Topic: what is LOVE? ...rhym along?
michael1313's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:35 PM
Love is to me,waking in the morning with her,
fixing the coffee,watching deer from my porch,
as they greet the first rays of the sun,
work through each day,to live,and love again,past all the ghosts from
dreams and skeletons in closets,
to sleep again unangered from another frustrating day...
to hold within loving arms,untill the next sunrise,another day.

Love is to me,feeling all the hurts of past,
and those of yesterday,hugg all those worries away,
live and love another day,forgetting skeletons,ghosts of past,
healing the scars of old pains in the ass,
and helping move on...

Love is to me never asking why me,what did I do,or wtf?
and never having to ask...

Love is to me,feelings of passion,with or without lights,
or even over the phone from miles away,
lonely miles to dream across...
but holding ever srtonger,longing ever more for their return...

This is what Love is to Me...

no photo
Thu 12/07/06 01:37 PM
Love is peace and quiet when the kids go home lol

redmange420's photo
Thu 12/07/06 02:04 PM
Love is a place where the heart can sit,
And the brain can forget about the bullshit,
Rare is the chance you can ever reach in,
To get that warm cozy feelin all over again,
Many is the time you can lay and relax,
And find a deep embrace with the sound of a sax,
Keep hearing the beat that stays in your head,
And smack on that ass until it turns red,
Love has its up and sure has its downs,
But when you find love, there'll be no more frowns

megagirl5678's photo
Thu 12/07/06 02:08 PM
Love is something that cannot be misplaced

michael1313's photo
Thu 12/07/06 02:15 PM
Thu 12/07/06 02:10 PM
do not go gental into that good night,
is the start of loving right,
if you have your head on tight,
don't give up on love this night,
seek within to feel it fight,
break it out to make it alright,
let your lonely heart reach height,
learn to conquer loving flight,
do not go gental into that good night,
don't give up on love this night,
passions kiss,learn to kiss your knight,
find him right,hold him tight,love tonight.....M1313

if truely placed within your hearts,
Love is never lost,but remembered always...

*grass hoppers*

michael1313's photo
Fri 12/08/06 04:00 PM
oh,and sorry about th "grass hopper" comment,just habbit...M.

Gryphyn's photo
Fri 12/08/06 06:09 PM
Love is caring enough to wait a lifetime to find you.
Love is caring enough to follow a dream forever.
Love is caring enough to look under every stone to find it.
Love is the caress you feel when you see a smile in your mind.
Love is the gentle touch of her words as you hear them.
Love is the gentle sound of her words when you feel them.
Love is the gentle whisper of her thoughts.
Love is the gentle smile that holds you warm.
Love is the tender moment when you feel that first kiss.
Love is the tender sigh during that first kiss.
Love is feeling that one first kiss.
Love is the passion that holds two together forever.
Love is the passion that sweats with lust.
Love is the moment we find true happiness.
Love is the time to share your hopes and dreams.
Love is the look we all search for.
Love is what keeps us alive.
Love is how we share ourselves completely.
Love is two becoming one
Love is a gift.
Love is a desire.
Love is a hope.
Love is a dream.
Love is and always will be love.


michael1313's photo
Fri 12/08/06 11:23 PM
*picks jaw up from floor*

Gryph" do write some powerful stuff!

put this one in th FAVS. file....M.

karmafury's photo
Fri 12/08/06 11:48 PM
Right On Gryphyn.