Topic: Toll? I would like for everyone to partake.
Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:06 AM
Sorry Chucky...never heard of him...Party, have you?

Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:07 AM

ellgee1976's photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:18 AM
im only posting cuz he wanted everyone's opinion..

i could care less your sexual orientation, and that goes for everyone on
this site.

im here for friends ..and if something comes from that, so be it, if ok with that too..

if i tell you im not interested, then by all means, respect real.. :D

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:27 AM
discrimination of all kinds sux ass..Stay.. As an addendum I am not
surprised that Sluggo gave his hidden agenda away..Queer indeed..WILL

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:33 AM
Hummm I will put it this way every where in life you go you are going to
run into people that will not like you due to the fact you are gay seem
to me that in life that was your biggest stepping stone to cross was to
admit to the world you were gay.
So if you have made that step in life why would you let all the little
grassy spots in life stand in your way? Do go and be what you want to
not what others tell you to do so as far as I'm concerned I'm not gonna
say stay or go for the only one it would matter to is yourself you do
what YOU want to. I would treat you no different from the next person
that I talk to!!!

If we let others control our lives we would never get anywhere in life
for they would always be trying to keep us down!!!!!!


Sluggo's photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:40 AM
Truth, I don't even know how to reply to your ignorance. If anything I’d
think Fag is a harsher name than Queer and as I pointed out the guy
seems very intelligent from the posts of his I read; so if he had a
problem I’m sure he’d find a clever way of letting me know.

Truth, If you feel compelled to bark your PC Ignorance at someone try
writing the Bravo channel and Bitch to them about their hit show “Queer
Eye for the Straight Guy”, I’m sure you’d get a better response from
them (they’ll at least ignore you instead of replying back semi publicly
calling you ignorant :-)

karmafury's photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:43 AM
Your orientation no prob.

Sluggo's photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:44 AM
Will, That surprises me that you got my hidden agenda reference? You
were one of the dumb-asses I was talking about in contrast to this

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:54 AM
Party darlin it shouldn't matter what you are or who you are.don't let
the minority run you off.Your sexual preference doesn't bother me in the

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:01 AM
ha doesnt matter just dont touch me but u can stay if u like too

Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:02 AM
It's not that you're gay that bothers me, it's that you posted THIS
topic EVERYWHERE!! C'mon, you even posted it in sports? Whats that
about? lol, j/k. Seriously though, I think it was petty to post this

KariB's photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:08 AM
Hon my best friends are gay who else could i count on to put me in my
place? Please stay

Sluggo's photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:10 AM
Well, since you asked Kari, You'll find plenty on this site to put you
in your

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:12 AM
yea,,,gotta agree with Ms.Chukee on this part...uh...dude...
once would have been enough,,,jeeeezzzz!!!

*posting sign*


Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:14 AM

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:39 AM
DUDE STAY!!!!!!!

Don't leave..haven't you heard of a gay pride parade..thousands of men
march hand in hand to stand up for their rights..If you enjoy being
here,then why would you think of hell with those that are human and thats your pursue of I really
dont think you need everyones input..the few that you already read
should be enough for you..or better yet...your friends alone should have
convinced you...STAY


PS/No Im Not

theronin75's photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:47 AM
come on party. aint it a bit overboard posting on every thread?? but
here's my opinion. you have the right to be whatever you wanna be. dont
let anyone chase you off for your choices. if you aint harrassing anyone
who makes it clear he dont swing that way no one has a right to tell you
to leave the site. anyone who does is ignorant so just ignore them.
btw i dont swing that way.

sushi's photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:47 AM
Ok, one final word maybe. I don't care what anybody does as long as
noone's hurt. Now, after some of the hetero sexual activities some of
you have shared on these forums, gays seem pretty normal. I honestly
feel we shoud stay out of it. If God doesn't like what you're doing,
then he'll have a little chat with you later.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:52 AM
Oh man, she brought up God on this one!!! This CANT be good. lol

ellgee1976's photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:53 AM
ok..i have to let the bitch out...

i don't think party asked if anyone else was gay..

all you men that are tellin him how you're not...that wasn't the
question, he didn't ask

"Does the fact im gay bother you?"
doesn't look anything like,
"Are you gay too?"

lmfao you guys