Topic: destiny v fate
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Thu 09/08/22 02:21 PM
Just my opinion

You see this is my problem, people perceive destiny and fate to be connected to love and this in my opinion is not true.

Destiny is only following the right time line along your life line and fate is purely being in the right place at the right time where your emotional life is considerably influenced by an event or happening… remembering destiny and fate can both be related to an event in your life…

Sitting behind a computer screen only changes your appreciation of the outside world from a one-dimensional viewpoint… experiencing life gives you the ability to determine where your focus should be put to enhance your life.

A further question is how you perceive destiny and especially your destiny. if you believe your destiny is to be rich and famous then go try robbing the gold bank, that will make you initially rich and eternally famous…

To me it really does depend upon your appreciation of fate and destiny…

Destiny can simply be put as something that drives your personality to achieve something beyond the norm whilst emotionally enhancing your whole being. “You feel you are doing something good in life and you are enhancing the experience of those people you meet and are about to meet… where fate puts you in those places where your destiny can be proven to the benefit of people and life itself.

Fate however is a universally controlled element. Your emotional being, your education, personality and family history determine your fate, all these element’s either by themselves or collectively determine your fate… or does it?

If you are financially secure you will probably drive a car, so missing your bus and meeting your life partner will never happen for you will never catch a bus. Do you see my point! However, having a car and seeing somebody in the rain at a bus stop and stopping to aid them or give them a lift, will enhance their appreciation of you and life itself and could take you down a road of something you could never imagine… or you just could be giving somebody a lift in the rain and nothing changes… but with the universal actions of fate it has to.

Any action that creates good or bad has a knock-on effect. What that will be will never be known for something good or bad may happen to you based on that action.

Perhaps we could consider how our actions affect the fate and destiny of others, although we will never know this, by doing something out of the ordinary for others may in itself affect their destiny.

We all say what goes around comes around and by doing so that roll on effect may in itself be returned to us in some way within our future…

We do not know what is around the corner nor do we know how any of our actions interfere or interreact with others, but is it not nice to believe that everything we do affects the universe as a whole…

Just my opinion

Douglas's photo
Tue 04/25/23 04:34 AM
I think it was Einstein who said that if we could take a snapshot of the universe and record the movement and mass of every element in it, the entire future movement of all elements for all time could be theoretically calculated. This theory has a large following among physicists and mathematicians.

If that is accurate, then there is nothing that is not already predetermined. What we mistake for free will and or decisions to do one thing or another, could be theoretically computed before we even lived. Millions of years ago, even.

Of course, it doesn't FEEL like I'm just some predetermined instance of nebulous matter whose life was always known in advance. But I suppose that's the point: it was already determined by the momentum of atoms billions of years ago that I would exist and would have such feelings.

So does it matter what I do? And if I decide that it does - that my destiny is in my own hands - was even that decision inevitable?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 04/25/23 09:12 AM
I believe y'all are talking about chaos and order.
On the surface, it appears those are two different aspects of existence. Two opposite ends of a scale.

The nature of the Universe is chaos but there is order within that chaos. Events are chaotic but events also occur in a series of orderly, predictable outcomes.

Conditions change constantly because time is a factor. Time is the 'flow' of state changes. In a static state, time does not exist. Nothing changes. There is no movement. Everything, everywhere is frozen. The 'truest form' of absolute zero.

As soon as something moves, absolute zero (static state) changes to 'dynamic state'. Heat is generated. Heat which radiates and affects nearby static states making them dynamic as well. The range of the change starts below quantum. Perhaps at the termion level.
At the elemental particle level of matter, movement is registered by each elements spin.
The mass and spin determine its charge. The charge creates force, force is carried by bosons.
At absolute zero all termions are static (no spin) they still may have mass but there is no movement of that mass and with no spin, no force is generated and there is no force carriers (bosons).
In the static state, energy is is non-existing. All the energy is locked away in the static state of the termion.

If our current science is accurate all the Universe is predictable by calculating the elementary mass of every termion in it.

Chaos occurs at the moment of movement. If nothing moves, the static state is preserved and you have a pristine Universe.
Time does not occur.
The moment something moves (dynamic state) time occurs.

Quantum theory supports entanglement. Two or more elemental particles are linked. Changing one, changes the others, even over distance.
If entanglement did not exist, movement at one particle would transfer heat to all its surrounding particles in a predictable pattern.
It would show as time occurring in an outward radiating pattern from a definite center.
What we actually see is time seemingly occurring universally. This can be explained by entanglement. Perhaps certain termions are entangled universally.

Time runs differently in orbit than it does on the ground. This is a common misconception. Time itself is constant, what is different is how we register it (perception). The human mind registers time as a constant flow; past to present to future at a constant rate of change. Our minds keep us in the awareness of the present. To us, time is constant and always changing. It is our memories which create the past and our expectations which predict the future.

The future is predicted on our own assessment of memory related to current events related to patterns of past occurrences.
This ability to predict future events is not equal for all people. Each of us have some ability to predict and some of us have exceptional ability to predict.

simple example:
When you walk, you you use predictability for each and every step. When you move your foot outward you step out believing there is a solid surface for you to place your foot and shift your balance.
As you walk, you make this prediction over and over again which reinforces your prediction strategy. You walk, without thinking about it in a constant flow of movement.
If you are walking along and you do not find that solid surface for your foot, you fall or trip which sends a shock to your senses because your predictive flow was changed and you didn't notice.
So for a bit afterward, you look before you step until you are sure your predictions are now accurate again. Then its back to automatic.

Was it your destiny to fall? Was it your fate?
Or... was it something you did or did not do which caused you to fall? If you had been looking where you stepped and corrected your stride you may not have fallen. You would have simply changed your fate, determined a new destiny for yourself.

The nature of the Universe is chaotic. "Sensitive dependence on initial conditions" (the butterfly effect) is pattern prediction in an isolated pocket of awareness.
Destiny is determined by your own pocket of awareness. Fate is determined by your actions within your pocket of awareness.

What you do or don't do directly affects your pocket of awareness. What you do or don't do personally does not directly affect someone else half a world away. Getting on the bus instead of the train in New York City does not affect someone else driving their car in Sydney unless some outside force transmits that decision to that person in Sydney AND it causes them to change their mind.

The person deciding to drive their car in Sydney did not have their destiny changed by you deciding to take the train in New York City. And vice versa.

In NYC, you taking the bus instead of the train may align you with someone you never new existed who becomes your mate eventually but that was not destiny or fate because there are too many factors involved to make it predictable. Them being there at just the right moment to meet you is purely chaotic. Its what you do when you meet them and what they do when they meet you that determines your fate which results in your destiny.

Your fate is determined by your capacity to affect change in your life. Your fate determines your destiny. Your wisdom is how well you manage your fate to reach a desired destiny.

You can change your destiny by changing your fate but you can also change your fate by using wisdom.
If fate can be changed, it is not a law of nature.
If you are walking along and stop yourself from stepping into a hole, your wisdom changed your fate which also changes your destiny.
You were destined to fall into that hole. You stopped walking. You changed your fate thru a decision. Because you acted, your destiny has changed. Your wisdom caused you to change your action.

Its the chaos in the Universe which causes unexpected outcomes. Outside forces can and do change your fate which in turn change your destiny. There is no way to change your destiny if your city gets nuked while you are there. You are unable to change your fate no matter what because you did not have the wisdom to leave the city in time. I don't live in a target zone. That is my choice. I choose to determine my fate in such a way I am not placing myself in a position where my destiny can be changed bu that specific outside force. It is within my own control, thus it is in my fate.

There are multiple factors in ones destiny which occur outside your own fate.
For instance, you want to meet someone new and different so you take the bus instead of the train today.
There is no way you can know if you will meet that one special someone today. Your fate is in chaos.
You meet someone you are really interested in knowing better. You say "Hello". The chaos has started to change to your fate.
If that person is receptive to you, your fate is reinforced by this particular outside force.
If that person is not receptive to you, your fate is still reinforced by an outside force.
Your destiny is determined by this outside force.
But, what you do next, using your wisdom...determines how your destiny will unfold.
From a different view, its best not to forget your chance encounter is also determined by the other's perceptions as well.
It take two to make or break a relationship.
If that person wants absolutely nothing to do with you, your destined relationship will not develop.
If you lie to reach your desire, you have changed the fate of your encounter with a fantasy and reality will eventually show thru and your destiny will not be your hearts desire but your heart's demise.
This is where wisdom changes your fate to reach your destiny.

When you use wisdom to make your decisions you directly affect your own fate and in doing so, you affect your own destiny.
Choose wisely!

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 04/25/23 09:37 AM
The world and our life in it is a crap shoot.

Md Fysal Chowdhury 's photo
Tue 04/25/23 06:55 PM
Destiny- which can be changed. Your effort and will power along with your perseverance changes through what was want for yourself sometimes close to the demand or sometimes a bit more! If you don't success achieve your target you can trying again.
Fate-Some decisions in life are determined by God! Believing in god should be added as a part of life. Which can not be expected to change even if you try! Such as birth, death, marriage and love! If you have any question about love! If you respect love and want unselfish love? You can believe 1st Love is fate and love It's called unselfish love. Love always don’t give you, sometimes take something away..

no photo
Wed 12/04/24 04:58 AM
Considering life is a form of chaos. For me it comes done to chaos.