Topic: how do you deal with death | |
Back in march of 07 I had my second child. A beautiful baby boy. He was fine for three days and then on my b'day he quit breathing in the middle of the night. The nurses and doctors were able to revive him but it was to late. He was on life support for a week before they declared him brain dead and we had no choice but to take him off of the support. They had been telling me since the second day in the nicu that he wouldn't make it. I just had to use that short time we had together to the best of my abilities so that I could say my son was comfortale and if nothing else I knew he felt my love while I was there. All you can do is love them while you can and enjoy every second you have with them.
i watch my mum pass away slowly over 8 months of agony with cancer of the pancreus...its been three years and im still not over it....but i keep all the good memorys in my heart...the hardest part was telling my son who was 6 at the time, they adored each other, he hasnt got a grandma now on either side, finds that gets easier to cope with as time goes on but you never forget
You can never deal with it ! You learn to close your eyes or shut off from time
Death is a Celebration of life! your giving them a final farewell and remembering them thru stories and pictures. you should not be sad but be happy that they had the life they did no matter how long or short it may have been. sing there favorite song, tell there favorite jokes. there body is gone thats all! there memory will be with you until your time ends. ![]() Nicely said! |
It is NEVER easy to say goodbye.
We lost my daddy that way (89) .. watching him slowly ebb away & in pain while at it. But we were able to tell him everything we ever wanted to say and hold him up as the hero he was to us. We never got to say good bye to mommie. @ 53 she went to take a nap and never woke up. All my sisters were in arguments with her before she laid down. I will always thank God I wasn't. Altho her way of leaving us was sooooooo much easier on her, it was not on us. You have so much you never got to say. Bottom line: Make the most of every moment. And hold them close to you forever. I thank God I hold the hope I will see them both again. ![]() |
Back in march of 07 I had my second child. A beautiful baby boy. He was fine for three days and then on my b'day he quit breathing in the middle of the night. The nurses and doctors were able to revive him but it was to late. He was on life support for a week before they declared him brain dead and we had no choice but to take him off of the support. They had been telling me since the second day in the nicu that he wouldn't make it. I just had to use that short time we had together to the best of my abilities so that I could say my son was comfortale and if nothing else I knew he felt my love while I was there. All you can do is love them while you can and enjoy every second you have with them. this is sooooo heartwrenching .. babies are supposed to live not die. I am so sorry *hugs* ![]() |
Back in march of 07 I had my second child. A beautiful baby boy. He was fine for three days and then on my b'day he quit breathing in the middle of the night. The nurses and doctors were able to revive him but it was to late. He was on life support for a week before they declared him brain dead and we had no choice but to take him off of the support. They had been telling me since the second day in the nicu that he wouldn't make it. I just had to use that short time we had together to the best of my abilities so that I could say my son was comfortale and if nothing else I knew he felt my love while I was there. All you can do is love them while you can and enjoy every second you have with them. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
if you have lived life to the fullest and have achieved everthing you have wanted outa life then death will not matter
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Cancer took my mom. I was with her when she passed away in the hospital. Yeah it is a part of life but a tough one indeed. It has been four years now and I am still not over it. You learn to deal with it. It takes some time.
There is no one way that is the universal trick to dealing with death. When I was 16 my older brother who was a Marine and spent 2 tours of service in Vietnam and came home and was out for a couple of years was killed in an industrial accident it was sudden and I did not get a chance to be with him when he died there was so much I wanted to ask him and learn from him I felt cheated that he was taken away so quickly.I just try and remember the memories I have of him.
When I was 38 my Mom passed away. She had been in the hospital for a little while and we knew it was only a matter of time and we just sat with her and talked about all our memories we had and the time we had left with her was our special time to make peace with her,to ask her for forgiveness if need be and to laugh a little at some of the things that happened over the years. So if you have ANY time at all left with your love one sit and talk and spend QUALITY time together its much better than Quanity of time. |
i have never had someone close to me die but have held the hand of a few residents during their final moments.i have also lost some residents I have been very fond of...lost one today as a matter of fact who had moved to another facility...I shed a tear and I am glad they are not suffering anymore...
Back in march of 07 I had my second child. A beautiful baby boy. He was fine for three days and then on my b'day he quit breathing in the middle of the night. The nurses and doctors were able to revive him but it was to late. He was on life support for a week before they declared him brain dead and we had no choice but to take him off of the support. They had been telling me since the second day in the nicu that he wouldn't make it. I just had to use that short time we had together to the best of my abilities so that I could say my son was comfortale and if nothing else I knew he felt my love while I was there. All you can do is love them while you can and enjoy every second you have with them.
So sorry.. ![]() |
you have to talk about it to a friend or somebody that is close to you .it is also good ,that you take a course in anything that would make you happy,think and use your builded up inner energy and to deal with your daily tress intake.
other wise you will bottle it up in side and it will eat ate you every day untill you explode. for me i have seen alot of death in my life trust me alot, but i would of not pulled my self out of the doom and gloom moods without talking to other people and the course i took was: (practitioner of iaido .the best way i can describe it as meditation with a sword) everybody is different and has there own thing. |
i know death is a part of life but when you have to sit and watch them die how do you deal with that? There's no way you can possibly plan how to deal with it. Just let the emotions come, embrace them. And say what you feel, even if it is a little open or embarrassing. I know how it feels and it absolutely crushes your soul. And I can't say it ever gets any better. |
what a touching thread. To all those who have lost someone they loved, my condolences,,,
I'll keep mine short. I learned how to live through the death of my husband. I beleive that was his finest legacy. Give yourself time to grieve, and then you have a choice. You can live the rest of your life with regret,,or you can take what you learned and use it to make living in the day better. Each one is a gift. I don't think our loved ones would want us to waste it mourning what we've lost. Peace ![]() |
I don't think that anyone deals with it the same. I have been fortunate and have only lost one person in my life that was young and hadn't lived a full life. That was when I was 16yrs old and I still don't know if I have fully dealt with it.
When I told my mom that I had cancer I felt some of the life drain out of her.....I'm not sure at times which is harder. To deal with the death of a loved one or prepairing for your own. They say that grief is a must in order to except it and deal wth it. I like to think that death puts that person in a place where they are eternally happy and that seems to work for me. |
Yes death is a part of life.
It is never easy to deal with watching someone die. My best advice- is to just deal with it as you can and just be there for that person. Be kind to yourself knowing you are being there for them. Death is not the end- for there is life after death. Just another level- where we all will go to some day. My prayers are going out for you to help you handle your situation. |
in my line of work/job i see it all the time. sooo i am not sure how to handle this question.