Jesus (the Beloved Character in the Christian Bible. I denounce Satan (thee Adversary)

aka the Devil aka the Serpent in all it's various forms (including, but not limited to: Santa Claus, thee Easter Bunny, and blonde-haired, blue-eyed, Hollywood Jesus with all his glitz and glamour and pomp and circumstance). To my mind, not only do the heavens declare the handiwork of "sum" unidentifiable intelligence, so does the Earth (especially the female human creature). I do not sit with dissemblers or congregate with sinners. I wouldn't give a dime to any Catholic bum whose fathers helped build a string of Spanish Forts along the King's Highway and took part in the first Gold Rush which included the genocide of nature-loving, indigenous Peoples. For what it may be worth, if anything, my money (Jizya tax) is on Allah and his holy, obedient disciples.