Topic: L-O-V-E
Goofball73's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:11 AM

I can't take this s*it anymore. Okay Massey, you wanna know the secret to all this love stuff huh? You have never been in love before? Well....good....and bad....cause it can be great and it can also hurt like a muther. But anyways, if you really wanna know then sit down and begin to learn.

You will freaking know it cause it will feel different than anything you have felt before. It is that simple. You will experience the following......

-You will think of him constantly, and not in that friend way of will be the thinking of how he makes you laugh, or you will see yourself thinking of a future with him.

-He will "get" you. When you find someone like had better hold on...they don't come around often.

-You will "get" him. No matter how different from you he is, you will somehow get him.

-Just talking to him makes you happy like a middle school girl.

-You will feel that "magic" in his lips, holding his hand, and his hugs. Trust'll be different than anything you have experienced.

-Being with him...doing nothing like cuddling on the a great evening for you.

-He will make you smile more than you ever have.

-He will love you for you...all your faults...everything.

-Weak in the knees? Nah. Try having a heart that aches for that a good achy way.

-When you see him, after he has been at work...and you light have fallen girl.

These are just some tidbits. Take them as you will.

You actually made me laugh for the first time day goofball.. and with a handle name like yours.. im surprised that you actually made sense.. thanks for that..I do have those kinds of feelings.. but not strong ones.. then maybe I havent been in love.. sad to admit..

I actually do make sense sometimes...I just choose not to alot of the times.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Massey, no reason to feel sad about it. I mean, if you haven't then you haven't. I think it might actually be a blessing for you in some ways.

no photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:13 AM

are you talking about LOVE.I think do you have no idea about LOVE Defination.everyhitng is fair in LOVE,GAME and WAR

chuck366's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:13 AM

I can't take this s*it anymore. Okay Massey, you wanna know the secret to all this love stuff huh? You have never been in love before? Well....good....and bad....cause it can be great and it can also hurt like a muther. But anyways, if you really wanna know then sit down and begin to learn.

You will freaking know it cause it will feel different than anything you have felt before. It is that simple. You will experience the following......

-You will think of him constantly, and not in that friend way of will be the thinking of how he makes you laugh, or you will see yourself thinking of a future with him.

-He will "get" you. When you find someone like had better hold on...they don't come around often.

-You will "get" him. No matter how different from you he is, you will somehow get him.

-Just talking to him makes you happy like a middle school girl.

-You will feel that "magic" in his lips, holding his hand, and his hugs. Trust'll be different than anything you have experienced.

-Being with him...doing nothing like cuddling on the a great evening for you.

-He will make you smile more than you ever have.

-He will love you for you...all your faults...everything.

-Weak in the knees? Nah. Try having a heart that aches for that a good achy way.

-When you see him, after he has been at work...and you light have fallen girl.

These are just some tidbits. Take them as you will.

You actually made me laugh for the first time day goofball.. and with a handle name like yours.. im surprised that you actually made sense.. thanks for that..I do have those kinds of feelings.. but not strong ones.. then maybe I havent been in love.. sad to admit..

I actually do make sense sometimes...I just choose not to alot of the times.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Massey, no reason to feel sad about it. I mean, if you haven't then you haven't. I think it might actually be a blessing for you in some ways.

I agree...

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:14 AM

Hmmmm I guess I know I'm in love because he is the first person I think of in the morning and the last person I think of before going to bed. If I had the choice between making him happy and making me happy, I'd choose him. I enjoy seeing a smile on his face and knowing I have brought him joy. I know that having been loved by him, if I died then and there I would feel fulfilled. I would know I had acomplished something in life. I would know I had loved deeply and unconditionally and that is all I really need.

thats nice are a sweet girl..any man would be lucky to have you feel that way for him..

Dragoness's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:15 AM
Being in love is a biological response to another person. They take your breath away literally, butterflies in the stomach, thinking of them constantly, etc...... There is a warning on the label though, all people we fall in love with are not necessarily good for us. I can vouch for this personally. One must use logic to assess if the person is a good choice for the full on investment. The feelings are great, it is a natural high but it does not make them a proper choice always. If you have not felt this yet, you will one day. It is intoxicating. The only way in love becomes real love is through work on each side. If the two paries are not working together to make it happen it will fail miserably. Use your head is the best advice I can give.

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:18 AM

Uh oh masey I think I figured this out. Do your freinds and family call you ice princess for the reason you stated or because you are the type of person who over anylizes everything and intentionally puts excuses and obstacles in your own way of having a decent relationship?
. Don't do that to yourself. You don't deserve mild self abuse either. Noone does. Like yourself a little more. We like you.

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:19 AM

Being in love is a biological response to another person. They take your breath away literally, butterflies in the stomach, thinking of them constantly, etc...... There is a warning on the label though, all people we fall in love with are not necessarily good for us. I can vouch for this personally. One must use logic to assess if the person is a good choice for the full on investment. The feelings are great, it is a natural high but it does not make them a proper choice always. If you have not felt this yet, you will one day. It is intoxicating. The only way in love becomes real love is through work on each side. If the two paries are not working together to make it happen it will fail miserably. Use your head is the best advice I can give.

right..thanks.. now I'm thinking, maybe I used my head too much that I didnt give any of my relationships a chance to spark.. to feel the jitters and the glow..

Goofball73's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:21 AM

Being in love is a biological response to another person. They take your breath away literally, butterflies in the stomach, thinking of them constantly, etc...... There is a warning on the label though, all people we fall in love with are not necessarily good for us. I can vouch for this personally. One must use logic to assess if the person is a good choice for the full on investment. The feelings are great, it is a natural high but it does not make them a proper choice always. If you have not felt this yet, you will one day. It is intoxicating. The only way in love becomes real love is through work on each side. If the two paries are not working together to make it happen it will fail miserably. Use your head is the best advice I can give.

Must you always come on here with some scientific answer Dragoness?laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:22 AM

Uh oh masey I think I figured this out. Do your freinds and family call you ice princess for the reason you stated or because you are the type of person who over anylizes everything and intentionally puts excuses and obstacles in your own way of having a decent relationship?
. Don't do that to yourself. You don't deserve mild self abuse either. Noone does. Like yourself a little more. We like you.

thank you, its comforting to hear that now if you only know.. people who knows me are starting to judge me for my last failed relationship. they are actually talking behind my back .. its good to know that on here i can just be myself and be liked.. :cry:

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:32 AM
Thanks guys for all the tips and advise.. I shall re-read and learn from it, absorb, ponder and hope to apply them one day to the chosen one who will make me fall in love..

Until then.. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Goofball73's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:32 AM

Uh oh masey I think I figured this out. Do your freinds and family call you ice princess for the reason you stated or because you are the type of person who over anylizes everything and intentionally puts excuses and obstacles in your own way of having a decent relationship?
. Don't do that to yourself. You don't deserve mild self abuse either. Noone does. Like yourself a little more. We like you.

thank you, its comforting to hear that now if you only know.. people who knows me are starting to judge me for my last failed relationship. they are actually talking behind my back .. its good to know that on here i can just be myself and be liked.. :cry:

Sorry hun....but those people you know just are pieces of sh*t. Sorry...had to be said. You don't judge people on anything.

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:33 AM
I have to agree with goofglasses

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:34 AM

Uh oh masey I think I figured this out. Do your freinds and family call you ice princess for the reason you stated or because you are the type of person who over anylizes everything and intentionally puts excuses and obstacles in your own way of having a decent relationship?
. Don't do that to yourself. You don't deserve mild self abuse either. Noone does. Like yourself a little more. We like you.

thank you, its comforting to hear that now if you only know.. people who knows me are starting to judge me for my last failed relationship. they are actually talking behind my back .. its good to know that on here i can just be myself and be liked.. :cry:

Sorry hun....but those people you know just are pieces of sh*t. Sorry...had to be said. You don't judge people on anything.

Thank you..thats what I thought of them too (but of course I only said that to myself...)lol..

Goofball73's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:35 AM
Give me names, numbers, descriptions....and I will deliver the message for you.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I have no shame.:wink:

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:39 AM
nah.. thanks .. i'll play the better person and just be decent about it.. i'll just take on the advise most of you guys put on in here and move on.. hoping to one day recognize the right person when i meet him..

thanks for the offer tho.. if they do it again i will let you know :)

Goofball73's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:44 AM
Well taking the "better person route" is no fun.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

But, it is good you can do that. I would more than likely do that too.....but I would tread lightly. :wink:

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:02 AM

Uh oh masey I think I figured this out. Do your freinds and family call you ice princess for the reason you stated or because you are the type of person who over anylizes everything and intentionally puts excuses and obstacles in your own way of having a decent relationship?

hmmmm...maybe I do overanalize.. and maybe I keep comparing myself and my relationships with others.. is that bad?

. Only if it becomes habitual. Mr. Rights not going to have much patience with it. I don't feel you are drastic about it. I have seen others make a habit out of putting obstacles in the way and its monotonous and unproductive and becomes overbearing. Masey you are very smart. You are highly educated. You are fairly set in your directions in your life. I don't see you being too analytical. I see you being selective just like the rest of us which makes you wonderfully normal in my opinion. And thanks goofball for going easy on her. She's legitimate and refreshing compared to other posts. Don't you agree?

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:05 AM
Edited by Fade2Black on Wed 01/02/08 10:06 AM

I have been in and out of relationships and I have to admit, that one way or the other, I have been told that I do not know how to Love (not just once or twice..),.. pathetic.. maybe or maybe I was just with the wrong person.. How do you know if you have been in love?How do you know if you should go and give it another shot or to just call it quits with someone?.. how the hell do you know?.. I am so sick and tired of it, people always say.. when you find the right person.. you'll know.. but the thing is.. I dont know.. help me out before I decide to just be single forever and just decide to throw in the towel and live alone in this world.. I have thought about that most of the time...

for me .. I know if I'm in love by the feeling in my stomach when he calls after we've had an argument. my heart is in my throat when I see the caller ID.

trust me ........ you'll know :wink:

it's the sound of "that one's" voice that brings you home, you can't get enough of them, and all that stuff ......

and yes to the poster who stated you "get" each other - that just does NOT happen often babe.

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:09 AM
And ya .. they make your heart happy. It's an unbelievable feeling :wink:

but sweetie, don't you let anyone judge you. People who don't have the guts to realize their own dreams will always try to make yours seem ridiculous.

It will come when it comes. And you will know.

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:14 AM

Uh oh masey I think I figured this out. Do your freinds and family call you ice princess for the reason you stated or because you are the type of person who over anylizes everything and intentionally puts excuses and obstacles in your own way of having a decent relationship?

hmmmm...maybe I do overanalize.. and maybe I keep comparing myself and my relationships with others.. is that bad?

. Only if it becomes habitual. Mr. Rights not going to have much patience with it. I don't feel you are drastic about it. I have seen others make a habit out of putting obstacles in the way and its monotonous and unproductive and becomes overbearing. Masey you are very smart. You are highly educated. You are fairly set in your directions in your life. I don't see you being too analytical. I see you being selective just like the rest of us which makes you wonderfully normal in my opinion. And thanks goofball for going easy on her. She's legitimate and refreshing compared to other posts. Don't you agree?

See that's my point..if he thinks he is Mr. Right, then he should have the patience for me..

Thanks for the all the compliment, its nice to see that some people still see that in me, thanks for seing that..and being sensitive enough to go on easy on a girl whos just lost in thougt and is just completely clueless on this LOVE thing.. I mean sometimes I think that work is easier than heartly matters. Conflicts in work can be defined, measured, set a limit to.. but heartly matters.. tsk tsk tsk..