Topic: Just Trust That Trust Is Just | |
Love is not wrought by knowledge or certainty based on knowledge.
Knowledge passes away...Faith...Hope...Love remain. Knowledge is based on what is sometimes is what is always here. Loving is not a matter of knowing how ..its BEING it...if your not being it...what good is knowledge about it?...You cant really know it apart from being it...unless your being it your like a blind man thinking he knows what the color blue or red are… So its not about knowing its about trusting love enough to BE loving. Faith always works out its own cant work faith into is already here..its can only surrender to it..yet faith without works is is not living faith...there is no love apart from faith..not hope apart from one apart from any other....they are all fruits of the spirit...manifestations of awareness of what spirit we are of transcends knowledge...knowledge has its place and season as a tool..but its not the end all...its impermanent..and its often misdirected...many things are misunderstood...based on time rather than the space of BEING. Love often asks us to step out in faith or trust. If we must be certain before we can step out and love then our love is conditional on our certainty...and its not real true...its conditional… There is no fear in love...only trust...that there is nothing to lose or sacrifice...besides the things that keep you from loving...and they are only sacrifices of the egotistical imagined self...for there is no”other self” to sacrifice anything in loving awareness. So lets all of us..take a deep breath...and get a sense of what we are BEING now...and choose to surrender to love rather than our world views...opinions...beliefs...about life… Jesus told us “ONLY believe meaning only trust”... Buddha spoke of the”sure hearts release”...Nether said ONLY think...its not about what we think we know....its about knowing that we think....and the limitations on knowledge… yet all things are possible to him that trusts...where nothing is certain all things are possible,,, where all things are possible impermanence brings us hope… so lets JUST trust life. Life is worthy of your love..your trust in it...all that lives is well...sense that wellness that is living here now...there is nothing wrong with life...there never was nor ever will is always good… Life isn’t merely the situation your in...Its the spirit of the universe..or as some world say..”God himself” |