Topic: Open My Hand
mig25's photo
Mon 01/02/23 07:38 PM
Open My Hand

I reach out
grasping for the wind
in hopes of capturing
just an inkling of hope
to hold
as tightly as I possibly can
so that
I could believe
the impossible

I could breathe again
the nothingness
of the air
could be held
as tightly
as the love
was no longer there

I want to be foolish
but I know
should I open my hand
it will be as empty
as my arms
once held her
it's just
I need an inkling
of hope

no photo
Mon 01/02/23 11:46 PM
Beautifully expressed :sparkles:

Vibes's photo
Tue 01/03/23 12:53 AM
The feel of wanting
Ray of expectation
Penned in aspiration

Nice poem

JulieABush's photo
Tue 01/03/23 03:04 AM
Nice poem:thumbsup: :wink: .

no photo
Tue 01/03/23 08:03 AM
The after effects of love linger on... while those we love move on. Your poem was heartfelt.

no photo
Wed 01/04/23 04:01 AM
As always, beautifully expressed.