Topic: what's the most funniest | |
things you ever did
i suctioned a rubber cork to my sisters head while she was sleeping, i was like 7. she had to go to school the next morning with a 2 inch round hicky square int he middleof her forhead.
I forgot, everything I do is funny LMAO
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Plastic wrapped my ex's Durango...Got to love Sams Club!!
ok... one night i was at the bar, totally crushing on the bartender. i stayed there until close, then he asked me if i wanted to stay and have a drink with him while he closed up... SURE!!! I'm in love right... So, after like a half hour, we go out to the parking lot to leave. My windows are frosted, so I get my ice scraper out, and first thing I do is drop it under the car, so when I got back in the car to grab my snow brush to reach the scraper, I turn the key to start warming it up. I finish the windows and get back in the car to leave, the hottie was sitting there waiting for me to pull out first so he could make sure I got out safe. I get in, and go to hit the brake, and it won't budge. I try a few more times, then get out of the car and walk over to his. I explain my little problem, so he gets out and comes over to my car, hops in and tries it himself. He says I'm afraid to tell you this, but I think your brake line is frozen, I start cussing, its enough to make a sailor blush. He says no worries, I'll get you home then we'll worry about it tomorrow... I say alright, so he goes to turn off the car and starts laughing hysterically. I turned the car on, but didn't start the engine!!! I was sooooooooooooooooo embarassed. Why did it have to be in front of him? Everytime I see him now, he has to make a comment about it. Wouldnt you think after a month or more he'd stop! LOL I'm laughing my ass off right now just thinking about it! Geezzz... |
Edited by
Wed 01/02/08 08:28 PM
ok i am sitting in a parking lot and this totally hot hottie is like staring at me and i'm in my car and thinkin OMG he's is just staring like he wants me and well I go to start my car and .........SCREECH!!!!!!! the damn things already started
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ohman...i have a whole list of blonde moments and katrina-isms. time i got my hair stuck in my jacket zipper. we were standing on the sidewalk in the middle of state street right before christmas. my friend was yanking on the front of my coat to get it unstuck. she almost elbowed me in the face. hahaha. people were looking at us like, what are they doing??? o_O oh, and then i thought we got locked in the store, because i couldn't get the door open. until my friend pointed out i had to PUSH, not PULL... (in my defense, why would you need a handle on a door you need to push?) |
lol i hate the handles that you have to push not pull... its so stupid! although at work, i do enjoy laughing at people for running into the door like that!
i know! ohman...i felt so stupid. but it was pretty funny. lol.
lol i hate the handles that you have to push not pull... its so stupid! although at work, i do enjoy laughing at people for running into the door like that! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
lol I'm glad we all agree!
one day i was driving in oregon and was stopped by the state patrol when he was finished i went to leave and my car wouldnt start.. so he u-turned (on a freeway)and we hooked up the jumper cables.It still wouldnt start.. He suggested sit and let it charge.I agreed.. about 5 minutes later i noticed my car was in drive still no wonder it wouldnt start.. I didnt say anything to the cop. except thanks ha ha for the jump..
i can't laugh too hard at that, i have actually had that problem, cept mine, i couldnt get the key out of the ignition!
i laughed all the way home
On our 20th wedding anniversary
my wife wanted me to take her to where I proposed to her at. Her brother used to have a trailer on this property. We go there and sit in the car, talking and drinking pepsi. A bright set of lights come thru the lot I pull out on the street Bubble gum flashers go on I pull over Its Barney Fife the local police of this small town He walks up on the car and starts talking to me He informs me that i was parked on private property. I tell him I`m sorry about that I start to explain to him that it is my wife and my wedding anniversary, and that i had proposed to her there 22 years earlier. He spotlights the interior of my car and sees the pepsi cans He starts laughing and tells me thats the best one he heard all day..He tells my wife and i happy anniversary. We start to leave. I tell my wife..See Baby even on our anniversary you get me into trouble. This year would have been our 25th wedding anniversary. My wife passed away a year ago this month on the 29th. I sure do miss her I know she would have wanted me to share this laugh with all of you. |
lol how sweet! thanks for sharing!
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Your very welcome
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