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Topic: what u looking for here? - part 10
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Wed 08/23/23 04:14 AM
..... it.....

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Thu 08/24/23 03:33 AM
Someone to vacuum, wash and detail my car.

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Thu 08/24/23 03:36 AM

Someone to vacuum, wash and detail my car.

Oooo, send that person my way when they finish, lol

no photo
Thu 08/24/23 07:40 AM

Someone to vacuum, wash and detail my car.

Oooo, send that person my way when they finish, lol

Have you seen my car lately? It's gonna take a while. laugh

no photo
Thu 08/24/23 08:28 AM
Someone else to clean my car grumble laugh

no photo
Thu 08/24/23 09:32 AM

Someone else to clean my car grumble laugh

laugh :angel:

Ubaidpk's photo
Thu 08/24/23 10:37 AM
Looking to say hello to poetry :bouquet: :wave:


no photo
Thu 08/24/23 03:20 PM
A cute movie to watch

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Fri 08/25/23 03:27 AM
A 1963 Pontiac Tempest like my dad owned. Had no clue what a badazz car that was til I was much older.

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Fri 08/25/23 03:41 AM
I'm looking for the pesky mosquito that keeps attacking me grumble

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Sat 08/26/23 01:21 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 08/26/23 01:23 AM
A reason I shouldnt return to bed.

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sat 08/26/23 03:13 AM

A reason I shouldnt return to bed.

It's Saturday :sunny::tada::confetti_ball::dancer::rainbow::balloon:
Get out of your bed lol :joy:
You can have a lie in tomorrow if you don't go to ⛪ :joy:

no photo
Sat 08/26/23 03:15 AM
For Jaan to amuse me bigsmile

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sat 08/26/23 03:25 AM

For Jaan to amuse me bigsmile

Hahaha anyone would think "Clown" is my middle name :joy:

Thats why I don't have a middle name... Lol

Good morning from here and I guess that's good evening to you :pray:

no photo
Sat 08/26/23 03:35 AM
Edited by Blondey111 on Sat 08/26/23 03:36 AM
Clowns are scary . You have more boyish charm and bubbly humour .

Yes it’s 10.30pm Kiwi time ., Saturday night. It is freezing here , thanks to snow on the mountains . Toasting my bits and pieces in front of a roaring fire :-)

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sat 08/26/23 03:42 AM
I can't stand the cold Brrrrrr :snowflake::snowflake:

Lucky you, the roaring fire...

I'd have to set my neighbours house on fire if I wanted the same, but fortunately for me, my neighbours are lovely on both sides, Thank God :pray:..

no photo
Sat 08/26/23 09:48 AM
Hello everyone :slight_smile:

Lonelynbk 's photo
Sun 08/27/23 02:18 AM
a thick white women

no photo
Sun 08/27/23 09:57 AM
A new pair of trainers

no photo
Tue 08/29/23 03:08 AM
A pair of midrise dark charcoal gray leather pants.

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