Topic: I want my money back and cancel
Rita's photo
Wed 02/17/21 04:55 AM
I did not ask to continue this account after 3 months and you charged me without any notice. I want my money back!!!!

delightfulillusion's photo
Wed 02/17/21 05:02 AM
Please see #8 in Frequently Asked Forum Questions pinned at the top of this forum and follow the instructions.

Thank you.

Site Moderator

Rebecca's photo
Wed 02/24/21 09:54 AM
I did not ask to continue this account after 3 months and you charged me without any notice. I want my money back!!!!

How can I cancel this account and get my money back?

maybwecan's photo
Wed 02/24/21 10:04 AM

The response above yours also applies to you...

no photo
Sun 02/28/21 12:39 AM
The billing and support is ridiculous....they do not respond.....

delightfulillusion's photo
Sun 02/28/21 12:55 AM

The billing and support is ridiculous....they do not respond.....

Support is the only department that can help you as, unfortunately, we don’t deal with billing issues within the forums.