Topic: Can the government force you to be vaccinated against covid | |
---|---| The pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 threatens public health worldwide. The viral spike protein mediates SARS-CoV-2 entry into host cells and harbors a S1/S2 cleavage site containing multiple arginine residues (multibasic) not found in closely related animal coronaviruses. However, the role of this multibasic cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2 infection is unknown. Here, we report that the cellular protease furin cleaves the spike protein at the S1/S2 site and that cleavage is essential for S-protein-mediated cell-cell fusion and entry into human lung cells. Moreover, optimizing the S1/S2 site increased cell-cell, but not virus-cell, fusion, suggesting that the corresponding viral variants might exhibit increased cell-cell spread and potentially altered virulence. Our results suggest that acquisition of a S1/S2 multibasic cleavage site was essential for SARS-CoV-2 infection of humans and identify furin as a potential target for therapeutic intervention.
Next, you'll have me whipping up the vaccine in the kitchen. |
| The pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 threatens public health worldwide. The viral spike protein mediates SARS-CoV-2 entry into host cells and harbors a S1/S2 cleavage site containing multiple arginine residues (multibasic) not found in closely related animal coronaviruses. However, the role of this multibasic cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2 infection is unknown. Here, we report that the cellular protease furin cleaves the spike protein at the S1/S2 site and that cleavage is essential for S-protein-mediated cell-cell fusion and entry into human lung cells. Moreover, optimizing the S1/S2 site increased cell-cell, but not virus-cell, fusion, suggesting that the corresponding viral variants might exhibit increased cell-cell spread and potentially altered virulence. Our results suggest that acquisition of a S1/S2 multibasic cleavage site was essential for SARS-CoV-2 infection of humans and identify furin as a potential target for therapeutic intervention.
Next, you'll have me whipping up the vaccine in the kitchen. |
| The pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 threatens public health worldwide. The viral spike protein mediates SARS-CoV-2 entry into host cells and harbors a S1/S2 cleavage site containing multiple arginine residues (multibasic) not found in closely related animal coronaviruses. However, the role of this multibasic cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2 infection is unknown. Here, we report that the cellular protease furin cleaves the spike protein at the S1/S2 site and that cleavage is essential for S-protein-mediated cell-cell fusion and entry into human lung cells. Moreover, optimizing the S1/S2 site increased cell-cell, but not virus-cell, fusion, suggesting that the corresponding viral variants might exhibit increased cell-cell spread and potentially altered virulence. Our results suggest that acquisition of a S1/S2 multibasic cleavage site was essential for SARS-CoV-2 infection of humans and identify furin as a potential target for therapeutic intervention.
Next, you'll have me whipping up the vaccine in the kitchen. The cleavage site isn't the part that targets the elderly. It infects everyone equally. It's what it does once it's into the system, as expressed a couple of posts back that you wanted to ignore in hopes of distracting with an unrelated technical issue you expected a layman not to be able to find. If you also read the first link in the above quote, you'll also see that there seems to be an unexpected introduction of bat genetics. An interesting question is the origin of the furin cleavage site it SARS-CoV-2. Its closest relative, the bat isolate RaTG13, does not have this site. Nor do any of the other bat SARS-like CoVs or the pangolin CoVs that have been isolated. However recently a newly isolated bat SARS-like CoV, RmYN02, was shown to contain a poly basic amino acid insertion in the spike glycoprotein. This observation supports the hypothesis that the furin cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2 arose by recombination among bat viruses in nature.
Just another example of possible in-lab manipulation. Just because the WHO has exonerated China, after they received a $2 Billion "donation," doesn't convince me that there wasn't any wrong-doing. Just because the press tells everyone China isn't performing gene-manipulation - after repeated announcements in prior years of their discoveries and superior understanding in the field and knowing the questionable ethics of a country that treats its citizens as a disposable resource - doesn't make it so. |
Lmao .. read your first sentence ... “it infects everyone equally “
That is exactly right !!!!! It does not just infect the elderly .. very poor and dangerous choice of a geriatric depopulation method . Back on topic ... perhaps you would like to share whether or not you would be vaccinated ... see butterfly’s original post . |
Nice dodge, but let's try not to deflect to another topic until we get this first one straightened out.
Every person exposed to any virus gets infected. Depending on their make-up, genetics, previous exposures and general health determines whether you shake it off or succumb to it. If you go out and test everyone, there is a good chance that most people will have been exposed to this bug. It doesn't go and say" Hmmm, you're over 65, I like you but I won't go and infect that 6 year old standing next to you." I'll repeat why it targets the elderly. Seniors, especially those above age 80, have been hard hit by the virus. That’s in part because they often have comorbidities like diabetes and hypertension, which make them more likely to be hospitalized. Doctors aren’t sure why those conditions make the effects of the virus worse, but both conditions are associated with greater expression of the ACE2 receptor, a protein on human cells that the coronavirus latches onto to start replicating. Many older adults also have chronic, low-grade inflammation, a state called “inflammaging,” in which the body is unable to control the release of cytokines, small proteins that are supposed to help modulate the body’s immune response. This dysregulation could put seniors at great risk of “cytokine storms,” a condition reported in severe Covid-19 cases during which a patient’s immune system spins out of control and starts damaging healthy organs. Seniors are also more vulnerable because of immunosenescence, a slow deterioration of the immune system that is a normal part of aging. When people are young, the immune system has a big reservoir of T-cells and B-cells ready to fight infections. These are called “naive cells,” meaning they haven’t encountered any bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens yet. When those naive cells encounter an infection, some of them learn to recognize that pathogen and become ready to fight it off if the body gets exposed to it again. “As we age, we lose that reservoir of T-cells and B-cells,” says Wayne McCormick, head of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine at the University of Washington. “It’s hard for us to make new ones, although some people seem to retain that capacity better than others.” That means the person’s body may mount a less robust immune system response than it would have done when they were younger. Immunosenescence also means that diseases present differently in seniors, which may make it difficult for their doctors or caretakers to recognize a Covid-19 infection. While many Covid-19 cases include fever, for example, in seniors the symptoms might also include confusion, delirium, sleepiness, or loss of appetite. That may be because the virus has reached important organs like the brain, kidneys, or digestive system. “As one gets older, the virus can invade without being resisted as much, and then some really bad things begin to happen,” says William Greenough, clinical chief of the ventilator rehabilitation unit at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. “Particularly in older people, we’re seeing clogging of blood vessels in the brain and kidneys.” |
technically covid 19 could be seen as a conspiracy
where or from whom it came from we will never know the world is driven by media media controlled by governments is truly proper-gander Nature is most powerful When man thinks he is great Stop it It's dangerous Massage...............Hindu from AIDS to present day Sars and now covid 19 have come from man's perveted morality |
Edited by
Thu 05/21/20 07:14 AM
I don't think that will happen in the USA. Other Countries maybe.
Or when Americans travel abroad then a vaccine maybe mandatory. Some already are to go to some countries. They cannot even force parents to vaccinate children in USA. |
In so-called free countries like the USA, the govt doesn't MAKE you do anything.
Even paying taxes is a voluntary submission. You have the choice not to pay taxes but if caught, there are penalties. Being as the US citizens are responsible for paying their own medical costs (generally), insurance companies could impose penalties on the premiums or deny coverage to those who refuse to be vaccinated. The choice is still in the control of the citizen, there would just be penalties for non-compliance. Covid 19 is not a species ending disease. More people recover than die. If more people died than recover, then a mandatory vaccine might make sense. As it sets, the media is over-hyping it just like they do with the weather. Its the typical "Sky is Falling" mentality of sheeple too saturated with media over-load. |
Can the government force you to be vaccinated against covid
By force do you mean rounding people up and forcing them at gunpoint to allow someone to stick them with a needle? Federal? Yes. State? Yep. Especially since (but not only because) a lot of administrative laws are vaguely worded so they can be interpreted to allow anything. Government "can." "Government" (in the U.S. at least) can pretty much abridge any right you have as long as they show they followed some form of "due process of law," and it serves the public/national interest, basically abridging private rights for the sake of public rights. "National interest," or, "legitimate state interest." IMO it's more relevant to determine if they will, rather than if they can. States "could" use "force" to vaccinate kids before going to school, but it's easier to just withhold things from people if they don't. Instead of sending a national guardsman to kick down your door and stick your kid with a needle, it's easier to just say "no welfare, no benefits, no school, no tax exemption, no x,y,z for you...unless you do it. What? We aren't 'forcing' you to do it! It's voluntary!" They'll allow some exemptions (e.g. vaccine leading to death in a particular person, religion) but very few and they can rescind those. You think Federal government will send the military out to kick down your door and stick you with a needle? Or say "no relief money, or tax refund, or school, or medicare money, unless you show you got a vaccine or mandated vaccination in your state." Would YOU fight getting the shot?
Why would you believe a dating site would be a safe haven for discussing possible fomenting of potentially illegal activity? |
lol. good job trump How so? |
From what I've seen, C-19 is a Frankenstein project that was caught by accident and spread. It has markers from HIV and SARS which was added to the bat-bug. The government will naturally downplay this because they know people will call for "WAR!".
The right to refuse medical treatment is a strongly contested right. I'll refuse the shot myself because I have little to no trust in American medical profession nowadays. Over the decades I've come across more and more less then ethical people who don't have proper skill+knowledge levels. |
From what I've seen, C-19 is a Frankenstein project that was caught by accident and spread. It has markers from HIV and SARS which was added to the bat-bug. The government will naturally downplay this because they know people will call for "WAR!". The right to refuse medical treatment is a strongly contested right. I'll refuse the shot myself because I have little to no trust in American medical profession nowadays. Over the decades I've come across more and more less then ethical people who don't have proper skill+knowledge levels. Already WAR is on. Chinese kids are going to school while rest of 'world schools' are shutdown. In other words, one entire generation of Chinese school kids will be ahead of their world counterparts by 6 academic months if not a year! Better to get kids vaccinated and schools reopened. NYC's mayor says schools will be re-opened by mid July (or Sept.) Where's the vaccination? --- Is it with the Chinese? |
animals have been fed anti-bio tics
the seventh animal to be genetically mapped was a turkey growth hormones are used children are born with more allergies than ever and many anti-biotics now dont work as they should |
Nanny-state government types,
are always more than welcome to suck wind from my rectal cavity. *butt*, good luck, forcing me to take a vaccine. |
They can try.... it's extremely dangerous here in my part of the desert. Everything from Punji sticks to hundreds of Mojave Rattlers. It's best that they just turn around and go back whence they came.... I'll be long gone, on the way to Western Sahara, via a small sailboat in the Atlantic.
It is against divine law. I will not bow down. This vaccine is being called the human euthanasia vaccine. The powers that be released that virus to instill fear in the people. They want to depopulate US. People better wake up. Meanwhile, back in this universe . . . Oh, forget it. ![]() |
It is against divine law. I will not bow down. This vaccine is being called the human euthanasia vaccine. The powers that be released that virus to instill fear in the people. They want to depopulate US. People better wake up. You're blessed for standing on the Lord's side for we rather obey the divine instructions rather than men. ![]() ![]() |
No ,but they can shaft you from the day you are born till the day you die
I have a note from my psychiatrist saying I go stark raving mad when getting a needle shot and attack the one giving the shot. Well I don't but it sounds good.
For those that may question whether the government would suspend the most basic of our constitutionally-guaranteed rights or through force enforce those restrictions, may I call to your attention what happened in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. Martial Law was declared and troops went door-to-door confiscating firearms by force and arresting those that refused to comply.
Our current situation is simply 1 small step below those employed in Louisiana. Already, they have found a way, via the Patriot Act, to work around the 4th thru the 8th amendments. They've also limited aspects of the 1st; turning the press into a propaganda machine, limited our access to redress grievances to congress by using security to keep out dissenting opinions, are currently attacking religion from every possible angle and doing their damnedest to push forth hate-speech legislation to silence anything that people don't agree with. They've already canceled out the 5th aspect of that amendment via the Social Distancing aka Black Death Plague safety restrictions. It doesn't matter what party is in is our responsibility to always be the watchdog of the Government, as so intended by those that wrote the original laws of the land. If it weren't so, they never would have given us the power to usurp them via the 2nd Amendment. |