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Topic: Rainbow Retreat
SharonM45458's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:03 PM

Ok, not being Straight Edge, I am gonnas have one more cig, then I must leave. sad sad sad
when I say goodbye, don't talk to me anymore, pleeeeze, I need discipline

AmayaNight's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:04 PM

i love tea. can we tie up ninja boy so he wont leave? i wanna play with him too. laugh laugh laugh laugh

¿I'm already all tied up can't you see?

Niiiiiiiice Spaze... lol... I've had dreams like that... but it wasn't with a straight Jacket! ;) devil

¿Are you going to elaborate on that any?

Elaborate??? lol... I don't think this room has the right rateing for that! ;) lol

tommieg's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:04 PM

Ok, not being Straight Edge, I am gonnas have one more cig, then I must leave. sad sad sad
when I say goodbye, don't talk to me anymore, pleeeeze, I need discipline

well aren't all us girls looking for discipline???

SharonM45458's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:04 PM

I wanna wear a straight jacket for next halloween. Can I borrow yours Spaz?

I don't know...

I'm a short guy (it's the curse of being Puerto Rican) and I had to order the smallest size they come in, looking at your page I see you're taller than me so you might not fit.
taller and fatter, I don't mind saying it. I am what I am. Besides, I like big girls myself. :heart: love :tongue:

SharonM45458's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:05 PM

Ok, not being Straight Edge, I am gonnas have one more cig, then I must leave. sad sad sad
when I say goodbye, don't talk to me anymore, pleeeeze, I need discipline

well aren't all us girls looking for discipline???
Yes, but i am not getting the right kind here sittin on me arse! laugh

CaptainSpaz's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:05 PM

Ok, not being Straight Edge, I am gonnas have one more cig, then I must leave. sad sad sad
when I say goodbye, don't talk to me anymore, pleeeeze, I need discipline

But if we get you to stay we can keep you away from that cig.

Cigs are bad you know.

SharonM45458's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:07 PM

Ok, not being Straight Edge, I am gonnas have one more cig, then I must leave. sad sad sad
when I say goodbye, don't talk to me anymore, pleeeeze, I need discipline

But if we get you to stay we can keep you away from that cig.

Cigs are bad you know.
No, the more I sit here the more I smoke. puters and cigs go hand in hand. I will quit someday, I promise. Jus goin thru a rough time now. *pity party for Sharon* awwww sad laugh

SharonM45458's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:10 PM
I've invited 2 new lesbians in. Hopefully they will join us.

tommieg's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:11 PM

I've invited 2 new lesbians in. Hopefully they will join us.

well boo hoo.....I need to invite some hunky men in...one's who love drag queens...and most men do....flowerforyou drinker blushing

SharonM45458's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:13 PM

I've invited 2 new lesbians in. Hopefully they will join us.

well boo hoo.....I need to invite some hunky men in...one's who love drag queens...and most men do....flowerforyou drinker blushing
I sent an e-mail to one of the moderators asking if it was ok to post an invite thread in the New Members area. I don't think it will be a problem, but just wanna get permission first. Hate to cause a ruckus.

CaptainSpaz's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:13 PM
I'm going back into disguise.

tommieg's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:14 PM

I've invited 2 new lesbians in. Hopefully they will join us.

well boo hoo.....I need to invite some hunky men in...one's who love drag queens...and most men do....flowerforyou drinker blushing
I sent an e-mail to one of the moderators asking if it was ok to post an invite thread in the New Members area. I don't think it will be a problem, but just wanna get permission first. Hate to cause a ruckus.

kewl girlfriend

SharonM45458's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:16 PM

I'm going back into disguise.
Glad u chose to hang out with us Spaz. You are an awesome young man. If my daughter wasn't dating someone else, I would send her your way.

CaptainSpaz's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:17 PM

I'm going back into disguise.
Glad u chose to hang out with us Spaz. You are an awesome young man. If my daughter wasn't dating someone else, I would send her your way.


...the good ones are always taken...

SharonM45458's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:23 PM

I'm going back into disguise.
Glad u chose to hang out with us Spaz. You are an awesome young man. If my daughter wasn't dating someone else, I would send her your way.


...the good ones are always taken...
She is going through a partying phase right now. Maybe afterwards she will dump the guy she is with though, lol. Never know. laugh

CaptainSpaz's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:26 PM

I'm going back into disguise.
Glad u chose to hang out with us Spaz. You are an awesome young man. If my daughter wasn't dating someone else, I would send her your way.


...the good ones are always taken...
She is going through a partying phase right now. Maybe afterwards she will dump the guy she is with though, lol. Never know. laugh

I can't promise I'd be here waiting.

I hate waiting!
I also hate makeing others wait.

SharonM45458's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:27 PM

I'm going back into disguise.
Glad u chose to hang out with us Spaz. You are an awesome young man. If my daughter wasn't dating someone else, I would send her your way.


...the good ones are always taken...
She is going through a partying phase right now. Maybe afterwards she will dump the guy she is with though, lol. Never know. laugh

I can't promise I'd be here waiting.

I hate waiting!
I also hate makeing others wait.
Yep, u shouldn't have to.

winnie410's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:28 PM
hey sharon, how's the laundry coming? lol :tongue: :tongue:

SharonM45458's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:30 PM

hey sharon, how's the laundry coming? lol :tongue: :tongue:
Ha, still sittin in the same place. Hasn't sprouted legs and walked away yet, lmao.

CaptainSpaz's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:32 PM
I'm outta here, sleep is catching up to me.


You all have fun.

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