Topic: Should we call Ron Paul out?
Ghosthunter's photo
Thu 01/31/08 09:14 PM
I don't know why the U.S. has to have politicians to run for presidency. I say they should try at least once elect a normal person that will whip up polls for the American people to deside on how to run a country. All of the politicians that run for office shoots off bull**** promises just to gain points and turn their backs on many things when they in office.

no photo
Thu 01/31/08 09:21 PM
cause they are not working for we the people, they are working for themselves..and the people above them

adj4u's photo
Thu 01/31/08 10:27 PM
if he really wants to shake things up

how about a third ticket

paul edwards

smokin glasses glasses drinker smokin

no photo
Thu 01/31/08 11:05 PM
Ron Paul never had a chance. Did you look at the percentages he rated? Never any more than 3 or 4 percent.

I will say one thing though .... those who support him are really ardent and he did raise a lot of money.

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 01:02 AM
aaronlyric...... new world order?

so, tell us, how are you doing on stock piling food and water in anticipation of the new world order? or are you stock piling food and water, because you are afraid they are going to come looking for you and lock you up in the loony bin?

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 01:04 AM
ZWD..... Mike Huckabee is now Mike Huckabeen. He was a one shot wonder. The race is down to McCain and Romney.

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 01:16 AM
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This ar·dent (är'dnt) Pronunciation Key
Expressing or characterized by warmth of feeling; passionate: an ardent lover.

I know, they are ardent..his "we the people", creativity driven campaign slogan is Rev-love-ution! (its spelled with a backwards love)You cant help but wonder why its growing at an exponential rate

lets see:
he's christian
he's for peace in the middle east the most
he's for peace here (medical marijuana)
he's for limited government and citicens' privacy
he's for no national id card (cut and paste this if you haven't heard by now on the news.

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 01:25 AM
ok with all due respect to you, it's not so crazy when it's all over the it?
this is some proof for you sister, s and brothers cut and paste

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 01:27 AM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 01:28 AM
and it couldn't hurt to start setting aside some food, afterall the economy isn't doin quite so hot.

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 01:33 AM
aaronlyric...... I have got to give you credit. You don't give up. You just get more and more crazy. Read what you are posting .....

Wait, wait a minute here. I'll bet you are stoned out of your mind and don't even know what you are posting.

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 01:40 AM
and i am not afraid, i am

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This peace·ful (pēs'fəl) Pronunciation Key
Undisturbed by strife, turmoil, or disagreement; tranquil.

and the truth is

WordNet - Cite This Source - Share This invigorating

imparting strength and vitality

hellkitten54's photo
Fri 02/01/08 01:43 AM

No he is more on state laws then National which I think is a good idea. Let the states decide if they want capital punishment, abortion, etc. Tax cuts for regular people. (he wants to remove the capital gain tax from anyone that makes less than 200k) He is hard on illegal immigration, which I like. He wants the government to quit taking money out of Social Security to put in their budget. He even wants to let people decide if they want to put in social security (if you don't put in you don't get.. I would rather save for my own retirement)

Go Dr. Ron.smokin

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 01:52 AM
Referring to the above, wherein it was stated that Ron Paul is
more on state laws, actually, he is a Constitutionalist, but a number of Paul's positions on civil liberties are based on states' rights.

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Fri 02/01/08 02:08 AM
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This con·sti·tu·tion·al·ism (kŏn'stĭ-tōō'shə-nə-lĭz'əm, -tyōō'-) Pronunciation Key
1. Government in which power is distributed and limited by a system of laws that must be obeyed by the rulers.

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 02:19 AM
Edited by leahmarie on Fri 02/01/08 02:20 AM

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This con·sti·tu·tion·al·ism (kŏn'stĭ-tōō'shə-nə-lĭz'əm, -tyōō'-) Pronunciation Key
1. Government in which power is distributed and limited by a system of laws that must be obeyed by the rulers.

aaronlyric ...... Thanks for the spelling lesson, but you misread my post. I did not use the word constituionalism.

The word I used was constitutionalist, which is a term referring to someone who advocates strict adherence to the U.S. Constitution. I used the word to describe Ron Paul.

hellkitten54's photo
Fri 02/01/08 02:28 AM
Thankfully I have spread Dr.Pauls message of freedom to my entire family. I believe that most all of them are supporters of Ron Paul.smokin I can't wait til Tuesday to vote.bigsmile

SteveX33's photo
Fri 02/01/08 02:40 AM

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A series of newsletters in the name of GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul contain several racist remarks -- including one that says order was restored to Los Angeles after the 1992 riots when blacks went "to pick up their welfare checks."

This is a copy of one of the "Ron Paul Political Report" newsletters, which has stirred controversy.

CNN recently obtained the newsletters -- written in the 1990s and one from the late 1980s -- after a report was published about their existence in The New Republic.

None of the newsletters CNN found says who wrote them, but each was published under Paul's name between his stints as a U.S. congressman from Texas.


Then he says he did not write them, read them, or even know about them, but they all went out under his name.

It seems to me the people who Ron Paul appeals to are typically very naive about politics and are just tired of the same old R vs. D arguing.

Making Social Security optional is the dumbest idea in politics today. It would destroy the whole system. Social Security is probably the best domestic policy that has ever been achieved in this country.

Before Social Security, people just worked themselves to death, usually at a young age. They had to depend on family to take care of them if they could not work and quality of life basically sucked.

Look at any 3rd world country today, and you can get a good idea what American life was like before SS.

It really doesn't matter, because nothing is ever going to happen to it. Bush thought he was going to privatize it, and he found out real fast, it was DOA. That's when his decline started.

States right's?? That's what the Southern states said about slavery? You think any state should just be able to do whatever the population in it decides? Funny how when state's do something the repubs don't like, they are all for the power of the Fed. government. Medical Marijuana is one example.

The Constitution gives Congress the right to regulate all interstate commerce and make all laws necessary and proper. So anything that Constitution does not specifically give states the right to do, Congress, if it chooses to, and if the President signs it, can supercede any action by a particular state.

And of course, the Constitution protects some rights, even without any law, i.e. the right to privacy in one's person or effects, like what a woman chooses to do with her reproductive life.

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 02:41 AM
chill out marie i was agreeing with you..i looked up your word constitionalist but it only had constitutionalism which is what a constitutionalist like ron paul believes in.

hellkitten54's photo
Fri 02/01/08 02:46 AM

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A series of newsletters in the name of GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul contain several racist remarks -- including one that says order was restored to Los Angeles after the 1992 riots when blacks went "to pick up their welfare checks."

This is a copy of one of the "Ron Paul Political Report" newsletters, which has stirred controversy.

CNN recently obtained the newsletters -- written in the 1990s and one from the late 1980s -- after a report was published about their existence in The New Republic.

None of the newsletters CNN found says who wrote them, but each was published under Paul's name between his stints as a U.S. congressman from Texas.


Then he says he did not write them, read them, or even know about them, but they all went out under his name.

It seems to me the people who Ron Paul appeals to are typically very naive about politics and are just tired of the same old R vs. D arguing.

Making Social Security optional is the dumbest idea in politics today. It would destroy the whole system. Social Security is probably the best domestic policy that has ever been achieved in this country.

Before Social Security, people just worked themselves to death, usually at a young age. They had to depend on family to take care of them if they could not work and quality of life basically sucked.

Look at any 3rd world country today, and you can get a good idea what American life was like before SS.

It really doesn't matter, because nothing is ever going to happen to it. Bush thought he was going to privatize it, and he found out real fast, it was DOA. That's when his decline started.

States right's?? That's what the Southern states said about slavery? You think any state should just be able to do whatever the population in it decides? Funny how when state's do something the repubs don't like, they are all for the power of the Fed. government. Medical Marijuana is one example.

The Constitution gives Congress the right to regulate all interstate commerce and make all laws necessary and proper. So anything that Constitution does not specifically give states the right to do, Congress, if it chooses to, and if the President signs it, can supercede any action by a particular state.

And of course, the Constitution protects some rights, even without any law, i.e. the right to privacy in one's person or effects, like what a woman chooses to do with her reproductive life.
