Topic: All Jello heads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
Goodevening all my Jellohead friends
hows it going teardrop?
Congrats elaina, you just became a jellohead lol,lol
How ya doing all?
man,you add that with some really good toke an you got one hella
party!!! |
Does this make me a jello~head also?
Hey cookie I never left my corner LMAO |
O M F G ! J- E -L -L -O !
Can't handle the smoke. Makes me gag just smellin it.
*kicks the door down with her doc martens*
I had to leave myne. Was getting crowded.
hey 1313 catch <////////////////////////////////////@
do you like jello ,and likes to party???
if not get th fuk outta here... but if yes,,,then you are a true jellohead ROCK TH HOUSE!!!! </////////////////////@~ PUFF PUFF PASS!!!y'all!!! |
yessssssssssss michael light one up cuz CCP came in with the jello
drinks beem me up scotty!!!!!!!!!!!! |
here ya go girly puff puff pass.....
im an official JELLOHEAD now lol |
who's got a knife for this dam watermellon full of vodka and jello??? don't wanna drop this thing on th floor to open it up... thanx Lion whoooooooooooooooootst!!! pass it on that a ways>>>>---<//////////////////@~ >-----> |
*snags the doob*
hey ,,ya thanks !!!here I'll spark another ;]
My probation prohibits me from currently being a jello head.... but if
you can keep a secret...... |