Topic: Rate My Slate (profile)
Zuko2020's photo
Fri 02/28/20 03:57 AM
I'm relatively new to Mingle2 and I welcome any suggestions you think might help me. Please check out my profile and let me know if I should be doing anything different. thank you.

delightfulillusion's photo
Fri 02/28/20 04:05 AM
Plenty of pics but most of them are very random which don’t mean anything to the viewer. I’d rather see pics of you smiling.

You have written very little. The point of a profile is to write about yourself to give us an idea of what kind of person you are but you’ve not written about yourself or who you’re hoping to meet.

If you want to be successful here, you need to make more of an effort to attract others and incite them to want to contact you. As your profile stands, I’d move on to the next one.

Wishing you good luck.

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Fri 02/28/20 04:08 AM
Six bad pics and one unhappy one, activity partner is often used for sex and passed by , if yours is not just list some activities which will give you a better chance ,your interests are good

uniquelydifferent's photo
Fri 02/28/20 04:51 AM
Location is all wrong :heart: immigrate to Australia :heart:

no photo
Fri 02/28/20 06:10 AM
Nice list of interests.

I’d remove the shirtless picture. Leave a little mystery for those that will contact you.

Welcome to M2.

Poetrywriter's photo
Fri 02/28/20 09:24 AM
To be honest your profile leaves a lot to be desired. Get rid of the 6 bad photos (2-7). Post smiling photos. List of interests is good but your one line write up about yourself is too negative. Replace that with something written about yourself and who you are searching for.