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Topic: A-Z sentences πŸ™‚ - part 7
Laska Paul 's photo
Wed 04/13/22 11:10 PM

Calling all my Dream 11 Circle for a Easter Party .
Venue : Antarctica , Time : 14.30 Hrs , Plans : Eat , Drink , Enjoy and Go Home .

Vibes's photo
Thu 04/14/22 12:17 AM
Delicious party ahead it Seems

Laska Paul 's photo
Thu 04/14/22 12:39 AM

Exactly what you have said .. A HIFI Party Planned .

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 04/14/22 01:10 AM

No hello to me Kit?

Final hello to poetrywaving think from now on I'll copy Dee:heart: , and just say hello alllaugh

Finalizing my intense training for the first official naked twister tournamentlaugh

Vibes's photo
Thu 04/14/22 01:21 AM
Good decision of yours

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 04/14/22 01:39 AM
laugh thanks

Hello allwaving

Vibes's photo
Thu 04/14/22 02:31 AM
Interesting messages from members

Laska Paul 's photo
Thu 04/14/22 03:00 AM

Just waiting for Easter to come .

Vibes's photo
Thu 04/14/22 03:23 AM
Keep distance from cheaters

Laska Paul 's photo
Thu 04/14/22 07:23 AM

Lesser the Tension , happier is the mood

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 04/14/22 07:31 AM
Maybe messages from members are not always honest... Beware of what you believeπŸ€ͺ

Laska Paul 's photo
Thu 04/14/22 07:36 AM

Note This Plz: Thank You for reminding me what you have said..

no photo
Thu 04/14/22 07:43 AM
Oh, I got O again! laugh :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 04/14/22 07:47 AM
grumble I wanted Olaugh

Perhaps, one day(or night)laugh I'll get
O, fantasy maybe two or threelaugh

no photo
Thu 04/14/22 07:54 AM
Quite happy getting the O can make one.....winking laugh

ivegotthegirth's photo
Thu 04/14/22 07:59 AM
Really, I could help here!

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 04/14/22 07:59 AM
Right ...says the happily married womangrumble laugh

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 04/14/22 08:01 AM

Really, I could help here!

Right says the man.... Out of state:tongue:

ivegotthegirth's photo
Thu 04/14/22 08:15 AM

Really, I could help here!

Right says the man.... Out of state:tongue:

So, I can travel!

Vibes's photo
Thu 04/14/22 09:32 AM
Travel try and trace whatever you want

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