Topic: Hey all... | |
awwww you werent blushing during filming hahaha
i'm all business in the videos lol
omg lmao you rock
i rock so hard. and we have evidence now
yeah but i still want my playgirls and nylons back you little turd!
you can have them when you pry them from my cold dead fingers
ohhh you sick little.....hehehehe
ohhh you sick little.....hehehehe you say i'm sick... i say PARTY TIME! |
can i get an AMEN?
no i'm fresh out of amens
oh crap...well, what ya got left?
i've got a few bmens left
can i get a good price on one?
only 0.99 cents today. thats right the low low price of a fraction of a penny
but wait, dont order yet, if you call in the next 10 minutes we will throw in a handy carrying case at no extra cost!
but wait there's more! yes there's so much more!
oooooohhhhh tell me
we'll also throw in this handy dandy chopper, and this amazing crazy towel and this 30 position ladder, and this incredible hulk, and this knife that never dulls, and this industrial sized tub of oxy clean, a $10 value for just two more payments of $40