Topic: Damn, the fed cuts the interest rate by another 1/2 a point?
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Wed 01/30/08 08:32 PM
It may be time to refi at this rate

I wonder if the housing market is going to go nuts again ... is there really anything left for it? People can only move so often ...

What will the new rates be at for a 30 year fixed conventional? Any guesses?

andreajayne's photo
Wed 01/30/08 08:35 PM
It's definatly a buyers market right now. So many houses are sitting there not selling.

I don't think the market is going to boom again though like it did over the past 5 years. I do however think that things will stay about what they are at right now for a while though.

wzrunner's photo
Wed 01/30/08 08:38 PM

It's definatly a buyers market right now. So many houses are sitting there not selling.

I don't think the market is going to boom again though like it did over the past 5 years. I do however think that things will stay about what they are at right now for a while though.

A sad fact indeed! I am curious to see what the effect of this stimulus package promised by the government will have on current financial situations

no photo
Wed 01/30/08 08:40 PM
From what i understand, they will continue to cut rates until spring. I believe that there is still another 0.5% to come down

andreajayne's photo
Wed 01/30/08 08:46 PM
i think that if they do continue to drop them, people will attempt another boom in sales but the same thing will happen again.

banks finance too much, people don't account for all of the cost actually going into a house and we are going to see the same effect with all of the foreclosures.

I work for an office that deals with property taxes, so i see this all first hand daily. we have people coming to us crying because they can not afford the taxes. you have to feel a bit sorry for them, but most of them had no idea how much they were going to be, and/or their realtor lied to them about what they would be.

we also offer some finacial assistance to people, and people come in because they are so shocked of what their gas and lights bill end up being.

because the goverment drops the rates, people think they can get a whole lot more, when in actuality, they can not.

i wish more people were more informed on the market, and how different things affect them. its sad really.

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Wed 01/30/08 09:02 PM
Congressional leaders and Bush administration officials have reached a deal on an economic stimulus package that would send checks to most taxpayers in an effort to keep the economy from falling into recession.

But there is a report that individuals earning $75,000 or more or couples earning at least $150,000 will be excluded from the rebates. In addition, proposals to increase food stamps and extend unemployment benefits are not part of the agreement.

Sources told CNN that the deal would pay taxpayers $600 and two-wage-earner households as much as $1,200. A Democratic aide and a Republican aide said the deal will include an additional amount per child amounting to about $300.

andreajayne's photo
Wed 01/30/08 09:07 PM
yep, i would love to get that, i have a hospital bill that needs paid. it's amazing how things work, did you know that if you dont have health insurace it cost a minimum of $700 to walk through the doors of the emergency room here where I live. Plus another $300 in random emergency room fees then they also bill for all of the test and dr's time and stuff... 3 hours in emergency cost more then I make in an entire month!

we definatly need something done by our goverment, but i'm not sure the rebates are the answer. I think most people will just piss them away, although I guess the would be spending it at stores and stuff.

no photo
Wed 01/30/08 09:20 PM
This will help the economy for a quick fix mabey, but you really cant do crap with $300 dollars. Indeen this money will be pissed away in stores and such.

Correct me if i'm wrong... but isn't this going to be like the last "rebate"... which was just an advance on next year's refund? Sucks if it is. We can't just print more money like we do, it makes it worthless. Look what happened to the stock market after they lowered the interest.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 01/30/08 09:35 PM

yep, i would love to get that, i have a hospital bill that needs paid. it's amazing how things work, did you know that if you dont have health insurace it cost a minimum of $700 to walk through the doors of the emergency room here where I live. Plus another $300 in random emergency room fees then they also bill for all of the test and dr's time and stuff... 3 hours in emergency cost more then I make in an entire month!

we definatly need something done by our goverment, but i'm not sure the rebates are the answer. I think most people will just piss them away, although I guess the would be spending it at stores and stuff.

andrea some hospitals have programs for low income uninsured people that help them get a lower to the billing office and find out.