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Topic: Pick one... - part 5
Devo1974's photo
Sat 06/18/22 10:16 AM
Mow lawn

See a musician in a small venue or big arena

no photo
Sat 06/18/22 11:58 AM
Small venue

Elton John or David Bowie ?

no photo
Tue 06/21/22 08:08 PM
Tough call but David Bowie gets the nod...

live Theater Show or Movie Theater?

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Wed 06/22/22 08:37 AM
Live please

Comedy or drama?

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Wed 06/22/22 08:57 AM

Watch movies or binge watch a TV series?

Devo1974's photo
Wed 06/22/22 01:06 PM
Lately it's been binge watch TV shows.

Hit snooze 3 times before getting up or jump outta bed when alarm goes off

no photo
Wed 06/22/22 01:09 PM
Edited by artRabbit on Wed 06/22/22 01:10 PM
if I hear the alarm sounding
I just turn it completely off
in either case I may or may not get up immediately
kinda depends on the day

cream and sugar or black

Devo1974's photo
Wed 06/22/22 01:31 PM
No sugar but coffee with half/half is perfect

Pool or hot tub?

no photo
Wed 06/22/22 01:42 PM
Hot tub for me!

Sneakers or sandals?

Devo1974's photo
Wed 06/22/22 01:45 PM
Currently sandals 🥵

Streak or chicken

no photo
Wed 06/29/22 05:22 PM

Watermelon or Canteloupe?

no photo
Wed 06/29/22 05:27 PM
Cantaloupe, mmm

:hammer: or :tractor:

Vibes's photo
Thu 06/30/22 01:33 AM


pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 06/30/22 09:23 AM

Batman or superman?

Devo1974's photo
Thu 06/30/22 10:33 AM

Would you rather be able to fly or teleport from place to place

Leah's photo
Thu 06/30/22 01:38 PM

Fiction or Real Life?

Devo1974's photo
Thu 06/30/22 01:42 PM

Action or comedy

Leah's photo
Thu 06/30/22 01:50 PM

Half or Full?

Devo1974's photo
Thu 06/30/22 01:52 PM

Morning or night

no photo
Thu 06/30/22 01:53 PM
two halves or
one full split for two
to share with you

blues or jazz

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