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Topic: Do you trust/have faith in your Government?
darkowl1's photo
Wed 04/22/20 10:22 AM
Has anyone asked a Native American yet?

no????..... ok.indifferent

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 04/22/20 10:26 AM

Has anyone asked a Native American yet?

no????..... ok.indifferent


mysticalview21's photo
Thu 04/23/20 02:45 AM
smile2 :thumbsup:

darkowl1's photo
Thu 04/23/20 07:44 AM
I think they would have a terrifically long list of grievances. And Tom, You're very thorough with your lists at times, and I think you would be extremely impressed with theirs.... and the Gov't STILL won't listen to a single word.

Isn't that somethin?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 04/23/20 09:13 AM
I grew up in NWPA.
PA Native American tribes included Delaware, Erie, Honniasont, Iroquois, Saponi, Shawnee, Susquehanna, Tuscarora, Tutelo and Wenrohronon.
I lived primarily in Shawnee territory. Erie territory was to my North.

The thing is, how familiar is anyone with which tribes lived in their area?
Most of those tribes native to Pennsylvania I've never even heard of and I lived there.

Only a handful of tribes/nations survive to this day. Usually on reservations in sparsly populated areas.
Whole cultures were wiped out, gone forever.
We think naming street, rivers and valleys keeps their memory alive but its all a bunch of shidt.

The names of the Mississippi tribes included the Biloxi, Capinans, Chakchiuma, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Choula, Dakota, Grigra, Houma, Ibitoupa, Koroa, Moctobi, Natchez, Ofo, Okelousa, Pascagoula, Pensacola, Quapaw, Taposa, Tiou, Tunica and Yazoo.
I've been to the city of Biloxi, there is nothing Native American about it.

Native peoples within the state of Missouri included the Kickapoo, Shawnee, Ioway, Otoe, Delaware, and Osage. Most of these nations had been driven to Missouri from the east by growing numbers of white inhabitants.

Under sections 87 and 90 of the Indian Act, Status Indians do not pay federal or provincial taxes on their personal and real property that is on a reserve.

Today, there are over five million Native Americans in the United States, 78% of whom live outside reservations. When the United States was created, established Native American tribes were generally considered semi-independent nations, as they generally lived in communities separate from British settlers.

When the governmental authority of tribes was first challenged in the 1830's, U. S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall articulated the fundamental principle that has guided the evolution of federal Indian law to the present: That tribes possess a nationhood status and retain inherent powers of self-government.

So, from a Native American Indian status view, they are not part of the United States nation. So basically, for them to answer this thread, would not include issues with the United States government but their own government.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 04/24/20 10:10 AM
No I don't have Faith in government. They play politics not especially concerned about the people.

Butterfly7's photo
Fri 04/24/20 09:43 PM
There is only one native american tribe that did not sign a treaty with the white government. The Seminole nation.
Trust the government? some of the men and women are honest... the remainder I would not trust turning my back toward them.

no photo
Sat 06/06/20 11:45 PM
Yes, i believe that the Ghanaian president is really doing well in this pandemic

no photo
Sun 09/27/20 04:52 AM
Luke 20 Keeping a close watch on him, they sent spies, who pretended to be sincere. They hoped to catch Jesus in something he said, so that they might hand him over to the power and authority of the governor. 21 So the spies questioned him: “Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is right, and that you do not show partiality but teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. 22 Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”

23 He saw through their duplicity and said to them, 24 “Show me a denarius. Whose image and inscription are on it?”

“Caesar’s,” they replied.

25 He said to them, “Then give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”

garygee44's photo
Sat 10/17/20 07:40 PM
I think all politicians should wear uniforms. You know, like NASCAR drivers......
so we could identify their corporate sponsors ! :wink:

vinane's photo
Mon 10/19/20 12:08 AM
I don't trust the crooks anymore than I can throw them out. They have lied to us so many times. The lies include Saddamn had nukes, Pearl Harbor was a complete surprise, 911 was done by Osama, You have to pay a federal income tax, Gulf of Tonkin bombing, JFK was killed by Oswald, The whole Russian Collusion thing with Trump, and many others I cannot recall at this moment. They not only lie to us they support others that do like Gates, Soros, Fauci, and the banksters. They lied about marijuana being bad for you and it being a gateway drug. That lie lasted for decades and some of them are still telling it. There is absolutely no reason to trust the government because everytime one of them opens their mouth a lie comes out. And now they have the biggest lie of all going on and that is the scamdemic with a cold virus.

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