Topic: Hiker that was murdered in Ga Mtns-----Meredith Emerson Mer | |
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Thu 01/10/08 10:53 AM
Current mood: pensive Category: reflective Religion and Philosophy For some strange reason my heart is saddened by the death of this young seemingly vibrant woman.. I ask myself why do I feel this way and have no answer—as stoic as I am and having lost my wonderful Dad and Bigger brother recently I simply can't comprehend why I feel this way about a person that I never met..—I wasn't as moved as I am with Meredith as with the woman who was attacked at the Silver Comet Trail last year--even though I think that that incident was a very horrible one as well..— I actually went through my phone list to see if somehow I may have known Meredith in some form or fashion.. But alas that wasn't the case—so I question as to why I felt so moved over this?? Had no connection with her—perhaps the little iota of information that I gathered about this woman was that she was a seemingly vibrant soul—A woman hiking by herself goes against all the oppressive precautions that a gender-biased society lays out – "It's aright for a guy to go hiking on his own--- But you!! Not a good idea" well she went against that norm and gender-biased ideology and this guy took advantage of that.. Should the other hikers have stopped and turned around and followed the two? I am sure that it was an odd placed couple to see this young attractive woman with this old man—maybe they thought it was her father--- I wonder if I was there if I would be the creepy guy to turn around and follow them—much the same way I follow drunk drivers swerving on the road when I see them… I just follow them to make sure that if they crash or something happens I am there to help… -- But that is looking at the physical aspect of Meredith Emerson— looking at the non- physical aspect I can clasp onto the irrefutable clause which states that "What ever happens was supposed to happen at the exact time it happened"—It seems to me that something in Meredith motivated her to get up that day and go hiking in the woods—something also motivated her to do this on her own --- who knows if she asked people to accompany her and they refused by virtue of them being busy… Maybe she did ask people to go with her—the fact is that all the cosmic forces of random chance and fate led up to her going hiking on that chilly winter day by herself—Perhaps she had this unquelling uncontrollable urge that motivated her to simply get up and go off on a hike to the mtns by herself—and it just so happens that that something-- that inner incomprehensible force that seem to at various points in time motivate us all to do random things-- that force may have also motivated that OLD SOB to be there at the same time—this random meeting of these two people would of never happen if certain random variables didn't occur – for example: had she got into a fender-bender on the way to the mtn—that might of diminished her immediate tenacity to go hiking or had the OLD SOB got drunk drinking his malt liquor and passed out for the day or well you can only imagine all the possibilities of random events which could of occurred to prevent one or both of these individuals from meeting up with each other on that trail on that given day/time/place—if those two common place random variables that I sited had occurred either cumulatively or singularly then this turn of events would of never happened or let's say if this OLD SOB ran out of gas and got stuck in the parking lot—so it seems to me that the random variables which will place these two individuals in close proximity to each other and hence would of sadly but inevitably lead to the demise of this seemingly vibrant woman were left at bay and the random unison of these two individuals did indeed take place The aftermath.. The OLD SOB killed her and used her credit card—he took the dog as well—now why didn't the dog react? or did the dog react during the attack is unknown to us but if the dog didn't react then I can argue that it may not of been an obviously violent attack that the OLD SOB placed on Meredith initially—even the other hikers said that she was walking with the individual—I wonder if her sixth sense was subdued and she didn't intercept the negative intentions of this Individual?? Was he such a pro that he hid all of these mal-intentions during the initial interaction?? Why in the world would he take the Dog I wonder.. Why would the dog of gone so readily?? So even more random variables which will of hindered this abduction were kept at bay… for if the dog put up an attack then either the dog would have been dead in which case the mystery may of never been resolved and the killer remain at large or the killing may never of occurred had the dog react… When all is said and done I can ask the question-- was that the time/place and way that she was supposed to have passed out from this life? She ended her journey perhaps doing something she enjoyed the most—being in nature with her fav. Animal.. This individual as harsh as it may sound actually facilitated this .. and in turn he remains in captivity.. I personally hope that he gets the death penalty but once again the suits in congress are claiming that if the third drug is administered to people receiving the death penalty in an improper dosage the person being put to death suffers pain—and as a result the death penalty has been suspended until further hearings----I asked myself when I heard that—did the individual being put to death mind that their victim/s was suffering an intense form of pain???? Did Meredith suffer pain? I guess in cases where it's abundantly clear like in this one that that man took the life of this woman that it really should be inconsequential if he suffers pain while being put to death. Now comes the religion… so as we view this from a monotonic religious perspective we ask the question of heaven and Hell – all the sudden we transcend our mode of thought from the physical to the non physical.. Perhaps Meredith inner self motivated her to go to that mtn because it needed to place her physical body in a spatial location at a particular time for an experience to occur.. For most of us, this sad experience was death—the motivation of the inner-self was simply that it was time to relinquish itself from the physical body which went by the name and had the unique characteristics of Meredith Emerson.. The physical part, people became associated with and loved dearly--- Meredith Emerson--- could we assume because this OLD SOB did what he did that his non-physical self will be damned to somewhere that Meredith inner-self would not? I can't answer that question—I do know being a biologist that hopefully when the OLD SOB gets the death penalty that his carbons will go into a state of "recyclement" pretty much in the same way that Meredith's is going through now—we can understand and accept this fact—but we can't help but wonder what about the non-physical entity of the two – what happens then? was this whole plan which we consider "Their Life" was this so intricately and accurately orchestrated that it was going to end up in Meredith being murdered on New Years Day 08 in the Ga. Mtns with her dog by her side???? Did things go to plan? Was Meredith shelf life in this realm exactly 25 yrs and 4 months 2 days 12 hrs?? Watching the news I notice that they mixed this story with other stories—it reminds me that even though this tragic incident has happened -life goes on and most people are still going to be concerned with the fact that the Golden Globe Awards will not be televised due to the writers strike and that American Idol will be aired one week from today—and that this remarkable person is only going to get a certain amount of air time—people hearing the story may stop and think about it but life goes on.. Do I really want things to stop?? Would it help if the Virginia Tech Massacre was still televised? DO I want to go out and start preaching to people that you should cherish the people that comes/came into your life because they to also have a shelf-life and when that time is up that's it .. It really won't help—people are in general monotonic, perhaps even robotic in their basic system-- they follow the same fundamental rules of most biological organisms – they are selfish in nature—the most important and forefront needs of most if not all biological systems are adhering to their basic requirements which mainly entails stuffing food into their mouths and reproducing their DNA.. Nothing else in the bigger scheme of things really matters.. in a permanent sense things/ people/relationships/fads come and go—but those two basic statements will always be consistently true—consume food- spread DNA!!!-- -I am sure another tragic incident will rock the state or rock the nation before New Years 2009 and that will be given air time and right after a Burger King commercial will play—It seems to be kind of hopeless when you think about it—things are exactly how they are and that's it!!!—people will still be losing their houses, losing their jobs, being laid off and losing their loved ones in different forms and fashions and life goes on.. Amidst all of this – I somehow feel very sorry for Meredith Emerson even though I never met her.. I personally can only hope that it was the part of the master plan in which the non-physical entity which resides in her had a shopping list of experiences that it decided to carry out in her lifetime during this dimension and that that shopping List for her went exactly according to plan and "The Energy"-- Her Energy that which created her uniqueness/ her essence is off in another realm of existence seeking perhaps her soul-mate/s which may of never resided in this dimension ---- Perhaps when all things are considered her metaphysical being specifically chose the exact time of it's freedom from her body-- pretty much the same way the we choose the exact time to shed our clothes and replace them with new ones-- the clothes to the body becomes the same value as the body to the soul.. it served it's purpose and it allowed access to certain experiences-- when it's function has been served it is shed without any remorse.. Not may of us will shed a tear as we place our clothes in the washing machine perhaps the inner self don't cry when it rids itself from the body-- For all we know her energy maybe on a quest to find it's soul mate/s or go and re-connect with other energies --even as I write this perhaps Meredith energy is creating a new shopping list of experiences that it wishes or intends to endure in whatever dimension it chooses to reside---- be it this dimension where her energy manifest the form of another physical body or remains as a non-physical energy as in a ghost or spirit Many acknowledge the phrase "Her Spirit Lives On".. Maybe she's hanging out with my folks---- I can only hope that there was indeed a metaphysical rhyme and reason to her life and things are and will just be perfect be Naturally my deepest condolences go out to her family. |
I read about that ****te yesterday. People are just TOO f@#ked up in this world. He'll get the shaft my man. She's in heaven now. She's got it best. He'll suffer for an eternity.....and I hope he does.....
that poor lady.....the only thing to come of all she is now in a better place..where no one can ever hurt her again. my condolances to her family. |
GUS, Your post was to large to
But YOUR heart is HOW EVERY HUMANS HEART SHOULD FEEL AND allow us to think about the "WHYS"... Nobody but GOD has all the answer's to DEATH, but one thing is for SURE here. It takes a very BLACK HEART to KILL an INNOCENT victim. And WE as a WHOLE of LIVING and GROWING society of FELLOW human beings, need to TRY AND "NOT" PRODUCE people who can be CAPIBLE of KILLING ANOTHER for THEIR ON GAIN... How, WATCH, HELP, SEE, FEEL, and "TRY" to PROTECT everyone WE come into contact with daily or weekly. HOW, By making calls to police, or government departments if WE "THINK" another might be in HARMS way? For "US" to just DO,,,,and "NOT" just let go what WE DON'T want to see, or THINK about another. ACT PEOPLE, don't LOOK AWAY! At least,,,,,,TRY to HELP, ANYONE who may NEED IT!! |
Amen iam4u Amen!
Im impressed.......truly!!! Your first question about why you were feeling these feelings over someone you never met....its a very common reaction when you havent really "grieved" from the loss of the deaths of your father/brother. You may thought you had grieved but you didnt.....sometimes it takes years!!!