Topic: If everybody is paying somebody else's debt, which 'ism' is | |
So, the banking system
Practically every country is in debt You pay that debt off , even though, it's not your debt Yet, the debt, continues to grow bigger, as does the amount you pay, to pay it off Is this capitalism or socialism, or some other 'ism' |
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Fresh start
Tue 03/31/20 10:20 AM
Not sure why the label you put on the problem is of concern, really problem is the debt. Put in another term....if you're up to your neck in $hit does it matter what you call it(sorry ladies...I should have said A rose by any other name is still a rose). Stay safe all.
Capitalism ... for example the Irish taxpayer bailing out banks
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So, the banking system... Is this capitalism or socialism, or some other 'ism'
Based on the oversimplification, I would say it would best be labeled as a "mechanism." |
Its called HumanISM
Humans are the only lifeform on this planet that uses a monetary system. A monetary system is a system of value based on reasoning. What started as a barter system evolved into a symbol system. That is why wealth/debt can be measured without a substance foundation. We invented and support virtual wealth. In real time we trade paper or coins to represent a value of wealth. That value of wealth is assigned to an electronic representation which only exists in cyberspace. There is no other animal on this planet that does this. Thus, it is HumanISM |
Its called HumanISM Humans are the only lifeform on this planet that uses a monetary system. A monetary system is a system of value based on reasoning. What started as a barter system evolved into a symbol system. That is why wealth/debt can be measured without a substance foundation. We invented and support virtual wealth. In real time we trade paper or coins to represent a value of wealth. That value of wealth is assigned to an electronic representation which only exists in cyberspace. There is no other animal on this planet that does this. Thus, it is HumanISM I swear that was going to be my EXACT answer, |
So, the banking system Practically every country is in debt You pay that debt off , even though, it's not your debt Yet, the debt, continues to grow bigger, as does the amount you pay, to pay it off Is this capitalism or socialism, or some other 'ism' Zionism. |
It's a circular black hole, phasing from banking system to system, each lender charging interest to its borrower in a big debt circle, with tax payers world wide being sucked in to the ever growing debt abyss.
So Nietchezeism!?
So Nietchezeism!? When you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you. Specifically the cyclic nature of debt? Might be fun for us to come up with some Debt/Credit Murphy's Laws. I looke on their site but didn't find any. There's never enough money to pay the utility bill on time but there's enough to pay the late fees to prevent shut off. When you have enough money to avoid a shut-off. By the time you go to the utility company and make the payment the order for shut off has already went thru and now you must pay a reconnection charge. Your car gets repossessed on the morning you get a check in the afternoon mail. The moment you make payment arrangements on a defaulted loan you find the bank has sold your loan to a different bank who does not do payment arrangements. |
Tom, Humanism is the religion of Socialism. Socailism as a governing system incompuses culture, religion and politics. And I know reading books on zoology makes your brain numb and eyes feel like they want to bleed (at least in my case), you'll find out that animals do use sex plus food as we do mony. It's not as defined a barderring system as ours. It's also more of a convenience too when used by animals.
There isn't a government system on this planet that is a capitalistic one. Capitalism is just a measurement of Goods and Services. It's only a tool we use. Capitalism would just be a different form of Feudalism where we'd have Robber Baron/Baronesses instead of Lords/Ladies. Yes, there is a section of the world's population who are trying to bring about a Capital World Government. Not just the various other groups wanting Socialism, Fundalism etc. It comes down to corruption, greed, mismanagement and so on. Others who we vote in to do the jobs of running government or are appointed get sticky finger or other things which costs everyone who pays any kind of taxes more. So, it's capitalisms at it's best and worst. You get people who fix thing and others who break things constantly. |
The term (humanism) is alternatively applied to a variety of Western beliefs, methods, and philosophies that place central emphasis on the human realm. |
Wow, Guys I know what humanism is.
I also know what transhumanism is. It was a word play based on our species (humans) ability to use imagination in ways no other animal does. OP was looking for an 'ism' so I combined human and ism and the way I did so, fit the OT. It was intended as light humor. |
Wow, Guys I know what humanism is. I also know what transhumanism is. It was a word play based on our species (humans) ability to use imagination in ways no other animal does. OP was looking for an 'ism' so I combined human and ism and the way I did so, fit the OT. It was intended as light humor. lol...I was agreeing. |
Well then I'd call it fascism.
Banks world wide collude to maximise their incomes, by whatever means they can get away with. If one group world wide has control over the flow of monetary value, credit, debt, terms and conditions; and can withhold supply to anyone at any time, be it open or secretive, by accident or malevolence, or ignorance, that sounds like fascism to me. Many small sticks bound tightly to an axe (or hammer or sickle or reaper), which stands above the masses in a show of power. Much like the columns seen either side of the rostrum in america's congress. Land of the free. |
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Tue 04/07/20 09:55 PM
The thing you talking about is Market/crony capitalism. Socialism has eventual aim to abolish debt once and for all.
Although i must say capitalism was a necessary part of our history. In our monolithic story of class struggle, Capitalism made sure abundance of goods can be achieved(through industrial revolution) and it will eventually lead to automation. And that's when capitalism sow its own death. This system was needed at some point of our history to progress humanity. Just like slavery and feudalism. Without the advances and the things capitalism can bring, the utopian communist society cannot work without that. Capitalism is and always will be a stage of human development which we needed and it will fade away in to history with time. THE BOURGEOISIE had a revolutionary role to play in our history. |
It's greedyism...... not to be classified as, or confused with giddyism....
But the greedy can be giddy when they are getting rich. |
It's greedyism
Love It! ![]() |
Well then I'd call it fascism. That reminded me of the banks virtue signaling about going "Woke". Was some time back I read that. If you don't know, the progressives push their socialistic system as the standard communism with fascism run businesses. They take control of HR and get people fired or cancelled. Canciled is when they make it so you can't work and other things that drives some people to commit suicide. Them in the world banking system is bad news because they can mess with our bank accounts. |
It's greedyism
Love It! ![]() Thankya Tom. ![]() |