Topic: Ghost | |
Do you believe in ghosts?
I didn't until I joined online dating sites - now I get ghosted all the time
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I didn't until I joined online dating sites - now I get ghosted all the time ![]() Lol. No I do not believe in ghosts. |
Hang out at an abandoned cemetery or hospital from like 1am to 4am to see if you see ghosts or just your own shadow like a groundhog on groundhog day
I use to not believe until i moved into the house Im living in. Nkw I believe
I use to not believe until i moved into the house Im living in. Nkw I believe Why? |
I don't think I have ever seen a "ghost". I don't think that is "how it works".I have had some very odd incidents, happenings, feelings and sensations and somne of them seemed like a kind of communication.
Nothing of the white sheet variety and none of them were scarey. |
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Tue 02/04/20 04:15 PM
Yes, I do believe in ghosts. Or spirits rather. When empathy projects through time to people of the past who experienced the same profound experiences as you, there is a ghostly feeling. There is also genetic memory, where certain genes become more active for several generations, based on the life experiences of someone’s parents. What are we, besides the pieces we can identify within patterns? We are the rest of the pattern. We are the ghosts.
It's not a belief. It's fact.
I have addressed this many times before...
Do Aliens believe in ghosts? Do Ghosts believe in Aliens? Does bigfoot believe in ghosts? Does Nessie believe in Aliens? Do Chupacabra believe in ghosts? Do ghosts believe in the mothman? Do ghosts go to the bathroom? If ghosts have sex do they have boo babies? Is there an ectoplasm form of coffee for the morning ghosts? Why don't ghosts in the street follow you home? Ghosts don't like Walmart. Even poltergiest won't go there. I have heard about ghost dogs but never a ghost walrus. Has anyone ever seen a blind ghost with a ghost cane? I do not subscribe to religious 'beliefs'. I know what death is and I am not afraid of it. I've expressed my ideas (here) on a multitude of different beliefs others put a lot of weight into but have yet to find anything that reveals anything to the contrary of my own assessments. I have been looking for a long time. Physics is a difficult thing to get around when talking about ghosts and spirits. Demons seem to be only witnessed by the religious. Alien abductions only happen to others. Bigfoot isn't interested in my property. Problem is my imagination far exceeds my fear threshold. The things that scare me are things that real, living people do. Witches are scary because of their capacity to torture and kill another human being. Not because of any power they may think they gain. Much the same way I fear a terrorist that is willing to behead someone for their beliefs. There is no such thing as good or evil. Only the good or evil that people do to each other. Good and evil is a concept of morality. A concept of a thinking animal. Humans. In nature, there is no good or evil. Just live or die. Something dies so something else can live. I have no problem allowing anyone to live in their own fears but I refuse to allow others to demand that I share their fears for no good reason. Gravity Gravity exists even at the atomic level. Even the air is affected by gravity. I am expected to believe that a whisp of essence can manipulate gravity. The thing about gravity is the fact mass is affected by it. If you have no mass because you are all essence, you would not be affected by gravity. A ghost would no be able to stay on this planet. Maintaining position anywhere on Earth would require compensation and corrections even a super-computer would be taxed to make. Just staying in one relative position would require constant movement of around 500 mph and that is only to account for normal daily rotation. It would also need to compesate for how far the Earth moves in its revolution of the Sun, differences in distance from the Sun, the Sun's movement thru space, the galaxy's rotation and movement thru space and the super-cluster's movement thru space. That is one talented ghost ya got there. Odors Odors are molecules that are detected when those molecules come into contact with olfactory cells and the signal is sent to the brain. Am I supposed to believe ghosts can control scent molecules? Sounds Sounds are a frequency of vibration. A vibration of matter in a medium that can propagate the wave to your ears. For a ghost to notice a dish breaking requires that somehow the sound vibrations caused the entity's bones in its ears to vibrate. Which relays that signal to its ghostly brain and initiates a response. Sights You see only reflections of light waves on your eyes. There must be something physically there to reflect the prism to your eyes. Light is a spectrum when reflected to your retinas. You see colors because absorption and reflection removes color frequencies in different degrees. There has to be something there for light to emit from or be reflected by or you will not see anything. Sound is one example of this. You don't see music because there is nothing physical there for light to reflect to your eyes. Seeing anything requires a light reflection from something. We "feel" sound because it propagates a thru the atmosphere so its not really the sound you feel but the atmosphere being transmitted to your touch sensors. If there is no atmosphere you not only do not hear sound, you can't feel it either. There is no sound in space. Temperature Temperature is the speed at which something moves. Absolute Zero is no movement at all, thus the term frozen. Many people will tell you they feel a cold spot or a hot spot when describing their encounter. Temperature is movement of molecules or atoms. Movement of matter. A thought has no temperature because it is not matter. I can walk thru any space and detect differences in temperature. Perhaps the one having the encounter is just in tune with their senses from fear or excitement and notices temperature deviations at a greater degree than usual? Feelings Our human minds create feelings and senses from stimuli and experience. Understanding is by association. If the mind presets the associations, we feel/sense what we choose. If you expect the negative you readily see negative things. If you expect a ghost you will see ghosts if your mind is conditioned to expect them. Energy Everything in the Universe is comprised of energy. Even thought and our sense of self. Energy is not a bonding essence. Each point of energy exists of itself. Science cannot determine a single energy component like an atom of matter. It acknowledges saturation of energy in a value over time but it can't state what a single energy is, like an enron or something. Since we know that quarks, leptons and bosons have movement an electron is not the smallest essence of energy. For a person to become a force of energy a coherence must be formed that keeps the individual pieces of energy together and moving freely in a natural environment. Basically a Tesla arc that can manipulate its form and is of normal temperature range. Ghosts imply that without knowledge, training or experience, a ghost of a human being can manipulate and change the laws of physics at will, or, by accident. Not only harnessing anti-gravity technology (most ghosts float, pass thru things and such), they can suddenly manipulate matter for light to reflect and odors to become molecules. Ghosts can suddenly slow the atomic vibrations of air molecules to create cold spots or excite them to create hot spots. Plus, lets not forget that these manifestations of nothingness can also create physical waves of sound. If a ghost is imprinted on a location how does it deal with the Earth's rotation and the movement around the Sun? Ghosts are supposed to be non-material, having no physical mass. Without mass there can be no gravity affecting them. If a ghost can be imprinted to an object then breaking that object should release it. For a ghost to be seen it has to leave any object and manifest in air. Is the air haunted? Now I ask about wind and drafts. Why don't ghosts blow away? Light is photons. Light in your home does not manifest in a ball in the center of the room. It reflects off surfaces in a spectrum that we detect. Wind does not affect light. Light does not remain fixed to a location or an object. To see something light must hit your eyes. Do ghosts manifest their own light? Is that a talent that is learned when you learn to broadcast? Is it a property of an essence? Why do some people see a ghost yet others do not? Light is light. it is multi-directional. Can ghosts manipulate their light for some people but not everybody? If I broadcast strongly enough can I specify who gets to see my ghost? The thing about the human mind is - When something is seen that doesn't make sense the mind wraps it in relative references and draws conclusions. It must be an alien spacecraft; It must be a ghost, etc... I'm not making fun I am just stating obvious things from the real world. I know that people who think they encountered a ghost truly believe they did. All I'm saying is that when I do go to that haunted house with them and sit and wait so I can see what they saw I always leave with nothing new to consider. There may be a life form in the Universe that becomes ethereal by evolution. Its difficult to imagine the physical mechanism for such a change because no life on this planet has given precedence. Just because we have never seen it doesn't mean it can't exist somewhere, somewhen. We don't know what happens inside the event horizon of a black hole but we can draw conclusions from understanding the properties of mass and thermodynamics. Ghosts defy all the properties of reality that we have referenced. They require a methodology where there is no examples to draw comparisons from. Proof of a ghost would initiate an attempt to study it to understand the mechanisms which make it possible. The fact that we have encountered no properties that could cause a ghost, no science at all, is overwhelming evidence that they do not exist. Take it like a person that has never experienced night terrors. They suspect that night terrors might happen but they always happen to someone else. There is no proof that they are actually night terrors except for what the person relays to them. No matter how detailed the accounting, the acceptance of the tale still seems delusional. So they try to have a night terror and no matter what they try, it just won't happen for them. They see the terrified reactions others have when they happen but there is no real proof anything happened at all. Science can examine the person's brain and body and find nothing out of place. Shrinks can council and advise the person and sometimes they find relief "within themselves" by understanding what is triggering the emotional turmoil. Sometimes, despite counciling, night terrors continue because 'within', the turmoil that causes the emotional issue has not been resolved. I see it as an outsider witnessing someones delusions. I seek to understand rather than experience their delusions. To fully understand, I would need to experience a night terror to have some kind of reference. So, if I believe in ghosts, I'll see one? Perhaps if I am deluded. If I believe in Godzilla I will see him? Holy gee-williacres, all this time I thought he was a fantasy. People say ya gotta have faith to see a ghost. Faith in what? Fear based on my own mortality? I am not afraid of death. Faith is accepting someone else's perception of reality? That is called delusion. Delusions can be shared but it doesn't make them reality. Reality is all the stuff that is, whether anyone believes it or not. Reality is not dependent on perception. Requires no proof or acknowledgement. Reality is what causes you to be able to read the words I type. You don't need to believe you are sitting on a chair if you are actually sitting on a chair. If I take a step and only believe there is a floor under my foot I will end up in the basement. I certainly won't walk over empty air. For the next two weeks believe that you are eating but never actually take a bite. When you get hungry, just believe that you are full. Have a little faith that you are full. Have a lot of faith that you are full. It won't change the fact of reality that you are starving. No matter what you believe. We need delusions so we can deal with the stark finality of reality. Our delusions help us cope with living in reality. Everyone is deluded about something. Do you think your car is mad at you sometimes? Do you think your computer hates you sometimes? If you kill a spider do you expect it to rain? People live and act based on delusions. Anyone that thinks they are not deluded about anything are deluded about that. Some delusions are good. They stop ya from doing something you might have otherwise done that would have killed you. You see ghosts. Someone else sees leprechauns. Another sees demons. Another sees fairies. At what point does the delusion become reality? What if 50 people see ghosts? 1,000 people see ghosts? 1,000 people saw a monster burn a village. It turned people to stone. 1,000 other people saw a terrible volcano. Ask the ones that saw a monster and they can relate the awful details. Some will agree that it must be a monster. They buy into the delusion on faith. Perhaps you do see ghosts and take comfort in your religion. I really have no problem with that. As long as you are content with your life, who am I to criticize? Its your life, just like mine is my life. No matter where you go, there you are. Who, besides you, is better to run your life? That realization was one of the hardest delusions for me to overcome. I still struggle with the head games others play to try to make me do what they want with my own life. Society is so saturated with controls and influences you can't interact without encountering someone or something that is trying to control you. I believe delusions are vital to sanity. People have delusions for a reason, even if we don't know why, exactly. Reality is harsh. Delusions are a defense mechanism against that harsh reality. They help us cope with things we do not wish to embrace. I liken it to the person that takes offense at being ignorant. Ignorance is merely a lack of understanding. People are conditioned against certain words because of their associations to adverse reactions of others. Many people take offense when no offense is intended thru ignorance or a delusion of accuracy. While I try to allow others to have their own ideas about things, I, too often, am not afforded the same allowances. Thus, I am forced to defend my views as if I am the one in error. Ghosts are in the mind and heart if you allow them to be. Frankly, I'm not interested in going there so to me, ghosts DO NOT EXIST. |
At one point in my life i was very fascinated and curious about ghosts. I would read alot of incidents about them on internet. Somewhere back of my mind i wanted to believe in them yet my morals wont let me believe in them without experiencing any sort of proof.
Then one day i experienced something which i couldn't explain at that moment but later i realized it was all a misunderstanding of situations and there were never ghosts. I even went to cemetery to spend the whole night. It was a mass cemetery of british troops from ww1 era in northern india. I heard nothing but owls hoot and I stayed there until sunrise. I watched the beautiful sunrise sitting on top of a grave of unknown soldier. |
The concept of an afterlife, ghosts, spirits and preservation of soul are based on religion.
It is most likely only those who have religious beliefs will believe ghosts can exist. It is likewise least likely someone without religious beliefs will believe ghosts exist. This simple fact says more than anyone's so-called experience with ghosts. Likewise, the belief in reincarnation is directly related to religious beliefs. People who have no such beliefs are more likely to view death as a natural process. Not really feared but not really looking forward to it either. However, to religious people full of fear over their 'sins', death scares the hell out of them, literally. Ghosts illicit an sense of fear. Frankly, I would love to meet a ghost. I would have so many questions for it. I would ask it to do some tests for me so I could understand it better. Here, can you move this balloon across the table? Can you move this cement block across the same table, how about this huge chunk of lead? Oh boy, me and the ghost would have a great time figuring out what it can do. |
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The Wrong Alice
Mon 04/06/20 02:27 PM
People can be ghosts while they're still alive, lord knows I've felt like 1 myself often enough, and met a few
But I don't suppose that's what you mean But yes, I believe in them, I think I saw 1 once, it didn't look like a person though, it looked a bit like a galaxy, only obviously smaller, I had an innate sense that it was my mum's uncle, who had passed, obviously, in the hall of his house. And others sometimes, (though these looked different) though usually sort of in the corner of my eye, again, having a sort of innate sense that they're there, usually when your focused sort of inwardly, so outwardly as well, you know, when you sort off drift of a bit |
I see what I would describe as dimensional creatures (whisps) all the night...watching movies in a dark room.
Sometimes its kinda freaky. Like lil black animals flittering around the furniture off in the corner of my vision. LOL, I laugh. Never seen them in the day. Never seen them while watching movies with the light on. Never seen them directly. Only seen them while staring at a backlit screen. Their movement is always in alignment with the rate of flicker from the screen. If I believed such things existed, I would claim I am visited by creatures from a dark dimension at night. A whole biosphere of different sizes and shapes. But hey, its just a trick of the light and my vivid imagination. No worries. |