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Topic: guys vs girls - part 267
delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 07/01/21 07:14 AM
673 drinker

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 07/01/21 07:35 AM

no photo
Thu 07/01/21 07:39 AM
675 waving good morning ladies flowerforyou

8macman68's photo
Thu 07/01/21 07:40 AM

no photo
Thu 07/01/21 07:43 AM

675 waving good morning ladies flowerforyou

And Mac smile2

Cloudy's photo
Thu 07/01/21 07:45 AM
676 :wave:

no photo
Thu 07/01/21 07:46 AM
677 flowerforyou Cloudy bigsmile

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 07/01/21 07:49 AM
678waving good morning Dee flowers and mac:hugging:

no photo
Thu 07/01/21 07:50 AM

flowers :heart: flowers

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 07/01/21 08:16 AM
680 drinks

Good morning Dee flowers

Cloudy's photo
Thu 07/01/21 08:42 AM
681 :sunflower:

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 07/01/21 08:43 AM
682 drinker

8macman68's photo
Thu 07/01/21 08:49 AM
681 :wave: good morning delight, Kitkat, cloudy and Dee. i hope summer has not been too hot for everyone.

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 07/01/21 08:53 AM
682 drinker

Summer is hot (by Scotland’s standard hehe) but not as hot as US or Canada. I’d dissolve otherwise laugh

8macman68's photo
Thu 07/01/21 08:56 AM
681. yes I don't know what i would do with 115° F. temperature like some people have. is difficult here with 100°

no photo
Thu 07/01/21 09:02 AM

682... it’s been really humid here lately, temps in the low 90s 🥵

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 07/01/21 09:09 AM
683 drinker

Nope….can’t be doing with extreme heat 🥵

8macman68's photo
Thu 07/01/21 09:43 AM
682. well delight you can send us cooler weather and maybe even some rain.

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 07/01/21 09:51 AM
683 drinker

I can do better than that…..I can send snow because there’s still some on the mountains bigsmile

8macman68's photo
Thu 07/01/21 10:08 AM
682. no snow here. we get enough of our own

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