RULES OF BEING A MAN.......(1)Under no circumstances may 2 men share a umbrella (2)Its ok for a man to cry ONLY under the following circumstances;(a)when a heroic dog saves its master (b)The moment ANGELINA JOLIE TAKES OFF HER BLOUSE (C)After wrecking your boss's car (d) when she is using her teeth (3)Any man who brings a camera to a bachelor party, may be killed amnd eatten by his buddies(4)Unless he murdered your family,you must bail out a friend within 24 hours.(5)if you have known a guy for more then 24 hours,his sister is off limits forever, unless you actually marry her.(6)Moaning about the brand of beer ina buddies fridge isforbidden.however complain at will if the temperature is unstable(7)No man may ever be required to buy a birthday present for another man.In facteven remembering your buddies birthday is optional.At that point you must celebrate at a strip joint of the birthday boys choice.(8)On a road trip,the strongest bladder determines pit stops, not the weakest(9)It is permissable to drink a fruity alcoholic beverage only while sunbathing on a tropical beach... and it is delivered by a topless model, and its free.(10)Only in
situations of moral and or physical peril, are you allowed to kick another guy in the nuts.(11)UNLESSS your in PRISON, never fight naked.(12)If a mans fly is down , thats his problem, you didnt see a thing.(13)Women who claim "they love to watch sports",must be treated as spies until they demonstrate a knowledge of the sport and can drink as much as the other sports watchers.(14)Friends dont ever let friends wear speedos , ever.ISSUE CLOSED.(15)Never hesitate to grab the last beer or last slice of pizzia,but never both,thats just greedy(16)If you compliment a man on his 6 pack,you better be talking about his choice in beer.(17)Phrasesthat may not be utterd to another man while lifting weights;(A)Yeah baby,push it.(B)C,mon, give me another one,harder.(C)Another set and we can hit the showers.(18)The girl who replies to the question "what do you want for christmas"!!!With,"If you loved me you'd know what i want"Gets a x-box ,enda story.(19)Thiers no reason period for a man to watch mens gymnastics or ice skating , ever.(20)Weve heard of people having guts or balls before,but do you really know the difference between the two?In a effort to keep us all informed,the definition of each is listed here;GUTS...Is arriving home late after a night out with the guys,being assaulted by your wife with a broom,and your having the GUTS to say....are you still cleaning house or are you flying somewhere? BALLS..Is coming home late after a night out with the guys,smelling of cheap perfume and beer,lipstick on your collarand slapping your wife on the butt and sayg,roll over fatty your next.I hope this clears up any confusion,THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON MANHOOD. |
Think just about most of that is true !
hear hear!! pints all around.