Topic: How the Iraq War’s $2 Trillion Cost to US Could Have Been
BrandonJItaliano's photo
Mon 01/21/08 05:32 PM
The children at Saint Judes Hospital are way more important than a war that was created in our "Leaders" head. The attack on the WTC was bastardized into a reason to go to war over a personal vendetta and not for our own protection. Remember if Sadaam Husein was so dangerous then why didnt Bushys daddy take care of him back in 92? If this was such a ligetiment war then why are that spoon fed yuppys kids still here on US soil why all these others are being led to the slaughter? This war has cost so many innocent lives on both sides and not to mentioned it has cost us (American Citizens) our own libertys and Freedoms! The Patriot Act is a slap in the face to our constitution and should be abolished and Bush should be charged for war crimes. I belive it was Benjamin Franklin that said "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" Enough is enough and its time for a change

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Mon 01/21/08 05:39 PM
I find that this country has come full circle. We (the Pilgrims) fled to the country to get away from King George, and now we will have to flee from this country to get away from King George"

nadius's photo
Mon 01/21/08 05:48 PM

The children at Saint Judes Hospital are way more important than a war that was created in our "Leaders" head. The attack on the WTC was bastardized into a reason to go to war over a personal vendetta and not for our own protection. Remember if Sadaam Husein was so dangerous then why didnt Bushys daddy take care of him back in 92? If this was such a ligetiment war then why are that spoon fed yuppys kids still here on US soil why all these others are being led to the slaughter? This war has cost so many innocent lives on both sides and not to mentioned it has cost us (American Citizens) our own libertys and Freedoms! The Patriot Act is a slap in the face to our constitution and should be abolished and Bush should be charged for war crimes. I belive it was Benjamin Franklin that said "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" Enough is enough and its time for a change

I agree....This war has done nothing but screw us one way or another. The Patriot Act has become a dildo to screw the American people out of what little rights we have left.

madisonman's photo
Mon 01/21/08 06:08 PM

The children at Saint Judes Hospital are way more important than a war that was created in our "Leaders" head. The attack on the WTC was bastardized into a reason to go to war over a personal vendetta and not for our own protection. Remember if Sadaam Husein was so dangerous then why didnt Bushys daddy take care of him back in 92? If this was such a ligetiment war then why are that spoon fed yuppys kids still here on US soil why all these others are being led to the slaughter? This war has cost so many innocent lives on both sides and not to mentioned it has cost us (American Citizens) our own libertys and Freedoms! The Patriot Act is a slap in the face to our constitution and should be abolished and Bush should be charged for war crimes. I belive it was Benjamin Franklin that said "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" Enough is enough and its time for a change
thank you that was well said and my faith in humanity is somewhat restored

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Mon 01/21/08 06:25 PM
Im Just sick and tired of these "Christians" with there overalls and wife beaters on and 500 pound wives with no teeth Saying "Well the Bible says" In my experinces these people cant even read or write so how in the hell do they know what the Bible really says? Ill ask u this "What about the Sermon on the Mount" or basicly the entire book of 2 corithians. People like Pat Robertson and the other "Offring Plate Prophets" are the true terriorists that need to be dealt with accordingly. Real Christianity teaches Brotherhood and Love and that is what this country was founded on not Hate and animosity! We as Americans have alot to work on, this whole cast system where one person is supperior and the other is inferrior needs to end NOW and then we may find peace!

madisonman's photo
Mon 01/21/08 06:38 PM
have you read any Howard Zinn? I think you would like him

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Mon 01/21/08 06:40 PM
Ive read some of his stuff, not bad at all.

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 07:34 PM

have you read any Howard Zinn? I think you would like him

But, if you go there the Nazi government will track you and send you to FEMA prison camps!

You said so, we are in a government just like Nazi Germany.

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Mon 01/21/08 07:48 PM
As far as persicuting another race/religion/oreiontation we are alot like Nazi Germany! Adolf Hitler terriorized the Jews,blacks,homosexuals, and many other groups based on his whole Ethnic Cleansing Ideals which in a Nut Shell "He wanted a single race (BLOND HAIR/BLUE EYES) to rule the world. What are we doing in Iraq but Persicuting the Islamic nation based on the Ignorance that all islamic people are Terriorist and in our eyes they should be "Christians". When we cant accept peoples differences and learn to live side by side with them in peace, we are no better than Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany!

madisonman's photo
Mon 01/21/08 07:53 PM

hey Madison i have read some of your post you make plenty of sense.I have been researching 911 stuff for two years! it's a total crock no way in hell a plane hit the pentegon! no way in hell the so called press did their journalistic duty and see to it that the common person was properly informed about the real truth! No wonder people say the crap they say about iraq that's what uninformed people are supposed to think!
thanks Pearlman glad you spoke up on thisdrinker

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 11:50 AM
Edited by crickstergo on Tue 01/22/08 11:53 AM
guys like mm and his friends should go live with their beliefs in Iraq and experience the sword!

I'm with you sailor as are most Americans.

USA is still the only place to live so ignore these propagando

fiction reports!!!

Say did you ever hear anyone from Kuwait give anything back in return to the US for saving their Heads and money from Saddam?

What has any other country ever done on the same scale that we have done for other countries for us?

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 11:52 AM
USA holding up the world for almost 100 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:02 PM
I can't believe that otherwise sane people believe that the USA had anything to do with 911. It was caused by fanatic arab religious extremist who are still atacking their people forcing through terror their ideas on the innocent, especially the kids.Anyone that straps a bomb on himself for any purpose is not sane no matter what the cause!!

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:42 PM
Crickster i agree with you on some issues but not on most. We have no right to occupy a nation that has been that way for a thousand years. We have no right to use brute force on the people of Iraq, pillaige there homes, and brutilize there people by making them pile on each other and stand in place while a member of "our" armed forces smiles and points at ther genitials! (SEE ABU GHRAB Photos)

This Country needs to take a lesson from the Swiss. Even Adolf Hitler had enough respect for them that he went around them and was quoted as that they were the only country that he would let stand. When was the last time they went to war? Never have and Never will because they are an Isolationist country and know how to make it work!

What this country was founded on was Freedom, Brotherhood, and Love (Thats what Jesus taught if you really read you Bible, and he was the founder of Evangelical Christanity)

Im Proud to be an Italian-American because those three virtues are what i stand for and they are the bases of my life.

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:47 PM
Oh and by the way crickster, we went to get suddam out of Kuwait not out of Brotherhood with Kuwait, If you relized per size of nation, they are the biggist OIL PRODUCING nation in the world, So next time you fill your GAS TANK UP maybe you will relize what KUWAIT "Gave" back at $105 dollors a barrel

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:59 PM
We are the reason for and only reason for Kuwakit being able to still sell their oil at $100.00 a barrell. We are not forcing them to sell their oil to us - Saddam was just going to give them $0.00 for the oil AND ALSO ROB THEM OF THEIR BILLIONS!!!

Look around in these countries and see what they have been able to do with oil $$$. Maybe soon they will get around to using it to help their people!!!

They can charge as much as they can get!!! But one day all that left over oil will just be sitting in the ground and they may say OMG what have we done?????

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:13 PM
And yes all Americans were ashamed and horrified of those pictures of US soldiers doing that stuff but it was such a small element when you see all the pictures of all the good things that our soldiers have done for the Iraq's people. I think that the reason it happened was partly do the to decline of morality in this country and also partly do to seeing their comrades blown away. Unlike other occupying forces when our soldiers give the Iraq kids a soccer ball, a piecde of candy, a hug, etc it represent a gift of hope and not the expectation of anything in return!!! We don't want troops in Iraq but we can't stand to leave the country until Iraq can govern itself.

madisonman's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:20 PM

We are the reason for and only reason for Kuwakit being able to still sell their oil at $100.00 a barrell. We are not forcing them to sell their oil to us - Saddam was just going to give them $0.00 for the oil AND ALSO ROB THEM OF THEIR BILLIONS!!!

Look around in these countries and see what they have been able to do with oil $$$. Maybe soon they will get around to using it to help their people!!!

They can charge as much as they can get!!! But one day all that left over oil will just be sitting in the ground and they may say OMG what have we done?????
yea so when we drove Saddam out of Kuwait we had a most excellent oppertunity to place a democratic government in place over there...yet the same despotic "ROYAL" family is back in power....explain that one to me.......yet we will spend a trillion on Iraq for the same reasone. INSANITY

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:34 PM
MM - no one from the royal family in Kuwait were attacking their neighbors, gasing their opposition, violating Un resolutions, need I really say more????

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:42 PM
Crickster your right on with that last statment "We are the only reason why they can sell there oil that high.

The Kuwaity people are the most taken care of people in the world. When a woman marries the honeymoon is paid for by the royal governemt, Every youth has there college paid for, Health care is covered, and there is alot more.

They know how to take care of there own people, They have no Homelessness, they have no need for a place like Saint Judes Hospital, Poverty does not excist in that country because the Royal Government takes care of there own!!

This country spends 2 TRILLION Dollors on a war that served nothing to its own people. The Gas prices have sky-rocketed, Our own Health Care system is the worst in the World, We have people that served this country living on the streets without anything to eat, we have children with terminal illnesses that are turned away because they lake the funds for treatment. We over pay Taxes (like here in Oklahoma City so they could put an Indian on top od the state Capital) and Now they take my liberties away with the Parriot Act

Spend that 2 trillion dollors on the WAR AGAINST POVERTY (THATS TRULY THE WAR TO END ALL WARS) Peace, Love, and Understanding is there a place for those in our AMERICAN Hearts?