Topic: “Will It Be?”
TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:22 AM
“Will It Be?”

Will you always be?
Right there for me to see.
Will it be your voice?
That will make me rejoice.

Will it be you that will care?
And will always want to share.
Will it be you that my heart.
Will always be a part.

Will it be you that will stand tall?
And be there if I fall.
Will it be you I hear?
And will never disappear.

Will it be you that I miss so much?
When your gone and not there to touch.
Will it be your face?
I will see when I embrace.

Will it be you that holds my hand?
And beside me you will stand.
Will it be you that is unique?
And are you the one I seek.

Will it be you that I will here you say?
Don’t ever leave me please stay.
Will it be you that will hold?
Me as we both grow old.


Aww to the questions we can ask to the one we think it could be some day. We shall all find the one some day that we will not have to ask these questions anymore. For we will already know the answers as soon as our eyes meet theirs. You see until that time no one really knows what is within the soul not until you look into there eyes. bigsmile love bigsmile

no photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:27 AM
Great writing Kristi!!bigsmile bigsmile

LAMom's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:48 AM
And when you look deep within the eyes the beauty of the soul touches you and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what an incredible life altering touch it is,,

Most awesome words,,,,, Beauty and grace flow from your soul,,, Love, wisdom and kindness be still my heart,,, your heart sings,,,

Love you ((((( Puddin Cup ))))))

:heart: flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/02/08 05:34 PM
pkd thank you very much and for all your kind words in the pastbigsmile flowerforyou bigsmile

bigsmile :heart: ((((((((Buttercup))))))))):heart:bigsmile your my heart, my friend and the one that makes me see reality in its finest. Love ya girlfriend. :heart: bigsmile :heart: smooched :heart:

Wolfeyes58's photo
Wed 01/02/08 06:50 PM
I will always be here and you will see,
I am the friend that I was meant to be.
Always here to lend a hand or advice,
And I will always treat you nice.

True friends to the end Kristi...:heart: flowerforyou :wink:

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 01/02/08 08:29 PM
:wink: bigsmile


TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 01/03/08 05:58 AM
Robert thanks for your friendship bigsmile

Craig hope all is going will with you my friendbigsmile