Topic: Can u speak another lanuage? | |
I kin speek that ther heelbily lagwij. Its bean past dayown frum mah maw's purt ov thuh famelee.
Hayyyyyyy dar Iracees
Hows thanggggggggs down at grammies dis mornin? helbily greatins 2 ya`ll Mawmaw sez heayyyyyyy |
Hallo, Liebe gruesse und einen Guten rutsch ins neue Jahr (german)
Latscho Diewes, ta bachtalo nevo bersh (romani) |
新年快乐 !
spoken softly another language a little louder another language really loud another language yelling another language there i gave you another language in 4 different ways does that count |
i speak idiot, does that count
American Sign Language