Topic: Islam is the ONLY Truth. | |
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Thu 08/31/23 02:49 AM
The rights of non-Muslims in an Islamic society
Islam believes that God honored man, before he became a Muslim, Christian, Jew or Buddhist, regardless of his color or race. Therefore, Islam preserved the rights of non-Muslims. Among these rights are: Freedom of religion, so no one is forced to leave his religion, but rather he is allowed to practice his private rituals without restrictions. Because the principle is that there is no compulsion in religion. Righteousness and justice in dealing with non-Muslims; According to the Quran: that as long as others live in security with Muslims, Muslims must establish their relationship with them based on foundation of affection and fairness. Equality between Muslims and others in rights and duties. This principle was written after the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, and it stipulated that the People of the Book - the Jews at that time - are nations with the muslims; That is, they have full citizenship rights, practice their worship with all their freedom, support Muslims, and advocate for the protection of the city. They cooperate, each in his position, in carrying the burdens. It is not permissible for a Muslim to oppress a covenanter, burden him beyond his capacity, or take anything from him without his consent. They accepted the dhimma contract so that their money and rights would be like the money and rights of Muslims. For example, the permissibility of alcohol and raising pigs for non-Muslims, and it is not permissible for a Muslim to destroy the wine of a dhimmi or his pig. If a Muslim did that, he would have to pay for that. Is belief in Islam a condition for citizenship in Islamic society? Belief in Islam is not a requirement for citizenship; Because Islam establishes its relationship with others on the basis of their peace with Muslims and their willingness to coexist with them. And do not attack Muslims. When we see contemporary Islamic political currents, they are strict in their treatment of non-Muslims, and they consider them to be infidels based on verses from the Qur’an. This is an interpretation that deviates from the correct teachings of Islam. |
in the verse in the quran where i put up the 3 options for non muslims it says to subjegate them meaning humilaite them when paying the jiyza. In anicent societies the dhimmis could only get menial jobs and look it up.
If islam was interpretated the way u are saying the world would be a better place but its not. In the quran "it is he(allah) who has sent his messenger(muhammad) with the religion of truth(islam) that he(allah) may make it prevail over all other religions even though the mushikoon(non muslims) dont like it. In the bible christ is the only way to salvation everyone else goes to hell but the difference is the bible says to love your enemies. In the quran it says whoever says jesus is the son of allah will go to hell. There is a big difference in teachings when it comes to the abrahamic religions. In my opinion the eastern religions are more tolerant buddhism hinduism ect In buddhism there is no mention of a dogmatic practice. In hinduism in the bhagavad gita Lord Krishna(god) - says those who worship me sincerly giving up their who lives in devotion find in me their hearts fufillment and even those who do not know me(everyone else) if their actions are loving, just and straight forward they venerate me with worship in the purest form. I abandon no one and no matter how great your inner darkness is you are never seperate from me. There is a big difference in teachings between the west and the east. Christainity islam are more salvation theologies meaning one has to subscribe to their religions to be saved from hell. The religions from the east view life as more as an experience through numerous amount of lives until one gets it right. |
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Thu 08/31/23 03:23 PM
Islam is the ONLY Truth. The Bible is the only infallible Word of God . God inspired Men to write His Holy Word. I have Muslim friends. A couple, who have been married for Years.They changed their names years ago the grown children too. Not sure why they felt the need to do that! Unfortunately there are many people following false doctrines. Seek God for truth. |
LUNG154 u see that an what i said about my previous posts and when i compared the abrahamic religions to the of the eastern ones? What more u want me to say look what the person above is saying only this way is right and everyone else goes to hell. My point exactly what i mentioned in my post above this persons
Jesus is not God
During his lifetime, Jesus himself didn't call himself God and didn't consider himself God, and ... none of his disciples had any inkling at all that he was God. You do find Jesus calling himself God in the Gospel of John, or the last Gospel. Jesus replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’” Luke 4:8 If you worship Jesus as God or son of God. You shall be deserving of the fire of Hell. Jesus said; “But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, 'You fool! 'will be liable to the hell of fire.” (Matthew 5:22). Whoever angers his brother deserves hell. So how does he not deserve the fire of hell who angers Jesus and the Lord of Jesus? |
What is Christianity's view of other religions?
In fact, the church teaches that the “plan of salvation” includes all people, regardless of their religious affiliation The church also recognizes that other religions very often contain “true and holy” elements—“rays of the same Truth” that the church professes. Because of this, people of other faiths deserve our admiration and respect, and the church calls on all people to engage in dialogue and collaboration around our shared values.,collaboration%20around%20our%20shared%20values. |
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Fri 09/01/23 12:26 PM
“Ɔʎɹɐx Cyrax”,
Remaining on the subject of social interactions of an ex-Muslim-turned-atheist in a Muslim society: since civil marriage is not permitted in Syria, would being casual about it also apply, if one day you wanted your futurable marriage to be registered there? |
All religions claim the same thing
Funny, I feel the same about The Great Pumpkin from The Charlie Brown Halloween Special....
Maybe one day a flying saucer will land and little green aliens will get out and tell you that they were your Gods who came here thousands of years ago to teach the stupid cavemen new ways and ideas. Religion has been the cause of most wars and deaths than any other thing in the entire world. I'm noy saying there isnt a God, I'm saying if there is, I highly doubt he'd want you to kill one another over him, or what kind of God would he be ? Religion is equivalent to a brainwashing cult, Prey at certain times of the day because we don't want you thinking any original thoughts of your own and questioning anything. Cover your head cuz God ( who made your head in the first place, the all knowledgable being who created EVERYTHING you see ) doesnt want to see it... so, lemme get this right, the PERFECT God made a mistake and we shouldnt have heads I guess, so now you have to cover them as to not to offend the God who gave you a head to begin with... Lets not get started on not allowed to eat this or that on this day... Or the mere fact that you have to go to a certain place to worship God. If there's a God who created EVERYTHING, then he's all around you and even in you, no need to go to a certain place to tell him youre thinking of him Religions were made by people attempting to exert control over the masses and has been interpretted differently throughout the ages as to the political climate at the time and what the people in charge wanted. |
Wars caused by Religion
According to the Encyclopedia of Wars, out of all 1,763 known/recorded historical conflicts, 121, or 6.87%, had religion as their primary cause. Most wars were caused by political issues This is an incomplete list of political wars: Greek democracies The Peloponnesian War. The principal war was between Athens and its allies on one side, and Sparta and its allies. Roman Republic The Punic Wars. 18th century The Quasi-War, between the United States and the French Republic. 19th century • Mexican–American War • Sonderbund War (civil war between cantons in Switzerland) • War of 1849 between the Roman Republic and the French Second Republic • War of 1857–1860 between Peru and Ecuador • Philippine–American War • First and Second Boer Wars between the United Kingdom and the South African Republic/Orange Free State 20th century • First Balkan War (1912–13): • First World War: • Irish War of Independence: from January 1919 to July 1921 • Polish–Lithuanian War: • Continuation War (World War II): in 1941. • First Kashmir War: • Cod Wars: between the United Kingdom and Iceland • Football War (Soccer War), between El Salvador and Honduras in 1969. • Turkish invasion of Cyprus: • Paquisha War: War fought in 1981 between Ecuador and Peru. • First Nagorno-Karabakh War: Armenia and Azerbaijan The Russo-Ukrainian War which began in February 2014. Also the Tensions between China and Taiwan! |
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Mon 09/04/23 12:17 PM
lemme get this right, the PERFECT God made a mistake and we shouldnt have heads I guess, so now you have to cover them as to not to offend the God who gave you a head to begin with... Not to forget the few inches of foresk¡n that god created then found out they were so much that you need to get rid of directly after delivery ![]() Oh and guess what, this defekt affects only Jews and Muslims 🤪 |
Circumcision on Boys
The Gospel of Luke indicates that 8 days after Jesus was born, he was circumcised according to Jewish laws. After circumcision, the child is given his name; Thus Jesus took his name on the day of his circumcision. The Apostle Paul says, “For circumcision is profitable if you keep the law. But if you break the law, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision!” (Romans 2:25). Circumcision has also played an important role in Christian history and theology and has had a significant cultural presence throughout Christendom. Many Christian denominations celebrate the circumcision of Jesus as a feast Although the law of circumcision in Christianity was dropped in the New Testament, that is, most Christian churches are neutral regarding circumcision, as they do not oblige their followers to do it or prevent them, as they do not consider it as a religious duty, but some churches such as the Ethiopian Orthodox Unification Church, the Eritrean Orthodox Unification Church, and the Coptic Orthodox Church impose the law of circumcision on males. Mayo Clinic says: ‘Sometimes there's a medical need for circumcision, such as when the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back (retracted) over the glans. In other cases, particularly in parts of Africa, circumcision is recommended for older boys or men to reduce the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections’. |
Circumcision on Boys The Gospel of Luke indicates that 8 days after Jesus was born, he was circumcised according to Jewish laws. After circumcision, the child is given his name; Thus Jesus took his name on the day of his circumcision. The Apostle Paul says, “For circumcision is profitable if you keep the law. But if you break the law, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision!” (Romans 2:25). Circumcision has also played an important role in Christian history and theology and has had a significant cultural presence throughout Christendom. Many Christian denominations celebrate the circumcision of Jesus as a feast Although the law of circumcision in Christianity was dropped in the New Testament, that is, most Christian churches are neutral regarding circumcision, as they do not oblige their followers to do it or prevent them, as they do not consider it as a religious duty, but some churches such as the Ethiopian Orthodox Unification Church, the Eritrean Orthodox Unification Church, and the Coptic Orthodox Church impose the law of circumcision on males. Mayo Clinic says: ‘Sometimes there's a medical need for circumcision, such as when the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back (retracted) over the glans. In other cases, particularly in parts of Africa, circumcision is recommended for older boys or men to reduce the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections’. I was waiting for this reply. Since you stress on how important Circumcision on Boys is, which I don't argue about, you actually make our point valid without even noticing since all what you do is copy and paste.. Our MAIN POINT of argument is that your perfect god, wasn't so perfect when he created the foreskin, and added some extra inches that (according to your reply) should be removed because of the STD's and stuff. It seems that your god was absence during the science class and didn't realize how bad the foreskin is. But he tried to catch up by telling his creatures to "please correct this slight mistake by Circumcision" ![]() And thanks for pointing out that Circumcision is recommended in Christianity too, I don't have so much knowledge about Christianity but it's good to know that it follows the same steps of showing how imperfect this god is. |
Just for a comparison...
Sometimes **** happens in car industry during the production, and they only find out after the cars start rolling. Any decent cars manufacturer pulls the defect cars from the market and compensates the owners as soon as possible to correct any mistake (Damage Control). That is usually done in a matter of months. Now, modern humans have been roaming this earth for 200,000 years... let's forget about that and go with your Abrahamic version of the tale, your god created humans some 6000 years ago, so he had 6000 thousands to correct his mistake and present a perfect production, but he didn't. I won't ask him for a damage control, he could at least start producing correctly from now on ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 09/05/23 05:03 AM
I'm pretty sure that “LUNG1954" can find an existing published response regarding the foreskin, which I don't know how much medically accurate it is “Ɔʎɹɐx”. And BTW, why did you opt not to reply to my question above in the page? |
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Tue 09/05/23 06:03 AM
Dude, your questions have nothing to do with this thread, I don't know why you are worried about how I talk to people or how I will get married if at all...
That's not an issue. I can go to Cyprus or any country that rely on civil laws instead of sharia'a shid to register the marriage, people are doing that already especially when a muslim woman wants to marry a christian man without forcing him to convert to islam as the stupid sharia law states |
I can go to Cyprus or any country that rely on civil laws instead of sharia'a shid to register the marriage, people are doing that already especially when a muslim woman wants to marry a christian man without forcing him to convert to islam as the stupid sharia law states
I already knew that, and my question was not about where you would have a civil marriage, if you ever got married. |
The functions of the foreskin include protecting the head of the penis and contributing to sexual sensations.
You can search for more information. God did not create anything useless. Some of these benefits have been known to science. But still, a lot of things science can't explain. There is no point in arguing with someone who does not believe in God because his head is stuffed with unbelief |
The best thing is the Quran says believe it or not, when death comes the truth will be infront of you. Islam is the ONLY Truth. Allah SWT is the ONLY God & Prophet Muhammad is his final Messenger. Jehovah God is the Only True and Living God. The Holy Bible is the only infallible word of God. |