Topic: What are you noticing right now?
LarchTree's photo
Sat 01/23/21 01:57 PM
With social distancing, people are more of living in their own worlds. Communication depends on knowing each other and context about a situation, to be effective. Without application to action, and open endedly, what do you observe?

Rock's photo
Sat 01/23/21 02:22 PM
I saw distancing happening in the beginning.
Not so much, anymore.

no photo
Sat 01/23/21 04:51 PM
What are you noticing right now?

All sorts of things.
Can you be more specific?

This is confusing:
, people are more of living in their own worlds...Without application to action, and open endedly, what do you observe?

With people living in their own worlds...what am I observing?
Not much in regards to other people...since they're in their own worlds?
Or not much, outside my own world?

no photo
Sat 01/23/21 06:41 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 01/23/21 07:00 PM
We don't need to social distance here in New Zealand thankfully, life goes on as normal.
Lockdown was horrible here in New Zealand. I felt it bought us together as a nation though, mostly because we have an amazing Prime Minister. People put teddy bears in their windows for the children to find when out walking, which was lovely and people chalked messages to each other on the pavements to encourage each other :heart:
Unfortunately we have community cases again after some one was released from quarantine and still was positive. I am watching an update on the news soon :frowning2:

no photo
Sat 01/23/21 07:54 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 01/23/21 08:03 PM
Conflict and adversarial competition are obsolete -and could very well end us.

(If all nations did their best and cooperated, we could have kicked covid's butt. Instead, fears and distrust between nations, politics, etc., prevented it.)

Though nations and groups are at odds, humans have managed to build an amazing worldwide infrastructure for trade and information. There is presently no need to fight over anything as if there are limited resources.

We have the ability to eradicate much of human suffering -but we have also reached the point of being able to destroy all life and natural resources.
Worldwide conflict and adversarial competition must not -can not -continue -whether through warfare or greed.

A divided nation or a divided world cannot continue. Cooperate or fail.
Unfortunately, you can't make everyone cooperate.

no photo
Sat 01/23/21 08:03 PM
Same stuff, different day.

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 01/23/21 08:52 PM
The one good thing I'm noticing about "social distancing" is that the idiot behind me in the check out line at the grocery is no longer banging his fockin cart into the back of my legs.

no photo
Sat 01/23/21 09:07 PM
Hi lane waving Have you heard the saying . “ Standing together two feet apart“ . For me that sums up social distancing . Despite physical limitations the connections we are capable of transcends that .

During lockdown In New Zealand there was a strong sense of uniting together as a nation against covid and of being kind to each other . . . Multimedia played a pivotal role in helping people to reach out and nurture connections . Some of the many family dance and community videos shared on YouTube made me smile ., It was lovely to see creativity , humour and positive coping during a time of high stress for many . It is more than effective communication it is a mindset .

Larsi666 😽's photo
Sun 01/24/21 03:34 AM
I kept clear of people well before Covid. But I did notice, people got more aggressive. As if that would help noway