im startin to feel really good i got some GnR in my headphones.the boys
sound asleep and im wide awake lol. |
Hummmmmmm yeah I need something to warm my cold nights lol
whoa..Mr Brownstone is playin on the radio here Lion lol
how bout an electric blanket.
Hummmmmmmmm guess that is better than nothing lol
i had pretty tied up on.
you could borrow one of my cats Gurly lol
Hummm thanks but think I will go for the electic blanket don't have to
feed it lol |
I can feed myself, what do you think?
I'm sure you can lol
I'm checkin' my list here to see who's naughty forget the nice
Damn count us all in on that one lol
i know txs wants her very own cabana boy :D
my day started in the gutter and seems like it'll end there too. got me
txs |
* gets comfy in the chair with a spongebob blankie , the bong, and BOC
playin* Wake me up if somethin good happens |
that sound like fun i want to feed the ladies the grapes and fan them
off |
I could keep you warm. I have a built in heater.
Oh and I can be real nice or real naughty.
You are going to fall off that roof theron 75