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Topic: A-Z sentences 🙂 - part 3
no photo
Sat 09/05/20 08:06 PM
May I join in? laugh

maybwecan's photo
Sat 09/05/20 09:31 PM

Never blushed like this ever ever before!...Lost for words...laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 09/05/20 11:56 PM
^^ laugh

No one was here when I was awake.

no photo
Sun 09/06/20 02:28 AM
Only the sound of the crickets is what I hear on this peaceful morning.

no photo
Sun 09/06/20 11:51 AM
Pleasant day for us today :sunny:shades

moomin's photo
Sun 09/06/20 01:45 PM
Quiet and relaxing day here :slight_smile:

no photo
Sun 09/06/20 02:33 PM
Relaxing is what I'm doing right now. waving

no photo
Sun 09/06/20 04:24 PM

So glad you’ve also had an enjoyable day! drinker bigsmile

w0m4n's photo
Sun 09/06/20 05:19 PM

The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.

no photo
Sun 09/06/20 08:11 PM
Unintentionally contributing to something beautiful can be a serendipitous moment for a person!


no photo
Sun 09/06/20 10:53 PM
Very observant you are! laugh

no photo
Mon 09/07/20 12:58 AM
Wonderful summer this has been.

no photo
Mon 09/07/20 01:04 AM

Wonderful summer this has been.

Xcept that it has gone by way too fast! ohwell tears

no photo
Mon 09/07/20 07:50 AM
You might say that life goes by faster and faster as we get older. bigsmile

no photo
Mon 09/07/20 09:19 AM
Ziplining is something I've not done, yet.

Mrmxb's photo
Mon 09/07/20 11:06 AM
As well i saw ones who do ziplininig on television, i fear smile2

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 09/07/20 11:09 AM
By the way, ziplining is something I don't want to try.

no photo
Mon 09/07/20 11:11 AM
Better eat something for lunch, I'm hungry.


Mrmxb's photo
Mon 09/07/20 11:18 AM
Charge of the adrenalin makes people do ziplining

Hi to Everyone waving

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 09/07/20 11:31 AM
Driving was nice today, not too many on the road.

Hi waving

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