing. so whatever, im just stating my opinion cuz i hate how people bash others religions. |
Well I say, "If there isn't a God prove that" Well, it's easy to prove that the biblical picture of God can't be true. So there's one down. |
Man made God I have to agree with Rabbit here. A.) Man exists. We know this because he is all around us. B.) I have seen nothing to indicate that God exists. C.) Man creates fictional characters -- Tarzan, Popeye, Superman, etc. D.) Is it more likely to believe that Man created another fictional character (God), or that a fictional character created Man? E.) A fictional character, by definition, cannot create anything of its own accord, inasmuch as the fictional character, being fictional, has no volition or mind of its own. Therefore, God could only "create" Man (in the fictional sense) if Man wrote about God creating Man. F.) Ergo, Man writes about God creating Man. This catches on, as it is soon learned that the fictional supernatural enforcer has the capacity to be used as a means of controlling the hearts and minds and wallets of many, in the same way that Count Chocula is used to sell cereal. And, yes, I'm being facetious here. But I have yet to see anything to indicate that God is any more real than Sherlock Holmes or the Easter Bunny. |
Man made God As soon as man could read and write then God Always existed. that kind of talk gives the baby jesus herpies, you should be ashamed |
And, yes, I'm being facetious here. But I have yet to see anything to indicate that God is any more real than Sherlock Holmes or the Easter Bunny.
I always say that if God is a real honest-to-goodness sentient being who is alert and thinking, and can intervene at whim with human beings then why play hide-and-seek? If God expects something from me why play guessing games? Why not just tell me what the hell he wants from me? I don’t care much for a God that plays hide-and-seek, and who expects me to play guessing games. Why should I believe in any particular book that claims to speak for God? Clearly there were a lot of them and most of them have since been deemed to be nothing more than mythology. As far as I’m concerned there is no reason not to believe that they are all mythology. Any genuinely intelligent God would surely understand this and recognize that its reasonable to reject such unwarranted and unrealistic stories. Finally, any truly sentient, all-knowing, all-wise, God that would expect me to be unreasonable in order to believe in it, would need to be a seriously deficient in wisdom. In short, the idea of a truly loving wise deity that plays hide-and-seek guessing games just makes no sense at all. The idea that a God would pass judgments on people based on how they guess in a guessing game is nothing short of absurd. |