Topic: Llama Llove (Ad Idea)
no photo
Tue 01/29/08 06:30 PM
OK, this is an idea I had in another thread -- since we have the new banner ads in the forums, why not just give every regular poster their own sponsor? That way, the sponsor's ads would appear in EVERY post we make, and VC & Mike could charge by the post! The people who post 1000 times a day would generate enormous amounts of revenue for JSH, and all of the people who post 50 "I'm bored" threads a day would actually be doing something for the site other than displaying their immeasurable patheticness!

Here's the one I want: --


Llike llamas? Can't get enough of their llovelliness?

Sign up with, your all-purpose llama-lover resource!

See the "forbidden" llama llingerie show!

See the Llary the Llama video archives!

See what "Llama Style" REALLY means!!

All this and so much more, on!

Set up your allegedly FREE account today!

dbad111's photo
Tue 01/29/08 06:31 PM
thats a funny 1

MelissaJO519's photo
Tue 01/29/08 06:33 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

ew!!!"llama style"laugh laugh

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 01/29/08 06:49 PM
Lets see..........ohwell

Mine would be:

What a teddybear can do for you.
How to aproach a teddybear.
How to turn a teddybear on.
Teddybear videos pg13.
Teddybear love.
Date a teddy tonight.


huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh

Hey Lex I think your on to something here... :wink: