Topic: Have you ever fallen in love by just seeing someone | |
not finnished lol say you walking in the mall or the beach, or maybe at a party or gathering, you eye someone and just get have to meet them no matter what. explain your story.
jesus i cant remember.its been that long since ive been out lol. plus im pretty shy so i walk around with my head down half the time, so i dont see anyone..not suprised im single really
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i fell in love at first sight once.
he showed up at a friend's house and i knew i had to talk to him. problem was we didnt speak other's language. i went the next day and bought 3 books to learn his language (and have continued until this day). he was not from our state,and the next day when it was time for him to return home, i cried wanting to go with him. we managed to keep in touch by phone and i moved to be with him after a month....we were together for a year and a half. i left because i found out his wife is in his home country. i left him in 2005, and we are still great friends to this day. i do not regret what happend. i have grown and matured through it all. and i have learned a new language, and have many new friends because of it. |
No, just physical attraction ; but have heard that for others.
My God Jenny, from your pic. I see your beautiful and you seem nice also....
I don't believe in love at first sight, attraction, fascination, lust etc. yes but love is a learned trait and must be built from the ground up;^]
I hope this counts, I feel in love when my future hubby when he emailed me on Myspace three weeks ago..Seeing him in Iraq and knowing what he does just amazed me and still amazes me. I'm a soldier myself but something about him just made my stomach do back flips...Still now I have the euphoria, smile and giggle when I think of him.. And I will have my first face to face with him Feb, 14th...he proposed by text, twice...just writing this makes me smile...Everything just feels so right...
My God Jenny, from your pic. I see your beautiful and you seem nice also.... ![]() |
not finnished lol say you walking in the mall or the beach, or maybe at a party or gathering, you eye someone and just get have to meet them no matter what. explain your story. I can remember this happening to me 3 times -- one was at a carnival. one was a girl who worked the Information Booth at a mall, and the last one worked at the SuperValu down the street. I wouldn't really call it love, more like an instantaneous inexplicable attraction. For me, they're always based on one of two easily definable physical types. And they never work out. Once I actually meet them, and start talking to them, I find there's very little to work with, beyond the superficialities. |
I hope this counts, I feel in love when my future hubby when he emailed me on Myspace three weeks ago..Seeing him in Iraq and knowing what he does just amazed me and still amazes me. I'm a soldier myself but something about him just made my stomach do back flips...Still now I have the euphoria, smile and giggle when I think of him.. And I will have my first face to face with him Feb, 14th...he proposed by text, twice...just writing this makes me smile...Everything just feels so right... ![]() |
thats what im talking about folks
nope but wud be nice for it to happen...
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2 nights ago. A guy comes up to the bar I'm working...we look at each other and don't say anything. The bartender asks him if he's okay..cuz he looks dazed...
He came back to my bar (I work in a casino and there are 5 bars inside it) 4 more times during my shift...when he was with a friend, he'd laugh and be vocal, but alone he was shy. When my shift ended...I searched him out. With the help of his friend (or possibly in spite of it considering all the harrassing he was getting), he got over the worst of his shyness, and we talked for an hour and a half. We have a date on Monday. |
That isn't love. You have to know someone to love. That is a visceral reaction. We usually call it lust.
I call it "opportunity". It was knocking...and I answered.
Call it what you want no matter the situation...if it feels it. |
Many of men I have lusted after, love no.
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I fell in love, at first sight, with my cat. She was such a cute kitten too. I love my pussssssyyyyyyyy................CAT!
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if i had a dime for everytime that this happened to me..i tell ya.
i remember once i was in california,,and jennifer lopez was walking right next to me...well she was so infatuated that she started to careesing me right there..right in front of ben affleck..i didnt know what to do i let her continue,,they soon started their divorce soon after..damn these italian genes of mine!!! |
yeah ...I have posted about him many times here. I see him occasionally and we just have this weird eye locking moment...I can hardly muster up any far I have tripped once passing him, walked into a wall once, and asked him 3 times How he likes the weather....
It's like I freeze or become this 14 yr old crushy ,clumsy teenager again when I see him! |
many years ago i was working as a security guard..for a public storage fascility..
the most beautiful woman that i have ever seen came by one night..asking me for directions to het to a certain part of which i helped her of course. but i will never forget her..she was a native indian woman.with long beautiful black hair.. ever since then she has always been on my mind..but just as a memory.. |