Topic: THE 3 WORD GAME - part 3 | |
That's pretty crazy
and kinda lucky |
Oh so bored...
I should shower I am lazy |
Sorry you're bored
Showers are fun |
Not when alone
Only just kidding |
No they are
better when shared *long, wistful siiiiigh* |
You'll share soon
I'm very sure Really, who wouldn't? You're a catch! |
Try telling that
to English girls |
They sound silly How very lame |
They have bad
taste in men I wanna move |
Come to America!
Accents are hot. |
Yeah! I'd be
An exotic Englishman! Girls would swoon! |
Oh so true.
Do you really want to move? |
It would take
someone VERY special to make me leave my friends and my family I'd miss them But I think "Never say never" |
That is true.
Friends and family are really important. You'll find her =) Probably there though |
Thank you, Liz
Hope I do Hope you will find the guy of your dreams |
You're too sweet
Thanks so much! |
Are you playing
Any videogames today? |
Maybe Mario Kart DS
No PS2 here Nor the gamecube It's at school How about you? |
I played Reunion
to see if my computer worked It's all good Lost my saves and started again |
Oh that sucks!
But glad the computer is nice |