Topic: A Dawning Darkness
SquizTheClown's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:08 AM
© Noah C. Hill

A Dawning Darkness

A dawning darkness crests on the horizon
Day or night, nobody can quite discern
But Evil amasses, and purveyors of Good
Are cast down into graves of misery
While dark children laugh at such sport
And the last remnants of sanity wither away
With a dark fog descending to choke out the light
And even Luna's Glow has been obscured
By the dark sky spraying down tears of crimson
Upon a land once so fine that now is dead
For it is the cruelty of man
That hath denied his own and thus
Accepting his Doom with a Grim hand
That cast aside his fellows
He seals with glee his lonely fate
In the desolate Depths of Despair
And though he cries for Salvation
His pleas fall unheard on empty ears
For none is left to save him from the dark
That he unwittingly drew upon himself
With cruel intent and angry words
Sharper that the keenest blade
He cut down his very integrity
Until none would call him Friend
Nor even look upon his ugly face
Lest they see themselves in him
For he is but a shimmering mirror
And the meanness in his heart
Is a reflection of all Mankind
In this, his most villainous hour
As he slays his own with no remorse
Yet has not the courage to end his life
Man's cruelty is truly Cowardice
Evil acts spurred on by fear of revenge
And he feels he must abolish the good
Lest it rise up against him
And reclaim what is rightly its own
To take the mark of man from its home
And repair the many scars he left
In hopes for a more deserving tenant
A tenant with goodness in his heart
Who will bring back the Light of Dawn

SquizTheClown's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:10 AM
Oh, and I AM Noah C. Hill, btw lol