Topic: Forest Gump
pkh's photo
Thu 01/31/08 04:52 PM
I'm so bad at telling jokes but here goes
Forest goes up to heaven to meet St. Peter at the pearly gates,the gates are chained shut so he rattles the gate St. Peter comes oh Forest we've been waiting for you.Forest says why are these gates locked,St Peter replies some things have changed there is now a small exan to take before you can enter.It's just 3 simple questions. 1.Name two days of the week that start with T. 2. How many seconds in a year. 3. What is God's first name.
Forest says wow this is really hard but I think I can do it.St Peter says well Forest what is your answer to the 2 days that start with T,he replies that one was really easy that would be today and tomorrow,St. Peter says Forest that was a good guess,so I will pass you now for question 2. how many seconds in a year Forest replies well that one was a lot harded but I figured it out the answer is 12 St. Peter says now how in the world did you come up with 12 he says Jan 2nd, Feb 2nd March 2 and so on that makes 12.Again St. Peter say Forest I will give you credit for thar also.Now for the finall question what is God's name,Forest replies well of coure it's Andy,now Forest how did you come up with Andy he replies..And he walks with me and he talks with me.

darkowl1's photo
Thu 01/31/08 05:01 PM
cutelaugh laugh laugh

arcadefan's photo
Thu 01/31/08 05:01 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

blonderockermom's photo
Thu 01/31/08 05:03 PM
laugh laugh laugh

pkh's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:46 PM
cute rightlaugh

songstress1's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:52 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh bigsmile