Topic: Coronavirus - part 2 | |
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) |
Edited by
Tue 09/28/21 01:45 AM
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) infant and child vaccs, .. dint realize they fell under the same guide line. my understanding is you cant give child hood vaccs (measles, mumps, chicken pox) to an infant. they have to reach a certain age, before their bodies can handle them. which is why today, they are generally given prior to a child's first school year. I also understand infant mortality, is largely based on the first few hours/days of life where complications from being birthed first appear. in fact, a couple of the biggest first contact risks to infants, you are seeing now, is the growing rate of pre mature births and in vitro drug addiction.. so medical advancements, not vaccines.. are saving more infants lives today. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 09/28/21 02:05 AM
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) infant and child vaccs, .. dint realize they fell under the same guide line. my understanding is you cant give child hood vaccs (measles, mumps, chicken pox) to an infant. they have to reach a certain age, before their bodies can handle them. which is why today, they are generally given prior to a child's first school year. I also understand infant mortality, is largely based on the first few hours/days of life where complications from being birthed first appear. in fact, a couple of the biggest first contact risks to infants, you are seeing now, is the growing rate of pre mature births and in vitro drug addiction.. so medical advancements, not vaccines.. are saving more infants lives today. ![]() ![]() NZ immunisation. Schedule ... I only questioned your childhood vaccination history to understood why you have an issue with covid vaccinations for children. You can quote all the stats you like and minimise the disease but children should not die from preventable disease. |
Covid Multi-system inflammatory syndrome “otherwise healthy kids are now facing multisystem inflammatory syndrome about a month after they become infected by the virus. The syndrome, also known as MIS-C, is an inflammation of the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal organs, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The syndrome can also affect individuals with mild cases. “ |
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) infant and child vaccs, .. dint realize they fell under the same guide line. my understanding is you cant give child hood vaccs (measles, mumps, chicken pox) to an infant. they have to reach a certain age, before their bodies can handle them. which is why today, they are generally given prior to a child's first school year. I also understand infant mortality, is largely based on the first few hours/days of life where complications from being birthed first appear. in fact, a couple of the biggest first contact risks to infants, you are seeing now, is the growing rate of pre mature births and in vitro drug addiction.. so medical advancements, not vaccines.. are saving more infants lives today. ![]() ![]() NZ immunisation. Schedule ... I only questioned your childhood vaccination history to understood why you have an issue with covid vaccinations for children. You can quote all the stats you like and minimise the disease but children should not die from preventable disease. while in principle, I agree.. the cure the child is given. should not be potentially as dangerous as the illness it's meant to fight. wouldn't you agree on that?? 80 % effective, means 20% can still get sick after the shot (not counting break through cases). with the additional risk. that all of those who received the shot, are now also at risk to have bad side effects from them. thats an additional risk to the child. just as they were to us adults, that chose to get them. that not taking the vacc. will automatically remove. this is something parents have the right to consider. like I said. I'm not willing to tell them they should pick up a gun and point it at their child. then make them pull the trigger. no matter how good the odds are it is empty. the vaccine is not a harmless cure all. it has proven to have a good potential to harm as well. . |
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) infant and child vaccs, .. dint realize they fell under the same guide line. my understanding is you cant give child hood vaccs (measles, mumps, chicken pox) to an infant. they have to reach a certain age, before their bodies can handle them. which is why today, they are generally given prior to a child's first school year. I also understand infant mortality, is largely based on the first few hours/days of life where complications from being birthed first appear. in fact, a couple of the biggest first contact risks to infants, you are seeing now, is the growing rate of pre mature births and in vitro drug addiction.. so medical advancements, not vaccines.. are saving more infants lives today. ![]() ![]() NZ immunisation. Schedule ... I only questioned your childhood vaccination history to understood why you have an issue with covid vaccinations for children. You can quote all the stats you like and minimise the disease but children should not die from preventable disease. while in principle, I agree.. the cure the child is given. should not be potentially as dangerous as the illness it's meant to fight. wouldn't you agree on that?? 80 % effective, means 20% can still get sick after the shot (not counting break through cases). with the additional risk. that all of those who received the shot, are now also at risk to have bad side effects from them. thats an additional risk to the child. just as they were to us adults, that chose to get them. that not taking the vacc. will automatically remove. this is something parents have the right to consider. like I said. I'm not willing to tell them they should pick up a gun and point it at their child. then make them pull the trigger. no matter how good the odds are it is empty. the vaccine is not a harmless cure all. it has proven to have a good potential to harm as well. . The choice is not whether someone is vaccinated . The choice is between vaccination or covid consequences . Epidemiologist believe at some point everyone will encounter covid . There are no guarantees that infection will be mild or without consequence . You are welcome to play Russian roulette with your own life . If you have children, nephews or nieces , I would hope you would want to protect them . Six billion people have now been vaccinated . |
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) infant and child vaccs, .. dint realize they fell under the same guide line. my understanding is you cant give child hood vaccs (measles, mumps, chicken pox) to an infant. they have to reach a certain age, before their bodies can handle them. which is why today, they are generally given prior to a child's first school year. I also understand infant mortality, is largely based on the first few hours/days of life where complications from being birthed first appear. in fact, a couple of the biggest first contact risks to infants, you are seeing now, is the growing rate of pre mature births and in vitro drug addiction.. so medical advancements, not vaccines.. are saving more infants lives today. ![]() ![]() NZ immunisation. Schedule ... I only questioned your childhood vaccination history to understood why you have an issue with covid vaccinations for children. You can quote all the stats you like and minimise the disease but children should not die from preventable disease. while in principle, I agree.. the cure the child is given. should not be potentially as dangerous as the illness it's meant to fight. wouldn't you agree on that?? 80 % effective, means 20% can still get sick after the shot (not counting break through cases). with the additional risk. that all of those who received the shot, are now also at risk to have bad side effects from them. thats an additional risk to the child. just as they were to us adults, that chose to get them. that not taking the vacc. will automatically remove. this is something parents have the right to consider. like I said. I'm not willing to tell them they should pick up a gun and point it at their child. then make them pull the trigger. no matter how good the odds are it is empty. the vaccine is not a harmless cure all. it has proven to have a good potential to harm as well. . The choice is not whether someone is vaccinated . The choice is between vaccination or covid consequences . Epidemiologist believe at some point everyone will encounter covid . There are no guarantees that infection will be mild or without consequence . You are welcome to play Russian roulette with your own life . If you have children, nephews or nieces , I would hope you would want to protect them . Six billion people have now been vaccinated . chrystal... being poor is no excuse.... the vaccines are free and are given out almost every where. people are actually being paid in some placwes to get the shots. |
Edited by
Wed 09/29/21 11:31 AM
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) infant and child vaccs, .. dint realize they fell under the same guide line. my understanding is you cant give child hood vaccs (measles, mumps, chicken pox) to an infant. they have to reach a certain age, before their bodies can handle them. which is why today, they are generally given prior to a child's first school year. I also understand infant mortality, is largely based on the first few hours/days of life where complications from being birthed first appear. in fact, a couple of the biggest first contact risks to infants, you are seeing now, is the growing rate of pre mature births and in vitro drug addiction.. so medical advancements, not vaccines.. are saving more infants lives today. ![]() ![]() NZ immunisation. Schedule ... I only questioned your childhood vaccination history to understood why you have an issue with covid vaccinations for children. You can quote all the stats you like and minimise the disease but children should not die from preventable disease. while in principle, I agree.. the cure the child is given. should not be potentially as dangerous as the illness it's meant to fight. wouldn't you agree on that?? 80 % effective, means 20% can still get sick after the shot (not counting break through cases). with the additional risk. that all of those who received the shot, are now also at risk to have bad side effects from them. thats an additional risk to the child. just as they were to us adults, that chose to get them. that not taking the vacc. will automatically remove. this is something parents have the right to consider. like I said. I'm not willing to tell them they should pick up a gun and point it at their child. then make them pull the trigger. no matter how good the odds are it is empty. the vaccine is not a harmless cure all. it has proven to have a good potential to harm as well. . The choice is not whether someone is vaccinated . The choice is between vaccination or covid consequences . Epidemiologist believe at some point everyone will encounter covid . There are no guarantees that infection will be mild or without consequence . You are welcome to play Russian roulette with your own life . If you have children, nephews or nieces , I would hope you would want to protect them . Six billion people have now been vaccinated . blondey, being poor is no excuse.... the vaccines are free and are given out almost every where. people are actually being paid in some places to get the shots. and I'm willing to bet... there was something else going on if that was their excuse. and theres no proof that the child would not have gotten sick any way if she had taken the shots. or that the shots them selves may not have killed her. or left other wise debilitated. they have done so with adults. so you are playing russian roulette either way. for every story you pull up.. there are thousands more where they had no after effects from getting sick. with out deliberately jabbing them in the arm with a vaccine that could also put them at risk.. |
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) infant and child vaccs, .. dint realize they fell under the same guide line. my understanding is you cant give child hood vaccs (measles, mumps, chicken pox) to an infant. they have to reach a certain age, before their bodies can handle them. which is why today, they are generally given prior to a child's first school year. I also understand infant mortality, is largely based on the first few hours/days of life where complications from being birthed first appear. in fact, a couple of the biggest first contact risks to infants, you are seeing now, is the growing rate of pre mature births and in vitro drug addiction.. so medical advancements, not vaccines.. are saving more infants lives today. ![]() ![]() NZ immunisation. Schedule ... I only questioned your childhood vaccination history to understood why you have an issue with covid vaccinations for children. You can quote all the stats you like and minimise the disease but children should not die from preventable disease. while in principle, I agree.. the cure the child is given. should not be potentially as dangerous as the illness it's meant to fight. wouldn't you agree on that?? 80 % effective, means 20% can still get sick after the shot (not counting break through cases). with the additional risk. that all of those who received the shot, are now also at risk to have bad side effects from them. thats an additional risk to the child. just as they were to us adults, that chose to get them. that not taking the vacc. will automatically remove. this is something parents have the right to consider. like I said. I'm not willing to tell them they should pick up a gun and point it at their child. then make them pull the trigger. no matter how good the odds are it is empty. the vaccine is not a harmless cure all. it has proven to have a good potential to harm as well. . The choice is not whether someone is vaccinated . The choice is between vaccination or covid consequences . Epidemiologist believe at some point everyone will encounter covid . There are no guarantees that infection will be mild or without consequence . You are welcome to play Russian roulette with your own life . If you have children, nephews or nieces , I would hope you would want to protect them . Six billion people have now been vaccinated . blondey, being poor is no excuse.... the vaccines are free and are given out almost every where. people are actually being paid in some places to get the shots. and I'm willing to bet... there was something else going on if that was their excuse. and theres no proof that the child would not have gotten sick any way if he had taken the shots. or that the shots them selves may not have killed her. or left other wise debilitated. they have done so with adults. |
Edited by
Wed 09/29/21 12:37 PM
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) infant and child vaccs, .. dint realize they fell under the same guide line. my understanding is you cant give child hood vaccs (measles, mumps, chicken pox) to an infant. they have to reach a certain age, before their bodies can handle them. which is why today, they are generally given prior to a child's first school year. I also understand infant mortality, is largely based on the first few hours/days of life where complications from being birthed first appear. in fact, a couple of the biggest first contact risks to infants, you are seeing now, is the growing rate of pre mature births and in vitro drug addiction.. so medical advancements, not vaccines.. are saving more infants lives today. ![]() ![]() NZ immunisation. Schedule ... I only questioned your childhood vaccination history to understood why you have an issue with covid vaccinations for children. You can quote all the stats you like and minimise the disease but children should not die from preventable disease. while in principle, I agree.. the cure the child is given. should not be potentially as dangerous as the illness it's meant to fight. wouldn't you agree on that?? 80 % effective, means 20% can still get sick after the shot (not counting break through cases). with the additional risk. that all of those who received the shot, are now also at risk to have bad side effects from them. thats an additional risk to the child. just as they were to us adults, that chose to get them. that not taking the vacc. will automatically remove. this is something parents have the right to consider. like I said. I'm not willing to tell them they should pick up a gun and point it at their child. then make them pull the trigger. no matter how good the odds are it is empty. the vaccine is not a harmless cure all. it has proven to have a good potential to harm as well. . The choice is not whether someone is vaccinated . The choice is between vaccination or covid consequences . Epidemiologist believe at some point everyone will encounter covid . There are no guarantees that infection will be mild or without consequence . You are welcome to play Russian roulette with your own life . If you have children, nephews or nieces , I would hope you would want to protect them . Six billion people have now been vaccinated . blondey, being poor is no excuse.... the vaccines are free and are given out almost every where. people are actually being paid in some places to get the shots. and I'm willing to bet... there was something else going on if that was their excuse. and theres no proof that the child would not have gotten sick any way if he had taken the shots. or that the shots them selves may not have killed her. or left other wise debilitated. they have done so with adults. I can only control, whats in my ability. if your friend is in a country with out proper support or distribution . then odds are they are also lacking proper sanitation. thats not in my power to do anything about it. it dont matter how much it may sadden me, to see kids starving with bloated belly's also.. but out side of sending money, and hoping it actually reaches them.(not the local war loards) there is nothing more I can do about it. maybe I come across as lacking sympathy towards the fact that people die. would my crying over them change that it happened? I dont know them, so my remorse would not ease their pain. I'm a realist, I look at stats and figures, to know the risks involved. and comparitively speaking to everything else killing kids in the world. covid is barely making a scratch. I am the youngest of 9 kids. I dont have kids. but, I have a very large extended family. many of my nieces and nephews (extended multi generational) have been hit with covid. and thankfully they all fully recovered after words. they may get it again at some point. covid aint going to go away. and it will continue to mutate. |
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) infant and child vaccs, .. dint realize they fell under the same guide line. my understanding is you cant give child hood vaccs (measles, mumps, chicken pox) to an infant. they have to reach a certain age, before their bodies can handle them. which is why today, they are generally given prior to a child's first school year. I also understand infant mortality, is largely based on the first few hours/days of life where complications from being birthed first appear. in fact, a couple of the biggest first contact risks to infants, you are seeing now, is the growing rate of pre mature births and in vitro drug addiction.. so medical advancements, not vaccines.. are saving more infants lives today. ![]() ![]() NZ immunisation. Schedule ... I only questioned your childhood vaccination history to understood why you have an issue with covid vaccinations for children. You can quote all the stats you like and minimise the disease but children should not die from preventable disease. while in principle, I agree.. the cure the child is given. should not be potentially as dangerous as the illness it's meant to fight. wouldn't you agree on that?? 80 % effective, means 20% can still get sick after the shot (not counting break through cases). with the additional risk. that all of those who received the shot, are now also at risk to have bad side effects from them. thats an additional risk to the child. just as they were to us adults, that chose to get them. that not taking the vacc. will automatically remove. this is something parents have the right to consider. like I said. I'm not willing to tell them they should pick up a gun and point it at their child. then make them pull the trigger. no matter how good the odds are it is empty. the vaccine is not a harmless cure all. it has proven to have a good potential to harm as well. . The choice is not whether someone is vaccinated . The choice is between vaccination or covid consequences . Epidemiologist believe at some point everyone will encounter covid . There are no guarantees that infection will be mild or without consequence . You are welcome to play Russian roulette with your own life . If you have children, nephews or nieces , I would hope you would want to protect them . Six billion people have now been vaccinated . blondey, being poor is no excuse.... the vaccines are free and are given out almost every where. people are actually being paid in some places to get the shots. and I'm willing to bet... there was something else going on if that was their excuse. and theres no proof that the child would not have gotten sick any way if he had taken the shots. or that the shots them selves may not have killed her. or left other wise debilitated. they have done so with adults. I can only control, whats in my ability. if your friend is in a country with out proper support or distribution . then odds are they are also lacking proper sanitation. thats not in my power to do anything about it. it dont matter how much it may sadden me, to see kids starving with bloated belly's also.. but out side of sending money, and hoping it actually reaches them.(not the local war loards) there is nothing more I can do about it. maybe I come across as lacking sympathy towards the fact that people die. would my crying over them change that it happened? I dont know them, so my remorse would not ease their pain. I'm a realist, I look at stats and figures, to know the risks involved. and comparitively speaking to everything else killing kids in the world. covid is barely making a scratch. I am the youngest of 9 kids. I dont have kids. but, I have a very large extended family. many of my nieces and nephews (extended multi generational) have been hit with covid. and thankfully they all fully recovered after words. they may get it again at some point. covid aint going to go away. and it will continue to mutate. |
Edited by
Wed 09/29/21 01:31 PM
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) infant and child vaccs, .. dint realize they fell under the same guide line. my understanding is you cant give child hood vaccs (measles, mumps, chicken pox) to an infant. they have to reach a certain age, before their bodies can handle them. which is why today, they are generally given prior to a child's first school year. I also understand infant mortality, is largely based on the first few hours/days of life where complications from being birthed first appear. in fact, a couple of the biggest first contact risks to infants, you are seeing now, is the growing rate of pre mature births and in vitro drug addiction.. so medical advancements, not vaccines.. are saving more infants lives today. ![]() ![]() NZ immunisation. Schedule ... I only questioned your childhood vaccination history to understood why you have an issue with covid vaccinations for children. You can quote all the stats you like and minimise the disease but children should not die from preventable disease. while in principle, I agree.. the cure the child is given. should not be potentially as dangerous as the illness it's meant to fight. wouldn't you agree on that?? 80 % effective, means 20% can still get sick after the shot (not counting break through cases). with the additional risk. that all of those who received the shot, are now also at risk to have bad side effects from them. thats an additional risk to the child. just as they were to us adults, that chose to get them. that not taking the vacc. will automatically remove. this is something parents have the right to consider. like I said. I'm not willing to tell them they should pick up a gun and point it at their child. then make them pull the trigger. no matter how good the odds are it is empty. the vaccine is not a harmless cure all. it has proven to have a good potential to harm as well. . The choice is not whether someone is vaccinated . The choice is between vaccination or covid consequences . Epidemiologist believe at some point everyone will encounter covid . There are no guarantees that infection will be mild or without consequence . You are welcome to play Russian roulette with your own life . If you have children, nephews or nieces , I would hope you would want to protect them . Six billion people have now been vaccinated . blondey, being poor is no excuse.... the vaccines are free and are given out almost every where. people are actually being paid in some places to get the shots. and I'm willing to bet... there was something else going on if that was their excuse. and theres no proof that the child would not have gotten sick any way if he had taken the shots. or that the shots them selves may not have killed her. or left other wise debilitated. they have done so with adults. I can only control, whats in my ability. if your friend is in a country with out proper support or distribution . then odds are they are also lacking proper sanitation. thats not in my power to do anything about it. it dont matter how much it may sadden me, to see kids starving with bloated belly's also.. but out side of sending money, and hoping it actually reaches them.(not the local war loards) there is nothing more I can do about it. maybe I come across as lacking sympathy towards the fact that people die. would my crying over them change that it happened? I dont know them, so my remorse would not ease their pain. I'm a realist, I look at stats and figures, to know the risks involved. and comparitively speaking to everything else killing kids in the world. covid is barely making a scratch. I am the youngest of 9 kids. I dont have kids. but, I have a very large extended family. many of my nieces and nephews (extended multi generational) have been hit with covid. and thankfully they all fully recovered after words. they may get it again at some point. covid aint going to go away. and it will continue to mutate. there are a lot of medical professionals,just like you. who dont agree with you. and have chosen to walk out rather then submit to those who do.. |
Personally I find it damned scary they now also want to inject some substance into kids. Now that they're even going for our kids, we won't have many healthy & natural people left. Just the ones like me that have refused to take that creepy stuff, and that they are now trying to force to take it by excluding us. They're even threatening to exclude us from medical care! And what the hell for? A disease that most people naturally recover from. I cannot believe how so many people willingly expose their offspring to something like this. Our kids?! FFS!! That's basically doing something to the entire human race... And none of the people who went for this stuff find that creepy? THAT is even more creepy to be honest than the rest. That they're willing to expose themselves to lord knows what substance, but their kids??? Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . Pfizer continues to prove its safety .. now more than 5 billion vaccines world wide . Children deserve to be protected . There is no way to predict that they will only have a mild covid infection . At least one third of current hospitalisations for covid have been children and young adults . Delta has changed the demographics . I had those child hood illnesses you mentioned as a child, rubella almost killed me.. back then, it was a common practice for parents to have us kids play together to catch them if one of us had one.. so, that we would be young enough to fight them off and be more likely not to have the side effects. that we would have , if we got them when we were older. regarding covid, the science supports that most children that are otherwise healthy. would have a very slim chance of having a severe reaction to covid . there is smaller than 1% risk. as a medical professional, you should know that more kids are killed by bee stings, or bicycle accedents every year, then have had a severe reaction to covid. I'm not discounting the fact that any illness or death that might happen is aweful, when kids are concerned. but statistically speaking. the odds here are in their favor. in regards to the hospitalizations. a lot of them are being reported/ being investigated as being "non medically necessary", and are just patience being held for observation. this is reportedly across the board. and not just kids. the reports state, that because hospitals make most their money by doing elective procedures. (which are currently being prevented) hospitals are admitting covid patients, to fill the empty beds. so they can collect the insurance pay out. this is not to say there are not some legit cases. just that it is suggested the numbers have been overly inflated. to push the narrative. personally, and speaking just for my self, I would be very concerned about the very real side effects that many people have had with the vaccines. and I would weigh the risk/costs carefully. before forcing my child to take it. I would not be able, in good conscience, to put my belief, ahead of the parents. suggesting that they should or should not vaccinate their child against covid. and at this point and time I would not force them too. it should be strictly left up to them. I am not aware of hospitals in my country admitting patients just to fill beds . There is a criteria for admission . As for covid hospitalisations for children .. there is an increasing trend which demonstrates children are vulnerable to covid and the risks are real . paediatricians have this to say ... Did you also have diphtheria as a child ??? Or were you immunised against it ??? I would have to check on if it was still active in the states. was not vaccinated against rabies or typhus either. LOL ;-) U.S. Vaccination Recommendations... The current U.S. childhood immunization schedule for diphtheria includes five diphtheria toxoid immunizations before age six years, plus one booster dose for adolescents. All diphtheria immunizations for children are given in an injection combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (known as DTaP). dont matter, since that was not in your original list any way blondey, and it still dont change that I'm still here does it? nor that the covid vaccines have some serious side effects, including deaths. and the odds still favor school age children that catch be much less likely to have severe reactions too it(unless they have at least 1 pre existing condition) with an extremely high recovery rate.. then to have a bad one requiring hospitalization in an ICU.. yes, theres always risk with any illness. whats the stats for adults and children that have came down with bacterial pneumonia from using the same mask for the full school/work day, for days in a row. or from being forced to wear them while participating in sports? theres risk just getting out of bed in the morning you can trip putting on your slipper and smack your head on a night stand. not saying it's likely. but it could happen. lets try this perspective?? if there was 20 pistols on a table 6 shots per cylinder, and only one had a single bullet, the rest of the pistols are empty. but you dont know which one holds the bullet, or if the hammer will strike it.. would you blindly walk up select one of them, and pull a the trigger. while pointing it at your child ? as I said, personally, I would choose not to make any one point any of them in the first place. and let them choose to just do their best to keep their child out of harms way. “Without childhood immunisations infant mortality would increase . Vaccination helps keep children safe . Did you vaccinate your children crystal against measles, mumps , rubella etc . “ Diphtheria is a common childhood immunisation for infants .. it is included in the etc . I sure am glad you are not a paediatrician lmao . Will leave it at that :-) infant and child vaccs, .. dint realize they fell under the same guide line. my understanding is you cant give child hood vaccs (measles, mumps, chicken pox) to an infant. they have to reach a certain age, before their bodies can handle them. which is why today, they are generally given prior to a child's first school year. I also understand infant mortality, is largely based on the first few hours/days of life where complications from being birthed first appear. in fact, a couple of the biggest first contact risks to infants, you are seeing now, is the growing rate of pre mature births and in vitro drug addiction.. so medical advancements, not vaccines.. are saving more infants lives today. ![]() ![]() NZ immunisation. Schedule ... I only questioned your childhood vaccination history to understood why you have an issue with covid vaccinations for children. You can quote all the stats you like and minimise the disease but children should not die from preventable disease. while in principle, I agree.. the cure the child is given. should not be potentially as dangerous as the illness it's meant to fight. wouldn't you agree on that?? 80 % effective, means 20% can still get sick after the shot (not counting break through cases). with the additional risk. that all of those who received the shot, are now also at risk to have bad side effects from them. thats an additional risk to the child. just as they were to us adults, that chose to get them. that not taking the vacc. will automatically remove. this is something parents have the right to consider. like I said. I'm not willing to tell them they should pick up a gun and point it at their child. then make them pull the trigger. no matter how good the odds are it is empty. the vaccine is not a harmless cure all. it has proven to have a good potential to harm as well. . The choice is not whether someone is vaccinated . The choice is between vaccination or covid consequences . Epidemiologist believe at some point everyone will encounter covid . There are no guarantees that infection will be mild or without consequence . You are welcome to play Russian roulette with your own life . If you have children, nephews or nieces , I would hope you would want to protect them . Six billion people have now been vaccinated . blondey, being poor is no excuse.... the vaccines are free and are given out almost every where. people are actually being paid in some places to get the shots. and I'm willing to bet... there was something else going on if that was their excuse. and theres no proof that the child would not have gotten sick any way if he had taken the shots. or that the shots them selves may not have killed her. or left other wise debilitated. they have done so with adults. I can only control, whats in my ability. if your friend is in a country with out proper support or distribution . then odds are they are also lacking proper sanitation. thats not in my power to do anything about it. it dont matter how much it may sadden me, to see kids starving with bloated belly's also.. but out side of sending money, and hoping it actually reaches them.(not the local war loards) there is nothing more I can do about it. maybe I come across as lacking sympathy towards the fact that people die. would my crying over them change that it happened? I dont know them, so my remorse would not ease their pain. I'm a realist, I look at stats and figures, to know the risks involved. and comparitively speaking to everything else killing kids in the world. covid is barely making a scratch. I am the youngest of 9 kids. I dont have kids. but, I have a very large extended family. many of my nieces and nephews (extended multi generational) have been hit with covid. and thankfully they all fully recovered after words. they may get it again at some point. covid aint going to go away. and it will continue to mutate. if you are concerned about ethics of harm and legal obligations , read the recent articles I posted from the medical association regarding physicians choosing not to treat antivaxers . There are rights on both sides . |
Edited by
Wed 09/29/21 02:55 PM
no one is forcing anything but with choice there is also consequence. blondey, first line: yes. there are people forcing things. get the shot, or dont come in to work. wear a mask ( even if vaccinated, or all ready had covid), or dont go shopping. are just a couple examples of people being forced .. second line: please show me a single place, any where, where I did not acknowledge this as fact?? of coarse there are consequences, to everything we do, or dont do. theres also consequences to letting others make the choice for you as well. |
Vaccination mandates are not new ( refer article ) You can LEGALLY be denied access to or be subject to restrictions . For instance a regular negative covid test may be required for those unvaccinated to gain entry in certain social situations . You may perceive that as force . . Clearly the justice system has a different perspective . |
Edited by
Wed 09/29/21 08:27 PM
Vaccination mandates are not new ( refer article ) You can LEGALLY be denied access to or be subject to restrictions . For instance a regular negative covid test may be required for those unvaccinated to gain entry in certain social situations . You may perceive that as force . . Clearly the justice system has a different perspective . whether or not the courts side with it. the mandate is still using force and coercion against a persons liberty to choose what they feel is in their best interest. and you stated no one was being forced to do anything.. |
Border worker sacked for refusing vaccination ... I am sure there will be lots of legal cases in America and around the world regarding covid vaccination . This case was not accepted and has been deemed justified . The problem is complicated by employment law and occupational health and safety acts . |
Edited by
Mon 10/04/21 09:35 AM
Border worker sacked for refusing vaccination ... I am sure there will be lots of legal cases in America and around the world regarding covid vaccination . This case was not accepted and has been deemed justified . The problem is complicated by employment law and occupational health and safety acts . local news this morning announced, after 15,000 medical and support staff were forced off the job with more slated to be dismissed.. hospital workers across the state, have announced they will go on strike. siting un fair/unsafe working conditions. this is due to being severely understaffed, over worked and their inability to properly care for the patients, that they feel are being put at risk by the state. this is in solidarity with those who have been forcibly removed from their jobs. there is more then legal ramifications. there are personal lively hoods and freedoms involved. most governments are not dictatorships, and they answer to the people. and people are fighting back. |
“American Nurses Association say 90% or more of nurses are vaccinated”
“American Medical association say 96% of practising physicians vaccinated “ Now over 6 billion covid vaccinations worldwide Progress around the world...concerning to see countries such as Africa who are clearly struggling .. |
Edited by
Wed 10/06/21 09:51 AM
“American Nurses Association say 90% or more of nurses are vaccinated” “American Medical association say 96% of practising physicians vaccinated “ Now over 6 billion covid vaccinations worldwide Progress around the world...concerning to see countries such as Africa who are clearly struggling .. the AMA reports are those who are still allowed to practice, practicing physicians is the key word blondey, what they are not saying are the numbers of those who left, or have been let go, that are no longer allowed to practice. so they are not counted in the AMA's final tally.. this while new reports of the J&J vaccine killing more people due to blood clots, just released this morning. and hospitalization of vaccinated increases by over 1000% since the mandated have been put in place,with a wide range of side effects. because more people are getting (or are being forced) to take the shots. also theres several reports that 50-60 % of the people most at risk, showing up in hospitals with the virus, were fully immunized. |