Topic: "WOULD YOU or WOULDN'T YOU?" - part 4 | |
i love to dance ill teach you
would you have sex on a dance floor |
i love to dance ill teach you would you have sex on a dance floor Hell yeah would you ever have sex in a glass phone booth |
alone or with someone? Am I talking to someone? Do I have the right amount of change to make that call? Do I have pockets? Or am I naked? Is the booth in a city? Or remote area?
Would you picket the Queen's Castle for anything? |
Which Queen?
Queen of England there CrackerJacks LOL
which Queen So would you picket the Queen of England's Castle? |
naw prolly not, I'm not a big picketer.
Would you ever eat a tomato whole ... like an apple?? |
which kinda tomato?
lil cherry ones or the big juicy ones that squirt all over? |
I would,,,,
Would you take a day off just because? |
lil cherry ones, I would
Would you call in sick to work when you aren't sick? |
Island, I think we're thinking alike this morning!
It would depend. I don't want to use sick days this early in the year though. Would you drink 8 glasses of water a day? |
I would,,and actually drink at least that,,ever since Weight Watchers
Hey summer,,, And yup, great minds,,,Screw work Would you catch up on things you don't get a chance to do when your working? |
I wish I could call off today.....
I would catch up on things. Would you grocery shop for a shut-in? |
Yes, if I knew one...
Would you let Larry King interview you ? |
I Wouldn't
Would you be embarassed if nobody laughed at your jokes? |
no...I'd be
would you eat veal ? |
Sure! But I might feel bad about it.
Would you hunt deer? |
No way...not into bloodsports..
would you compete in a watermelon seed spitting contest ? |
Would you though? |
I Wouldn't
Would you tell someone how you felt about them if you fall in love after the first or second date? |
no .
would you stay with someone that told you that after 2 or 3 date ? |