Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 13 | |
Here it is in the 70's with a light breeze.
Breeze would be nice 84 here real feel 92, today was our cool day
Day like that will come in a couple months.
Couple of months we'll be sweltering under triple digits
Digits rarely get that high here in the North.
North pole sounds pretty good to me!
Me thinks so too, we could see the Northern Lights.
Lights are romantic with a few Alaska men thrown in
In love with that idea I am.
Am going to go there one day
Day gradually turns into night.
Day will come when I do as well.
Well maybe we'll go together!
Together would be great!
Great times with a good friend exploring Alaska........ men
Men would be happy to see us.
Us would be happy to see them
Them might be happy to see themselves!
Themselves, ourselves, them there men it all works