Topic: Bernie Sanders for President
no photo
Sun 02/23/20 04:11 AM
Sanders has the right idea. Children do not get enough education in school to get a good job. Only a min wage one. Most kids today dont know how to read. College is and should be an extention of high school. Its everyone right to learn. Nobody should pay for education if they need it. Alot of kids dont go because of high tuition rate. Some colleges i heard are free if you live in the area and are a resident. I read somewhere in this topic thar mortgages and car should be free. Wow stupidity still rains today.

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/23/20 05:51 AM

Looking at the poll number across the country Bernie will be the democratic nominee. It won't matter if he promises everyone a mansion in California you have to vote for whoever the democrats choose - no matter how goofy you may think they are. We have to get TRUMP OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE. That's got to be the goal.

another joke of an election, two senile old men battling it out with plenty of childish shouting and insults ...

I have to vote Bernie because I at least can believe, from his past, that he gives a damn.... but I am disappointed that these two are actually our top runners....

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/23/20 05:53 AM

Sanders has the right idea. Children do not get enough education in school to get a good job. Only a min wage one. Most kids today dont know how to read. College is and should be an extention of high school. Its everyone right to learn. Nobody should pay for education if they need it. Alot of kids dont go because of high tuition rate. Some colleges i heard are free if you live in the area and are a resident. I read somewhere in this topic thar mortgages and car should be free. Wow stupidity still rains today.

I always wondered who decided the 'cut off' for where education is not a social necessity anymore. Technology is changing. Everything else is moving forward EXCEPT we approach education. It is scary.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 02/23/20 06:36 AM
Edited by dust4fun on Sun 02/23/20 06:37 AM

Sanders has the right idea. Children do not get enough education in school to get a good job. Only a min wage one. Most kids today dont know how to read. College is and should be an extention of high school. Its everyone right to learn. Nobody should pay for education if they need it. Alot of kids dont go because of high tuition rate. Some colleges i heard are free if you live in the area and are a resident. I read somewhere in this topic thar mortgages and car should be free. Wow stupidity still rains today.

I always wondered who decided the 'cut off' for where education is not a social necessity anymore. Technology is changing. Everything else is moving forward EXCEPT we approach education. It is scary.

Most high schools offer College classes and vocational classes if the students are willing to do it. I think much of the issue is what happens at home, parents need to be part of their child's education. Some people, in fact many people aren't even able to preform minimum wage jobs much less attend college or go into an advanced field, we should be more focused on work ethics and financial management in schools. Also if we would teach them more in k-12 there wouldn't be a need for college unless you were becoming a doctor or something.

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/23/20 06:45 AM

Sanders has the right idea. Children do not get enough education in school to get a good job. Only a min wage one. Most kids today dont know how to read. College is and should be an extention of high school. Its everyone right to learn. Nobody should pay for education if they need it. Alot of kids dont go because of high tuition rate. Some colleges i heard are free if you live in the area and are a resident. I read somewhere in this topic thar mortgages and car should be free. Wow stupidity still rains today.

I always wondered who decided the 'cut off' for where education is not a social necessity anymore. Technology is changing. Everything else is moving forward EXCEPT we approach education. It is scary.

Most high schools offer College classes and vocational classes if the students are willing to do it. I think much of the issue is what happens at home, parents need to be part of their child's education. Some people, in fact many people aren't even able to preform minimum wage jobs much less attend college or go into an advanced field, we should be more focused on work ethics and financial management in schools. Also if we would teach them more in k-12 there wouldn't be a need for college unless you were becoming a doctor or something.

I don't know if their minds have the focus for it in high school. There are many things besides doctoring and lawyering that really require FOCUSED training, like Education or accounting, or business administration. I do believe we can introduce some aspects in high school, but not enough for further studies not to be needed.

no photo
Sun 02/23/20 07:43 AM
Not everyone can take college classes in high school. Only the ones who take
Advanced classes. And who has time to take both. Are kids robots? They need time off to, to be kids

oldkid46's photo
Sun 02/23/20 07:49 AM
Several comments here: For many years local schools only went through the 8th grade. If you wanted to go to school beyond that, you generally had to go out of the area you lived in to attend school beyond 8th grade. In later years it was decided to increase to 12th grade at local schools and expand the educational opportunities locally. If you recall, at one time high school was generally a separate, stand alone school in the larger community and many people still didn't complete a high school education. Today, our schools in many communities are not doing an adequate job of teaching even through the 12th grade. We have to change that result before we try and expand an education after that.

Part of that problem comes with teaching the basics such as reading and comprehension. Also there seems to be a knowledge deficit with basic math and science. Schools want to push everything else but the basics. They also have stopped teaching the basic skills needed for beginning employment - too much emphasis on college, not enough on everyday tasks. In many places, there are still too many students who can't even manage to complete 12 years and actually learn what little is provided.

After we figure out how to get a successful education out of 12 years, we will need to eventually add 2 more years but we will need to look at the old European idea of establishing different educational paths for the students. That is part of the problem with high school today - the push that all students should go to college after high school. While that is the right direction for many students, it leaves many more with no suitable direction. We need to remember there are many career choices where a 1-2 year vocational education prepares them for a successful career.

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/23/20 10:23 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 02/23/20 10:25 AM

Several comments here: For many years local schools only went through the 8th grade. If you wanted to go to school beyond that, you generally had to go out of the area you lived in to attend school beyond 8th grade. In later years it was decided to increase to 12th grade at local schools and expand the educational opportunities locally. If you recall, at one time high school was generally a separate, stand alone school in the larger community and many people still didn't complete a high school education. Today, our schools in many communities are not doing an adequate job of teaching even through the 12th grade. We have to change that result before we try and expand an education after that.

Part of that problem comes with teaching the basics such as reading and comprehension. Also there seems to be a knowledge deficit with basic math and science. Schools want to push everything else but the basics. They also have stopped teaching the basic skills needed for beginning employment - too much emphasis on college, not enough on everyday tasks. In many places, there are still too many students who can't even manage to complete 12 years and actually learn what little is provided.

After we figure out how to get a successful education out of 12 years, we will need to eventually add 2 more years but we will need to look at the old European idea of establishing different educational paths for the students. That is part of the problem with high school today - the push that all students should go to college after high school. While that is the right direction for many students, it leaves many more with no suitable direction. We need to remember there are many career choices where a 1-2 year vocational education prepares them for a successful career.

Great points. In Vegas, even with our casino profits, our kids go to schools that do not provide books or lockers. I think the idea is that progress has been such that books are not needed and everything can be done on computers. But how about how the economy has progressed, and what is needed NOW to be competitive and successful?

And I also believe that schools have also become too much of a platform for political ideology and indoctrinating the most current social trends and values, instead of fact based, stand the test of time, education.

It is truly insane the lack of priority that has been given to preparing our youth for self sufficiency in adulthood.

jaish's photo
Mon 02/24/20 02:54 AM
Edited by jaish on Mon 02/24/20 02:55 AM


South Carolina may write history on 29th

Poll trends show Biden's base is shrinking
He will be lucky to win the 3rd slot.

no photo
Mon 02/24/20 05:22 AM
No matter how many people vote for Bernie Sanders during the caucuses, I'm willing to bet a £1 to a penny that Elizabeth Warren gets the nomination.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/24/20 07:06 AM

No matter how many people vote for Bernie Sanders during the caucuses, I'm willing to bet a £1 to a penny that Elizabeth Warren gets the nomination.

It could happen. But we would have another Trump Hilary situation, people are not ready for a woman, every flaw will be hyper emphasized.

no photo
Mon 02/24/20 08:15 AM

No matter how many people vote for Bernie Sanders during the caucuses, I'm willing to bet a £1 to a penny that Elizabeth Warren gets the nomination.

It could happen. But we would have another Trump Hilary situation, people are not ready for a woman, every flaw will be hyper emphasized.

I'm sure that you're right but that's politics in the modern age, everything the candidates have ever said or done will be picked apart and spun.

jaish's photo
Mon 02/24/20 08:17 AM

Sanders economics - free college, free health care... are workable

But not minimum wage increase to $15
This would mean inflation by 20%
Your $1 coffee would cost $1.25 minimum

In previous post I suggested SC will write history is because
it is the least developed state among those on the East Coast
based on having driven on the I-95
And likely to fall for Sanders Economics

Scenario 2:
On the other hand, Steyers, Warren or some other dark horse during debate
And Sanders comes second

In all these scenarios, Biden comes in 3rd
He has a major trust deficit -- "Impeachment",
His continuous reference to Obama period
Imagine Warren saying "You Sir, are not Obama!"

How else do you explain steep descent in his ratings?

A week to go.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/24/20 08:47 AM

Sanders economics - free college, free health care... are workable

But not minimum wage increase to $15
This would mean inflation by 20%
Your $1 coffee would cost $1.25 minimum

In previous post I suggested SC will write history is because
it is the least developed state among those on the East Coast
based on having driven on the I-95
And likely to fall for Sanders Economics

Scenario 2:
On the other hand, Steyers, Warren or some other dark horse during debate
And Sanders comes second

In all these scenarios, Biden comes in 3rd
He has a major trust deficit -- "Impeachment",
His continuous reference to Obama period
Imagine Warren saying "You Sir, are not Obama!"

How else do you explain steep descent in his ratings?

A week to go.

we don't explain us politics. Trump was elected, which defies explanation and all polling and ratings at that time.

jaish's photo
Mon 02/24/20 05:10 PM
Edited by jaish on Mon 02/24/20 05:22 PM

Sanders economics - free college, free health care... are workable

But not minimum wage increase to $15
This would mean inflation by 20%
Your $1 coffee would cost $1.25 minimum

In previous post I suggested SC will write history is because
it is the least developed state among those on the East Coast
based on having driven on the I-95
And likely to fall for Sanders Economics

Scenario 2:
On the other hand, Steyers, Warren or some other dark horse during debate
And Sanders comes second

In all these scenarios, Biden comes in 3rd
He has a major trust deficit -- "Impeachment",
His continuous reference to Obama period
Imagine Warren saying "You Sir, are not Obama!"

How else do you explain steep descent in his ratings?

A week to go.

we don't explain us politics. Trump was elected, which defies explanation and all polling and ratings at that time.

I was once again viewing the first Trump Hillary debate on You Tube
the way 'Secretary Clinton' was demolished right from the start
Trump listing out names of companies closed in Penn., Michigan
while Hillary was listening as if it were fresh news that CNN did not have.

Hillary was dead at start.
Media had to keep her going because Hillary's money was in Media
Trump - nothing

But between the Democrats - so far Media has not polarized on any one candidate.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 02/24/20 08:23 PM

Sanders economics - free college, free health care... are workable

But not minimum wage increase to $15
This would mean inflation by 20%
Your $1 coffee would cost $1.25 minimum

In previous post I suggested SC will write history is because
it is the least developed state among those on the East Coast
based on having driven on the I-95
And likely to fall for Sanders Economics

Scenario 2:
On the other hand, Steyers, Warren or some other dark horse during debate
And Sanders comes second

In all these scenarios, Biden comes in 3rd
He has a major trust deficit -- "Impeachment",
His continuous reference to Obama period
Imagine Warren saying "You Sir, are not Obama!"

How else do you explain steep descent in his ratings?

A week to go.

we don't explain us politics. Trump was elected, which defies explanation and all polling and ratings at that time.

I was once again viewing the first Trump Hillary debate on You Tube
the way 'Secretary Clinton' was demolished right from the start
Trump listing out names of companies closed in Penn., Michigan
while Hillary was listening as if it were fresh news that CNN did not have.

Hillary was dead at start.
Media had to keep her going because Hillary's money was in Media
Trump - nothing

But between the Democrats - so far Media has not polarized on any one candidate.

The democrats see companies closing as a good thing, getting rid of corporate America. The Democrates lives off people who are poor, on welfare, or minorities. Its part of their power to encourage socialism. The minimum wage is pretty much $15 in most places already, your lucky if you can get a cup of coffee anywhere for $1.00 or even $1.25. Many people are already willing to pay $5 for a coffee at Starbucks. Inflation isn't always a bad thing for such things as your wages go up and your mortgage remains the same. As with all media it depends on what you listen to as to who they are talking about. Bloomberg has many commercials out and has spent a ton of money but he really hasn't gotten much of a draw so far. As far as a woman for president I don't think most people have a problem with that in this day and age, but finding the right one is the problem.

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/25/20 12:38 AM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 02/25/20 12:41 AM

Sanders economics - free college, free health care... are workable

But not minimum wage increase to $15
This would mean inflation by 20%
Your $1 coffee would cost $1.25 minimum

In previous post I suggested SC will write history is because
it is the least developed state among those on the East Coast
based on having driven on the I-95
And likely to fall for Sanders Economics

Scenario 2:
On the other hand, Steyers, Warren or some other dark horse during debate
And Sanders comes second

In all these scenarios, Biden comes in 3rd
He has a major trust deficit -- "Impeachment",
His continuous reference to Obama period
Imagine Warren saying "You Sir, are not Obama!"

How else do you explain steep descent in his ratings?

A week to go.

we don't explain us politics. Trump was elected, which defies explanation and all polling and ratings at that time.

I was once again viewing the first Trump Hillary debate on You Tube
the way 'Secretary Clinton' was demolished right from the start
Trump listing out names of companies closed in Penn., Michigan
while Hillary was listening as if it were fresh news that CNN did not have.

Hillary was dead at start.
Media had to keep her going because Hillary's money was in Media
Trump - nothing

But between the Democrats - so far Media has not polarized on any one candidate.

The democrats see companies closing as a good thing, getting rid of corporate America. The Democrates lives off people who are poor, on welfare, or minorities. Its part of their power to encourage socialism. The minimum wage is pretty much $15 in most places already, your lucky if you can get a cup of coffee anywhere for $1.00 or even $1.25. Many people are already willing to pay $5 for a coffee at Starbucks. Inflation isn't always a bad thing for such things as your wages go up and your mortgage remains the same. As with all media it depends on what you listen to as to who they are talking about. Bloomberg has many commercials out and has spent a ton of money but he really hasn't gotten much of a draw so far. As far as a woman for president I don't think most people have a problem with that in this day and age, but finding the right one is the problem.

I am not sure where that information is gleaned from. How does anyone 'live off' poor, or welfare, or minorities? How does any of that tie to socialism.

The minimum wage is NOT $15 in most places.

I still think, even in this age, the status quo of 'man in charge' is something people still have bias towards, and a woman being there in place of a man is still something people have a problem with, at least at the executive level. I still think a woman in business or politics is held to a much higher scrutiny and standard than a man except, of course, when it comes to harassment in which women are given much more discretion and benefit of the doubt.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/25/20 06:59 AM
When I think of "minimum wage" I think in terms of what the prevailing local minimum wage is that an employer has to pay to get a starting worker who can actually work. It varies all over the country and it is mostly a demand vs availability thing. There is a difference between urban and rural as well as the local high school graduation rate. Where I am in Minnesota it is around $13/hour, here in Arkansas where I currently am it is more in the $8-9 range. Less jobs and more workers. The idea of a national minimum wage needs to significantly change and actually be based on geographic regions. One size fits all just doesn't work anymore.

jaish's photo
Tue 02/25/20 07:11 AM
Edited by jaish on Tue 02/25/20 07:20 AM

Sanders economics - free college, free health care... are workable

But not minimum wage increase to $15
This would mean inflation by 20%
Your $1 coffee would cost $1.25 minimum

In previous post I suggested SC will write history is because
it is the least developed state among those on the East Coast
based on having driven on the I-95
And likely to fall for Sanders Economics

Scenario 2:
On the other hand, Steyers, Warren or some other dark horse during debate
And Sanders comes second

In all these scenarios, Biden comes in 3rd
He has a major trust deficit -- "Impeachment",
His continuous reference to Obama period
Imagine Warren saying "You Sir, are not Obama!"

How else do you explain steep descent in his ratings?

A week to go.

we don't explain us politics. Trump was elected, which defies explanation and all polling and ratings at that time.

I was once again viewing the first Trump Hillary debate on You Tube
the way 'Secretary Clinton' was demolished right from the start
Trump listing out names of companies closed in Penn., Michigan
while Hillary was listening as if it were fresh news that CNN did not have.

Hillary was dead at start.
Media had to keep her going because Hillary's money was in Media
Trump - nothing

But between the Democrats - so far Media has not polarized on any one candidate.

The democrats see companies closing as a good thing, getting rid of corporate America. The Democrates lives off people who are poor, on welfare, or minorities. Its part of their power to encourage socialism. The minimum wage is pretty much $15 in most places already, your lucky if you can get a cup of coffee anywhere for $1.00 or even $1.25. Many people are already willing to pay $5 for a coffee at Starbucks. Inflation isn't always a bad thing for such things as your wages go up and your mortgage remains the same. As with all media it depends on what you listen to as to who they are talking about. Bloomberg has many commercials out and has spent a ton of money but he really hasn't gotten much of a draw so far. As far as a woman for president I don't think most people have a problem with that in this day and age, but finding the right one is the problem.

I am not sure where that information is gleaned from. How does anyone 'live off' poor, or welfare, or minorities? How does any of that tie to socialism.

The minimum wage is NOT $15 in most places.

I still think, even in this age, the status quo of 'man in charge' is something people still have bias towards, and a woman being there in place of a man is still something people have a problem with, at least at the executive level. I still think a woman in business or politics is held to a much higher scrutiny and standard than a man except, of course, when it comes to harassment in which women are given much more discretion and benefit of the doubt.

Socialism = some "Nationalization"
Amtrak is a fair example of people 'living off subsidies'

gravitational77's photo
Wed 02/26/20 02:30 PM
he is a socialist extreme left wing, just more gov't hand outs, spending my hard earned tax dollars, are foolish