Topic: why is age always an issue
unsure's photo
Thu 08/31/06 06:38 AM
I wonder if he found someone younger? You know that would be the real
kicker...if he left the older woman for a younger one. That would be
enough to make any woman upset!!

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 06:52 AM
My husband is almost 3 years younger than I am and we are just perfect

seinfeld_lover's photo
Thu 08/31/06 08:22 AM
i love my wife; however, I am not in love with my wife. we are not
seperated; she know that i am unhappy in the marriage, but does not
appear motivated for change. i read the personals b/c i find them
interesting; not b/c i would ever cheat on my wife. anyway, there r
many things to consider when dating someone outside your "typical" age

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 08:26 AM
that's what made me leave my last one but it had run it's course over
the last two yrs. we were together and was only getting worse

unsure's photo
Thu 08/31/06 09:47 AM
so you plan on staying with your wife forever? I
see that you are in your 40's so I am assuming that she might be in her
50's, I know they say never assume, but you say that she is doing
nothing to change things? What types of things could she do to change?
Did she maybe gain weight is that an issue? I know that when some people
get married, it seems that they do let themselves go a bit. I am just
wondering, you don't really have to answer my questions...just kind of
Is a loveless marriage really worth it...or can you cope with it?

ImJusKat58's photo
Thu 08/31/06 11:02 AM
I'm not "old and lonely", so no one go there.

Age is but a number. Age is a social identifier, and I refuse to be
pigeon-holed. I've lived hard, fast and well, thank you, and pay my own
bills ~ therefore, I make my own rules.

If a guy is of age, can hold an intelligent conversation and I'm
attracted to him (emotionally, spiritually and/or intellectually), he's
fair game.

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 11:21 AM
i don't think any one would call you old

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 11:33 AM
I think age is a big part!! I would never date anyone that is old enough
to be my dad!! I am not looking for a father figure! I want a man that
is around my age!! I think the reason a woman that is going after these
men that are older than them like say 15 to 20 yrs. older are looking
for a father figure that they never had. I had a guy write me that was
exactly 20 yrs. older than me and when I wrote him back and told him
nicely that he was to old for me he wrote back and was kinda rude about
it. Sorry but I have a Daddy and a damn good one don't need another!! So
yes I agree age is a big thing!!

unsure's photo
Thu 08/31/06 11:37 AM
I don't know..I have a guy asking me to dinner now that is 23..I asked
him if he needed a mother figure. He said that he had a mom and they
were very close. I think it just depends on the person, if you feel
comfortable with yourself and you can date someone younger....then go
for it. I don't think I would go older, I have done that before--I find
them to be boring and ready to stay at home and not do anything. Then
again, I could be missing out on a really nice older man!

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 11:41 AM
For those that are comfortable dating older people go for it but I agree
with alot of them on here. Later down the road they won't be so
appealing anymore!! For me i want a man that has more in common with me
not my parents!!

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 08:54 PM
My brothers both married older women. 1) 5 years older the other brother
married a women 23 years older. My first brothers marriage lasted the
longest but alcoholism made him impotent and thus his insecurities he
could never over came so they are divorced. My other brother lasted
about 7 years cause she could not stop F&*cking younger guys and he
finally got fed up and divorced her. I was married to a women about 7
years younger. her closet cock problem screwed her head up and we
divorced. There are so many outside factors that break people up above
and beyond age difference you know.

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 08:59 PM
A word of advice? I was dating a woman who was old enough to be my
mother for about 3 years. I was totally into her, madly in love, but
she had an issue just like yours. She had a hard time forgetting the
age difference between us. When she would comment on it, I would feel
inferior, or not quite "old enough" to be her girlfriend. It became an
issue between us because she couldn't stop talking about it. It wasn't
the final factor that tore us apart, but it planted the seed for
destruction of our relationship. If you like him, who cares how old he
is? Let it go if u like him, you'll hurt him in the long run if you
don't. If you can't let the age issue go, maybe you need to let him go.
The sooner you decide- the sooner he can move on without you or move on
with you.

steveh858's photo
Thu 08/31/06 11:22 PM
age is but a number what is truly important is the maturity levels of
both parties commited and above all communication between said parties

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:29 AM

Thank you for the comment, which I choose to take as a compliment. Who
would call me old? Try the 32 year old school teacher that I'd been
casually seeing. He was fun ~ until he tried to give me too much advice
on how to manage my life. I politely cut bait...I think he's used to
"forming the minds of 7-8 year olds" of which I am NOT.


SteveJarvis's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:39 AM
Yeah, age doesn't matter. I have dated a few 13-14 year olds, and we
get along great.

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:42 AM
Dude ~ tell me you're kidding! LOL!!!

I worry about you, Young Un...

SteveJarvis's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:43 AM
lol, I am just fucking around.

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:47 AM
I hoped you were...the coffee hasn't kicked in yet.


SteveJarvis's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:49 AM
um, are you asking if me and you are friends? Shoot woman, I am friends
with everyone. Except that self-righteous Rapunzel hippy bitch, and
only because she sent me some goofy hatemail.

unsure's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:56 AM
Hmmm who is this Repunzel?? I have yet to see her post anything. I can't
believe anyone would send you hate mail!!