Topic: teenage daughter blues | |
My 15 yr old daughter has always been somewhat difficult although we've always had a good relationship. But now she's feeling grown up, I know it's the age, but there is such a fine line in continuing to parent or step back and let her have at it. To add to the teenage hormones, she is also ADHD, OCD, and suffers from intermittent depression. a couple years ago, I stayed home with her from my job just to get her through each day without her finding a way to possible commit suicide. She didn't want to do it , but was so miserable. then she got help and got meds which help alot. Anyway, she is so difficult on a daily basis, she doesn't want any interaction with me at all (unless she wants something) and her attitude is rude and hateful. She is in therapy, but it is really slow going. I'm a single mom and her brother is 20 and off at college, so it is just the two of us. I worry about her alot, she says every so often she just can't take it here any more and is going to move out to somewhere.
I am sorry to hear that your daughter has problems. I don't know what OCD is? Just try and hang in there, hopefully it will get better. Maybe she needs different meds. I do understand what you are going through,as my sister has a son that is bipolar. He can be quite difficult at times. Best of Luck to you. Just remember they don't always mean what they say. That is a diffucult age to be.
I am sorry to hear that your daughter has problems. I don't know what OCD is? Just try and hang in there, hopefully it will get better. Maybe she needs different meds. I do understand what you are going through,as my sister has a son that is bipolar. He can be quite difficult at times. Best of Luck to you. Just remember they don't always mean what they say. That is a diffucult age to be. OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Its a disorder where people have certain ticks that they have to do. Have you ever scene the show monk? How he touches every light post he walks by. That would be considered OCD. There are tons of different ticks people could have. |
OCD is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. its basically obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions, like leaning, checking, counting, or hoarding.
sorry about your daughter. wish i could give some advice, but i can't say i've ever been there before =/ |
I have a realative on a mood stablizer but know they can be dangerous for kids. 5 HTP helps some, with depression but don't know about the cupulsive disorder. I'm sorry your're going through that. Sometimes it takes several doctors to get the right one.
Edited by
Mon 01/07/08 04:48 PM
Oh man
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Thanks everyone for explaining OCD. I have heard of that, just didn't quite catch it. TY
I also have OCD and have been through severe depression and everything it sounds like she is feeling at her age I felt too...
I think the best thing in the world would for you to do "double" counseling sessions, with the both you. It might be a little awkward at first but then eventually you'll learn how to break through and communicate a little more. No matter what mental problems such as OCD and ADHD she has, part of it is still a cry out for attention, maybe not a huge chunk but some of it. Also maybe talk to her docter about a mild nerve medication..this will keep her off edge and bring the attitude down a few notches, also helps with sleep which I know was a huge problem for me. If you have any more questions I know quite a bit about what you're going through, email me anytime ![]() *Hope all gets better* |
I know exactly what you are going son is ADHD and suffers from OCD. He is 13 years old and we are seeing a doctor who has really helped him. My son use to check the doors atleast 100 times a day to make sure they were locked so no one could come in and kill him. He lives with that fear that someone is after him all the time. BUT this new medicine that his doctor put him on is working miracles for him!!
I also suffer from OCD, I am a clean freak. I have to fix my cushions on my couch over and over. I do dishes at least 7 times a day, I am cleaning my house non stop...its miserable to have this!! It really does drive you insane at times, but its just something that you can't control. I wish you luck and if you ever want to talk...send me an email anytime ![]() |
My 15 yr old daughter has always been somewhat difficult although we've always had a good relationship. But now she's feeling grown up, I know it's the age, but there is such a fine line in continuing to parent or step back and let her have at it. To add to the teenage hormones, she is also ADHD, OCD, and suffers from intermittent depression. a couple years ago, I stayed home with her from my job just to get her through each day without her finding a way to possible commit suicide. She didn't want to do it , but was so miserable. then she got help and got meds which help alot. Anyway, she is so difficult on a daily basis, she doesn't want any interaction with me at all (unless she wants something) and her attitude is rude and hateful. She is in therapy, but it is really slow going. I'm a single mom and her brother is 20 and off at college, so it is just the two of us. I worry about her alot, she says every so often she just can't take it here any more and is going to move out to somewhere. My daughter just turned 18 but still in school ...senior year....very difficult....she is in therapy called MY HOUSE RULES....girls are much more difficult I think than boys...have 2 sons who are not a problem....girls like being the drama as far as the rule goes live in my house you go by my rules....we have a lot of moments....good and not so good....but I know she will see what I am talking about down the road.... ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 01/07/08 07:26 PM
My 15 yr old daughter has always been somewhat difficult although we've always had a good relationship. But now she's feeling grown up, I know it's the age, but there is such a fine line in continuing to parent or step back and let her have at it. To add to the teenage hormones, she is also ADHD, OCD, and suffers from intermittent depression. a couple years ago, I stayed home with her from my job just to get her through each day without her finding a way to possible commit suicide. She didn't want to do it , but was so miserable. then she got help and got meds which help alot. Anyway, she is so difficult on a daily basis, she doesn't want any interaction with me at all (unless she wants something) and her attitude is rude and hateful. She is in therapy, but it is really slow going. I'm a single mom and her brother is 20 and off at college, so it is just the two of us. I worry about her alot, she says every so often she just can't take it here any more and is going to move out to somewhere. My daughter just turned 18 but still in school ...senior year....very difficult....she is in therapy called MY HOUSE RULES....girls are much more difficult I think than boys...have 2 sons who are not a problem....girls like being the drama as far as the rule goes live in my house you go by my rules....we have a lot of moments....good and not so good....but I know she will see what I am talking about down the road.... ![]() sorry for the double post.....guess for those of you who didn't hear it the first on the |
thank you so much to all who have responded. It really makes a lot of difference to know who many are out there dealing with this in their families. I will remember your offers of emailing, because i just may need to talk one of these days!
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thank you so much to all who have responded. It really makes a lot of difference to know who many are out there dealing with this in their families. I will remember your offers of emailing, because i just may need to talk one of these days! ![]() I think she would benefit from a good colon cleansing ![]() |
As a single mother of two, myself, I can relate to the hardships of raising a daughter alone. My daughter has battled with the depression problem, too, and I think (unfortunately) many teenagers do, and it's hard to understand why. You're doing the right things for her, though, so try not to get discouraged, and always remember to not be hard on yourself. My son turned 20, yesterday. He, too, went through the depression issues. All we can do, as parents, is try to be there for them, and do what we feel is best. My son probably needs some counseling for anger issues...because of having grown up with a man that turned out to be a drug dealer and user, but he won't listen to me when I tell him he should see a counselor. People think it's hard to raise children, well...they should try being a single parent and dealing with not only a young adult, but a teenager too!! We should have a support group established just for us!
you are so right. It's very hard to be a single mom; especially without the support of the father. We do have financial support, but that is all. Lucky to have that!
Will remember all you in my God Blesses and hope that with some time things will improve. I remember wiser ones than me telling me to "be patient that this too will pass" and eventually it did.
Depression, OCD and ADD are still a lable that comes after the true identity that your daughter is still a person and needs love, praise, and approval to build the foundation of her self esteem on regardless. The old "my way or the highway" position may get submission but I few thoughts about how loyalty factors into that. If you are fortuneate it won't backfire when they are thirty something and pull it on you when they are holding the cards like your grandkids. That doesn't mean throw out the rule book but maybe there is a little flex worth discussing in teachable moments. Good Luck Parenting is definitely not for Sissie's. |