Topic: Ezekiels wheel. Biblical X files. | |
Just a friendly post quoting the best book ever published by dead guys."..above all else my brothers, seek knowledge." "..knowledge is the tree of life."
..> ..> For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24 (KJV) When experts examine alleged UFO and alien contact incidents, they almost always do it from a purely scientific perspective. Looking for scientific explanations is a useful and necessary step that should always be taken. Science can often help investigators determine if it was a hoax, or if there are other logical, natural explanations for what was seen and/or heard. However, there are several reasons to be suspicious that at least some UFO sightings and alleged alien contacts may be beyond the reach of scientific inquiry. Some of them may have spiritual origins. To be more specific, they may be deceptions that are intended to mislead us. Some modern day examples (other than UFO's and aliens) of large groups of people being deceived by "signs and wonders" (as the Bible refers to them), include: Marian apparitions Attempts to talk to the dead or other spirits "Reiki" energy healing Here are several reasons to be concerned that some UFO and alien manifestations may be demonic deceptions. You can read more about several of them at the links below. I recall a TV program a few years ago where a commercial airline pilot was interviewed about a UFO that he and his co-pilot observed. They said it came at them head on at very high speed. It passed very close to their plane, so close that they should have felt a strong jolt from it's shock wave. But they felt and heard nothing at all. The pilot was completely mystified as to how that could have happened. If it was a solid object, it should have been displacing air as it moved, and caused such a jolt. It should also have generated a sonic boom if it was super-sonic, but it didn't. If it was a spiritual manifestation, that would make perfect sense. Another TV program featured two police officers in another country who had observed and followed a huge UFO in the sky for several miles. Finally, this huge object changed shape into a much smaller glowing white ball, then shot up quickly into the sky. They seemed quite puzzled as to how it could have changed its shape into something so dramatically different. In a similar but different sighting, several military police officers observed an object break into five smaller pieces, fly at high speeds while making sharp right angles, and not show up on radar. You can read about this second incident at this link. If these were spiritual manifestations, all of these observations would make perfect sense. The overwhelming majority of people who believe they've had actual contact with aliens are pre-disposed to believing in UFO's and aliens, making them more susceptible to demonic trickery. Especially vulnerable are people who belong to UFO cults like Urantia. For more information about why these people are so vulnerable to being mislead, see UFOs: The Hidden Agenda. Legitimizing these anti-Christian cults and their New Age doctrines may be one of the motives Satan and other demons have for engaging in these deceptions. All of these cults and New Age groups deny Jesus as our Savior. Many also deny the existence of Hell. Many UFO's have been observed making sharp 90 degree turns and accelerating at rates that seem to defy the laws of physics. Some of these turns and acceleration rates would generate such high G-forces that it's unlikely that any biological living creature inside could survive. However, a spirit could easily do this. Many UFO's don't show up on radar. The existence of stealth aircraft could explain some of the sightings. However, it is also true that if it was a spiritual manifestation, it could choose to show up on radar one time, and not show up another. UFO's are often seen moving at speeds far faster than the speed of sound. Yet I personally have never heard of a single instance where a sonic boom was heard. That includes the most recent incident of an alleged UFO caught on videotape by a Fox News Channel 23 camera man in Albany, New York. The object, if it is a UFO, appears to be moving much faster than the speed of sound, yet no sonic boom is heard. If it was a spiritual manifestation, this would make perfect sense. In most cases, virtually no noise is heard emanating from the UFO. If it was a spiritual manifestation, that would make perfect sense. I have seen only a few reports of aliens allegedly passing along messages that had some kind of a religious connotation. In virtually every case, the message contradicted the Bible on significant doctrines, and was consistent with some of the beliefs of some UFO cults and other New Age groups. Deceptions by demons are occurring at an explosive rate in the world today. I personally know at least 20 people who have had direct contact with demons either visually and/or audibly. Most had these contacts while they were awake, and most didn't realize they were demons. They mistakenly believed they were "good" spirits, or spirits of deceased loved ones. The most compelling experiences I personally had with demons happened about 20 years ago. Those experiences are collectively one of three reasons I typically cite when people ask me why I believe in the accuracy and authenticity of the Bible (there are many other reasons). You can read about all three reasons at this link. I would not be surprised to turn on the news someday and see a report about a confirmed "alien" contact. If it were to happen, you can bet that at some point, these "higher beings" who are allegedly so much more "evolved" than us are going to start poisoning the spiritual waters with dangerous doctrines that are in direct conflict with the Bible. I'm not suggesting that open contact with an alleged alien will definitely occur. But if it ever does occur, the purpose will most likely be to lead people away from a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It would also be consistent with the Biblical warning stated in the Bible verse at the top of this page. We should also not be surprised if most scientists would be deceived by such an event. Most scientists today are atheists or agnostics. They have a predisposition to ignore spiritual explanations and would likely attempt to explain such phenomena in light of their materialistic, naturalistic philosophical biases. These are the same biases that cause so many of them to be deceived by the lies of evolution, and to ignore God's clear warnings about the Evolution myth. For those of us who know that God's Word, the Bible is the truth, none of this should come as any surprise. It would be yet another example of a grand deception by Satan and his followers to lead the uninformed and unaware by the nose into the depths of Hell for all of eternity. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 In my opinion, the media needs to start including this possible spiritual explanation in its reports when it does stories about alleged UFO's and aliens. Additionally, the church needs to quit ignoring this issue and get much more active in warning and educating people about it. UFO's UFOs and aliens—is there something going on? New UFOs: The Hidden Agenda God and the Extraterrestrials What does the Bible say about intelligent life on other planets? Are we alone, or is there life elsewhere in the universe? Were the nephilim extraterrestrials? (Sons of God referenced in the Bible) Life on Mars Evolutionary Martian madness! Life on Mars? Ape-men and spacemen; the media and the 'Mars rock' Does ET really exist? A study of the alleged "Martian" meteorite Planets can swap rocks NASA's AGENDA: Promoting Copernicanism & Evolutionism Related Topics Spiritually dangerous UFO/Alien cults: Urantia | Raelian Dangers of Communicating with the Dead, Communicating with Other spirits and Reincarnation Cults and Modern-Day False Prophets ..> ..> MORE GREAT INFO HERE: Lyrics EZEKIELS WHEEL SEE THE SIGNS FROM EZEKIELS WHEEL WHEN THE SKIES UNFOLD LIKE SCROLLS AND THE BREAKING OF SEALS HEED THE WARNING THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR HEED THE WARNING THE TIME DRAWS NEAR HERE ON EARTH WERE INTRIGUED BY THE SUN MOON AND STARS AND IMAGINE THERES GOT TO BE PLANETS LIKE OURS SOME CONCIEVE OF A FACE ON THE SURFACE OF MARS SO IN NEED OF A MEANING AND PURPOSE WEVE LOST THAT INDEED THEY BELIEVE THAT THESE MIGHT BE OUR GODS OR THAT MAYBE WITH TIME WELL DO RIGHT AND EVOLVE AND EVENTUALLY REACH WHAT THEY SEEK AND THEN SOLVE ALL THE PROBLEMS OF MAN BUT THEY REALLY DONT KNOW THAT THEYVE FALLEN THE WORKS OF OUR HANDS ARE BUT JUST FILTHY RAGS SO WE TRAVEL THE LANDS TO DIG UP OUR PAST TIME ELAPSES AND WITH IT ARE MUCH OF THE FACTS SOME IMAGINE THAT GODS CAME IN ALIEN CRAFTS THEY REACT IN THIS WAY THERE SO DESPERATE FOR MEANING AND PURPOSE BUT SATAN AND ALL OF HIS SERVANTS THEY KNOW THIS THEY HAVE EVIL MOTIVES AM I MAKING YOU NERVOUS? HUH...IM JUST SCRATCHING THE SURFACE IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE ALL BELIEVERS WILL BE RAPTURED ANYONE LEFT RECEIVES THE MARK OR THEYRE CAPTURED THIS LEADER WILL ARISE CLAIM HIS ORIGINS ARE ALIEN POSSESSED BY SATAN ON THE SIDE OF THE NEFILIM PROFESS THOSE WHO LEFT HELD US BACK FROM EVOLVING AND NOW THAT THERE GONE WELL SOLVE ALL OF EARTHS PROBLEMS THE WORSHIP OF ANY ONE GOD WILL BE HALTED WELL EVOLVE INTO GODS AND OURSELVES BE EXHALTED THEY WILL PLAY ON THIS LIE AND IN TIME THEYLL DEVISE AND ARRIVE AT A PLAN THAT WILL HELP HYPNOTIZE ALL THE ONES LEFT BEHIND THE SPIRITUALLY BLIND HES STOLEN THERE SOULS NOW HES STEALING THERE MINDS ITS ALREADY STARTED WERE SEEING THE SIGNS JUST STUDY THE WORD PROPHECIES ALL ALIGN THEYLL CHOP OFF THE HEADS OF ALL THOSE WHO FIGHT IT ONE EARTH ONE WORLD ARENT YOU EXCITED? WHERE WILL YOU BE IN THE YEAR 2012? ARE THEY CASTING A SPELL THERE NOT READY TO TELL? ITS TIME TO REVEAL WHAT THEYVE TRIED KEEP VEILED THERES ONE THAT THEY HAIL AND THEY SELL IT SO WELL HE FELL FROM THE HEAVENLY REALMS WHERE HE DWELLED A ONCE BEAUTIFUL ANGEL THAT TRIED TO REBEL EXPELLED FROM THE LIGHT INTO DARKNESS AND HELL NOW A SERPENT AND SNAKE WITH REPTILIAN SCALES HE WEARS A DISGUISE WITH ANGELIC WINGS AND MIMICKS THE TRUTH WITH A LIE SO OBSCENE HE ALWAYS REPEATS THE SAME THING HE TOLD EVE THAT YOULL BE SUPREME A KING OR A QUEEN THAT YOU CAN EVOLVE TO AN ENLIGHTENED BEING A GOD OF YOUR OWN THAT DO ANYTHING HE FEEDS ON OUR SOULS WITH THIS FRAUDELENT SCHEME IN SO MANY WAYS BUT ITS ALL JUST THE SAME |
Just a friendly post quoting the best book ever published by dead guys."..above all else my brothers, seek knowledge." "..knowledge is the tree of life." ..> ..> For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24 (KJV) When experts examine alleged UFO and alien contact incidents, they almost always do it from a purely scientific perspective. Looking for scientific explanations is a useful and necessary step that should always be taken. Science can often help investigators determine if it was a hoax, or if there are other logical, natural explanations for what was seen and/or heard. However, there are several reasons to be suspicious that at least some UFO sightings and alleged alien contacts may be beyond the reach of scientific inquiry. Some of them may have spiritual origins. To be more specific, they may be deceptions that are intended to mislead us. Some modern day examples (other than UFO's and aliens) of large groups of people being deceived by "signs and wonders" (as the Bible refers to them), include: Marian apparitions Attempts to talk to the dead or other spirits "Reiki" energy healing Here are several reasons to be concerned that some UFO and alien manifestations may be demonic deceptions. You can read more about several of them at the links below. I recall a TV program a few years ago where a commercial airline pilot was interviewed about a UFO that he and his co-pilot observed. They said it came at them head on at very high speed. It passed very close to their plane, so close that they should have felt a strong jolt from it's shock wave. But they felt and heard nothing at all. The pilot was completely mystified as to how that could have happened. If it was a solid object, it should have been displacing air as it moved, and caused such a jolt. It should also have generated a sonic boom if it was super-sonic, but it didn't. If it was a spiritual manifestation, that would make perfect sense. Another TV program featured two police officers in another country who had observed and followed a huge UFO in the sky for several miles. Finally, this huge object changed shape into a much smaller glowing white ball, then shot up quickly into the sky. They seemed quite puzzled as to how it could have changed its shape into something so dramatically different. In a similar but different sighting, several military police officers observed an object break into five smaller pieces, fly at high speeds while making sharp right angles, and not show up on radar. You can read about this second incident at this link. If these were spiritual manifestations, all of these observations would make perfect sense. The overwhelming majority of people who believe they've had actual contact with aliens are pre-disposed to believing in UFO's and aliens, making them more susceptible to demonic trickery. Especially vulnerable are people who belong to UFO cults like Urantia. For more information about why these people are so vulnerable to being mislead, see UFOs: The Hidden Agenda. Legitimizing these anti-Christian cults and their New Age doctrines may be one of the motives Satan and other demons have for engaging in these deceptions. All of these cults and New Age groups deny Jesus as our Savior. Many also deny the existence of Hell. Many UFO's have been observed making sharp 90 degree turns and accelerating at rates that seem to defy the laws of physics. Some of these turns and acceleration rates would generate such high G-forces that it's unlikely that any biological living creature inside could survive. However, a spirit could easily do this. Many UFO's don't show up on radar. The existence of stealth aircraft could explain some of the sightings. However, it is also true that if it was a spiritual manifestation, it could choose to show up on radar one time, and not show up another. UFO's are often seen moving at speeds far faster than the speed of sound. Yet I personally have never heard of a single instance where a sonic boom was heard. That includes the most recent incident of an alleged UFO caught on videotape by a Fox News Channel 23 camera man in Albany, New York. The object, if it is a UFO, appears to be moving much faster than the speed of sound, yet no sonic boom is heard. If it was a spiritual manifestation, this would make perfect sense. In most cases, virtually no noise is heard emanating from the UFO. If it was a spiritual manifestation, that would make perfect sense. I have seen only a few reports of aliens allegedly passing along messages that had some kind of a religious connotation. In virtually every case, the message contradicted the Bible on significant doctrines, and was consistent with some of the beliefs of some UFO cults and other New Age groups. Deceptions by demons are occurring at an explosive rate in the world today. I personally know at least 20 people who have had direct contact with demons either visually and/or audibly. Most had these contacts while they were awake, and most didn't realize they were demons. They mistakenly believed they were "good" spirits, or spirits of deceased loved ones. The most compelling experiences I personally had with demons happened about 20 years ago. Those experiences are collectively one of three reasons I typically cite when people ask me why I believe in the accuracy and authenticity of the Bible (there are many other reasons). You can read about all three reasons at this link. I would not be surprised to turn on the news someday and see a report about a confirmed "alien" contact. If it were to happen, you can bet that at some point, these "higher beings" who are allegedly so much more "evolved" than us are going to start poisoning the spiritual waters with dangerous doctrines that are in direct conflict with the Bible. I'm not suggesting that open contact with an alleged alien will definitely occur. But if it ever does occur, the purpose will most likely be to lead people away from a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It would also be consistent with the Biblical warning stated in the Bible verse at the top of this page. We should also not be surprised if most scientists would be deceived by such an event. Most scientists today are atheists or agnostics. They have a predisposition to ignore spiritual explanations and would likely attempt to explain such phenomena in light of their materialistic, naturalistic philosophical biases. These are the same biases that cause so many of them to be deceived by the lies of evolution, and to ignore God's clear warnings about the Evolution myth. For those of us who know that God's Word, the Bible is the truth, none of this should come as any surprise. It would be yet another example of a grand deception by Satan and his followers to lead the uninformed and unaware by the nose into the depths of Hell for all of eternity. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 In my opinion, the media needs to start including this possible spiritual explanation in its reports when it does stories about alleged UFO's and aliens. Additionally, the church needs to quit ignoring this issue and get much more active in warning and educating people about it. UFO's UFOs and aliens—is there something going on? New UFOs: The Hidden Agenda God and the Extraterrestrials What does the Bible say about intelligent life on other planets? Are we alone, or is there life elsewhere in the universe? Were the nephilim extraterrestrials? (Sons of God referenced in the Bible) Life on Mars Evolutionary Martian madness! Life on Mars? Ape-men and spacemen; the media and the 'Mars rock' Does ET really exist? A study of the alleged "Martian" meteorite Planets can swap rocks NASA's AGENDA: Promoting Copernicanism & Evolutionism Related Topics Spiritually dangerous UFO/Alien cults: Urantia | Raelian Dangers of Communicating with the Dead, Communicating with Other spirits and Reincarnation Cults and Modern-Day False Prophets ..> ..> MORE GREAT INFO HERE: Lyrics EZEKIELS WHEEL SEE THE SIGNS FROM EZEKIELS WHEEL WHEN THE SKIES UNFOLD LIKE SCROLLS AND THE BREAKING OF SEALS HEED THE WARNING THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR HEED THE WARNING THE TIME DRAWS NEAR HERE ON EARTH WERE INTRIGUED BY THE SUN MOON AND STARS AND IMAGINE THERES GOT TO BE PLANETS LIKE OURS SOME CONCIEVE OF A FACE ON THE SURFACE OF MARS SO IN NEED OF A MEANING AND PURPOSE WEVE LOST THAT INDEED THEY BELIEVE THAT THESE MIGHT BE OUR GODS OR THAT MAYBE WITH TIME WELL DO RIGHT AND EVOLVE AND EVENTUALLY REACH WHAT THEY SEEK AND THEN SOLVE ALL THE PROBLEMS OF MAN BUT THEY REALLY DONT KNOW THAT THEYVE FALLEN THE WORKS OF OUR HANDS ARE BUT JUST FILTHY RAGS SO WE TRAVEL THE LANDS TO DIG UP OUR PAST TIME ELAPSES AND WITH IT ARE MUCH OF THE FACTS SOME IMAGINE THAT GODS CAME IN ALIEN CRAFTS THEY REACT IN THIS WAY THERE SO DESPERATE FOR MEANING AND PURPOSE BUT SATAN AND ALL OF HIS SERVANTS THEY KNOW THIS THEY HAVE EVIL MOTIVES AM I MAKING YOU NERVOUS? HUH...IM JUST SCRATCHING THE SURFACE IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE ALL BELIEVERS WILL BE RAPTURED ANYONE LEFT RECEIVES THE MARK OR THEYRE CAPTURED THIS LEADER WILL ARISE CLAIM HIS ORIGINS ARE ALIEN POSSESSED BY SATAN ON THE SIDE OF THE NEFILIM PROFESS THOSE WHO LEFT HELD US BACK FROM EVOLVING AND NOW THAT THERE GONE WELL SOLVE ALL OF EARTHS PROBLEMS THE WORSHIP OF ANY ONE GOD WILL BE HALTED WELL EVOLVE INTO GODS AND OURSELVES BE EXHALTED THEY WILL PLAY ON THIS LIE AND IN TIME THEYLL DEVISE AND ARRIVE AT A PLAN THAT WILL HELP HYPNOTIZE ALL THE ONES LEFT BEHIND THE SPIRITUALLY BLIND HES STOLEN THERE SOULS NOW HES STEALING THERE MINDS ITS ALREADY STARTED WERE SEEING THE SIGNS JUST STUDY THE WORD PROPHECIES ALL ALIGN THEYLL CHOP OFF THE HEADS OF ALL THOSE WHO FIGHT IT ONE EARTH ONE WORLD ARENT YOU EXCITED? WHERE WILL YOU BE IN THE YEAR 2012? ARE THEY CASTING A SPELL THERE NOT READY TO TELL? ITS TIME TO REVEAL WHAT THEYVE TRIED KEEP VEILED THERES ONE THAT THEY HAIL AND THEY SELL IT SO WELL HE FELL FROM THE HEAVENLY REALMS WHERE HE DWELLED A ONCE BEAUTIFUL ANGEL THAT TRIED TO REBEL EXPELLED FROM THE LIGHT INTO DARKNESS AND HELL NOW A SERPENT AND SNAKE WITH REPTILIAN SCALES HE WEARS A DISGUISE WITH ANGELIC WINGS AND MIMICKS THE TRUTH WITH A LIE SO OBSCENE HE ALWAYS REPEATS THE SAME THING HE TOLD EVE THAT YOULL BE SUPREME A KING OR A QUEEN THAT YOU CAN EVOLVE TO AN ENLIGHTENED BEING A GOD OF YOUR OWN THAT DO ANYTHING HE FEEDS ON OUR SOULS WITH THIS FRAUDELENT SCHEME IN SO MANY WAYS BUT ITS ALL JUST THE SAME ![]() |
Isn't X the mark of the beast? - a rhetorical question
i have add i can't read all that
i have add i can't read all that me + too |
What does any of this have to do with Reiki?
![]() |
Hmmm...UFO's, aliens, and demons...Oh my.
We need to wake up to the fact that our government and media are being run by a highly intelligent, technologically advanced race of Velociraptors. And for the people who think people's memories and sense experiences are fallible and malleable, get a life. And for the people who think hallucinations and "spiritual encounters" are byproducts of occipitotemporal lobe dysfunctions, get a clue. The Velociraptors are among us! Right now! Uh-oh. I've said too much. OMG, they found me.................... |
Edited by
Wed 01/16/08 11:38 AM
Sorry it was so long. I like to be thorough. I had a couple of experinces and was compelled at one point in my life to find the answers. Seeing a UFO close up and undeniabl will do that to you.
It ALL ties together really. Spirituality, secret societies, UFOs, JFKs assasination, Naziism, the Evolution propaganda myth. Yes you have the quacks, but then you have the real ones that are, excuse the term 'X filed' away by the goverment. I'm not a doom sayer but ignorance leaves you suceptable to things you don't even realize. |