This now brings us onto another 'type' in the covenant model, which points to the final atonement work that Christ was to fulfill. God instituted a ceremony called 'the day of atonement', which was to be performed only once a year on the tenth day of the seventh month by the High Priest alone. Let us take a look at the Bible verses concerning this ceremony:
Leviticus 16:2-30 Wow! This was an incredible ceremony and yet so many professed Christians cannot see the importance of this 'type' and 'shadow' that was to be fulfilled by Christ. We learned earlier in this page that the sins of the people were transferred onto the sacrificial animal, and then into the sanctuary by the mediation of the priest. Were the sins of the people counted as forgiven any time of the year, if by faith they offered the sacrifice and the priest made atonement for their sacrifice in the sanctuary? Yes, absolutely, the sins of the people were forgiven at any time when their offering was made and the priest made atonement for them. But their sins were NOT 'blotted out' at that time. They were still 'on record' in the sanctuary. And this is where the day of atonement came into play on the tenth day of the seventh month each year. The day of atonement had a number of purposes. It was a type of judgment of the people, which is why they had to "afflict their souls", and it was also for the complete removal of sins from the people and from the records in the sanctuary, which is why the 'live scape goat' received the sins and was led into the wilderness away from the sanctuary and the congregation. And this day of atonement 'type', the removal of sin, was NOT completed by Christ on the cross. No, it is now being fulfilled by Christ our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary. So what importance does this have for us today? Let us think about some things regarding the day of atonement: Was atonement made for the sinner who was not grieved over their sins and continued to live in self pleasure seeking and sin? The short answer is absolutely not! As we read above in Leviticus 16,the people were to "afflict their souls" during this annual ceremony, the day of atonement. And look at what it says in Leviticus 23 concerning this: Leviticus 23:27-29 So as we can see, those were not afflicted during this time, those who were not grieved by their sins and sought to put them away completely, sacrificing all to the Lord, would be 'cut off' from among the people. So if Jesus is fulfilling this day of atonement 'type' in heaven, 'blotting out' our sins from the record books, to make final atonement for us, what should we be doing as His people? Why should be deeply grieved over our sins and be seeking to turn away from all sin, putting them away, allowing Christ to completely cleanse us of all sin, giving us complete victory over them. This is what Christ is doing now in heaven during this 'anti-typical' day of atonement. He is not only blotting out our sins from the record books in the heavenly sanctuary, 'cleansing the sanctuary. He is seeking to blot out sin FROM OUR LIVES, cleansing our 'body temple.' But those who continue living for this world, living in wilful sin and self pleasure seeking will NOT receive atonement and will be 'CUT OFF' from among God's people! Do you see the importance of this? 2 Peter 3:11 The 'cleansing' of the heavenly sanctuary of sin, the literal fulfillment of the day of atonement began in 1844, of which the 2300 day prophecy of Daniel pointed to. Now if Jesus made complete atonement on the cross, then all past and future sins of everyone who accepts the sacrifice of Christ has been completely atoned for already, and therefore those people are saved, no matter what they do after accepting the sacrifice of Christ. This is what 'once saved, always saved' people believe. They believe once our names are in the book of life in heaven, we cannot be lost. But the Bible teaches otherwise! Revelation 3:5 For Jesus to say that those who 'OVERCOME' He will NOT blot out their names from the book of life, tells us that He WILL blot out the names of those who do NOT overcome. Can you see the role of Jesus as our High Priest in Revelation 3 above? He is making final atonement for us with the Father in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, of which the earthly was a copy. And it is only those who abide by faith in Jesus, surrendering and sacrificing ALL to Him, allowing Jesus to cleanse us from ALL sin, making us 'overcomers', who will REMAIN in the book of life. You only need to look at the 'type' God gave us in the Old Testament. Look at how many Jews were destroyed and forever LOST due to their continued sinful lives and disobedience. And yet these were 'God's people.' The same applies to us today. If we 'claim' to have faith in Jesus, but continue to live worldly lives of sin and disobedience to God's will, then we too will be destroyed and forever lost. This is why God gave us these 'types' in the Old Testament, to teach us and lead us in the ways of righteousness. Continue! |
and the point is ??????. and i thought this is site
was about dating..... |
This is Bible study. The point is to find your salvation.
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Sat 03/12/22 01:32 PM
i am not hear for that, if it keep up i will leave
and make sure tell others about this site... |
You are on a Christian forum now, you can go any other place here to search for your mate.