Topic: Questions in my mind | |
When I posted this thread, I was leary about things getting nasty. My main reason for posting this was to ask about the government taking away our rights, not just where smoking is concerned but in many issues.
What other rights besides smoking do you worry about that the government may take away from you? |
I agree. Indeed.
so it's not the same becuase it applies to you and your ok with that....... no, it's a different premise. smoking definitely harms children, while driving MAY harm them. statistically, it's not even close. the funny guys seem to be reacting as if my very opinion were the reason that you can't smoke in a restaurant. it's not your opinion that bothers me, it's that you can't see it's taking away a right in an unfair manner to satisfy a few people. |
smokin outside ya i dont see a prob with that but now we are pushed what now we are no different then u then stay home.!! you know, i generally DO stay at home to protect my children's health. i've never pushed anything...this wasn't brought to a public vote, so i didn't even get to weigh in with my thoughts. (and the only reason we get to eat organically as much is that my g-ma has a farm, and there's a pretty decent farmer's market here that's cheaper than wal-mart.) |
i think they should ban boob jobs!
c'mon ladies,let'em sag,you've earned them! |
I do not like my damn picture taken at every intersection, every store, every atm, every place I go. I think that is wrong. Ready go back to the Amish were no pictures are allowed. I also do not like road blocks when I do not drink en drive, seat belt stops when I always wear mine, random drug tests when I never have done drugs in my life, en the potential to sensor everything in my life without my consent. Everything bad people get sensored for, I get sensored for too. THAT has got to stop.
There is no privacy unless you live in the boonies en that is questionable. Luckily, I live in a secluded area en intend to stay that way. Not everyone has that choice en it is not fair. |
Edited by
Sat 12/29/07 08:07 PM
When I posted this thread, I was leary about things getting nasty. My main reason for posting this was to ask about the government taking away our rights, not just where smoking is concerned but in many issues. What other rights besides smoking do you worry about that the government may take away from you? Smoking is small compared to civil rights, like unwarrented wire taps, or one religion having full control in the government so on this note there can be worse. |
Edited by
Sat 12/29/07 08:08 PM
When I posted this thread, I was leary about things getting nasty. My main reason for posting this was to ask about the government taking away our rights, not just where smoking is concerned but in many issues. What other rights besides smoking do you worry about that the government may take away from you? I'm afraid they're gonna take away my rights to drink my beer, watch my tv, and scratch my nuts. :) Well thanks for bringing up this topic, vented a bit of stress from work today. And I've wasted way too much time on this already, so I'm gonna go outside, smoke, go to the store and get me some ice cream with peanuts in it, that isn't low fat or anyway close to healthy, then I'm gonna sit down with a big a&& spoon and eat the whole thing, scratch my belly, smoke another cigarette, and then pass out in a sugar coma for 12 hours. You know why I wanna do all that? Because I can, for now. Peace |
en no it is not an oxymoron that I have my foto up here. THAT was MY choice.
smokin outside ya i dont see a prob with that but now we are pushed what now we are no different then u then stay home.!! you know, i generally DO stay at home to protect my children's health. i've never pushed anything...this wasn't brought to a public vote, so i didn't even get to weigh in with my thoughts. (and the only reason we get to eat organically as much is that my g-ma has a farm, and there's a pretty decent farmer's market here that's cheaper than wal-mart.) |
When I posted this thread, I was leary about things getting nasty. My main reason for posting this was to ask about the government taking away our rights, not just where smoking is concerned but in many issues. What other rights besides smoking do you worry about that the government may take away from you? Smoking is small compared to civil rights, like unwarrented wire taps, or one religion having full control in the government so on this not there can be worse. i agree smoking is a small thing, but reguardless it is a right to chose. it's an example what the government does. like i said when they start taking it's not going to stop. |
it's not your opinion that bothers me, it's that you can't see it's taking away a right in an unfair manner to satisfy a few people. i don't think it IS taking away a right...maybe restricting it a bit. you can still smoke...nobody's stopped that. and i'm only going off of arkansas...i'm not sure how the laws are implemented elsewhere. i think that if more people were as considerate as singingmyheartout, this would be a non-issue. i smoked for many years, but was ALWAYS considerate. i think they should ban boob jobs!
c'mon ladies,let'em sag,you've earned them! mine don't sag! they |
I just wish to say to everyone who has posted to this
Thank you. I love a good debate where people express their opinions, and are respectful of others opinions. This keeps my mind stimulated, and opens my eyes more so that I can continue to grow, and learn ![]() |
First I am not sure if this is the right area to post this, if not please move it. In another post called "why" my brain started thinking about the choices that we make in our lives. My question is this A lot of areas that are businesses are now smoke free. Why didn't the governments choose to give the owners of the businesses a choice of whether to be a smoking or non smoking establishment? Is this the first step in the government making choices for us in other matters? Any thoughts on this that you would like to share with me? |
![]() WE are losing our rights in this LAND of the free. Seatbelts,,,car seats, speeds, rights for OTHERS to enter your homes or cars. rights to VIEW your personal "EVERYTHING" in life if THEY want. And smoking should be delt with like it is..controversial. Some smoke, some don't. Whats GOOD for ONE. Should be GOOD for BOTH. Every place that WANTS people to BE THERE. Should have the ability to have BOTH in, or at their place of business. IT SHOULD "NOT" JUST BE "NO".... OUR government has ALLOWED the people of America to HAVE Tobacco to BUY,SELL, and USE...They gain TAX MONIES from them and WE DIE! I wish that the USE of Tobacco had "NEVER" been ALLOWED!!! I've been smoking for 30 years,,and no problems YRT..but WHY DID OUR LEADERS ALLOW THEM TO BE LEGAL and USE??? GAVE ME JUST "ONE" GOOD THING THAT TOBACCO CAN DO??? OR SMOKING CAN DO FOR YOU? ![]() |